Eat Real to Heal Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More ( PDFDrive Flipbook PDF - PDF Free Download (2024)

Copyright © 2018 Nicolette Richer. Published by Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc. Cover and Layout Design: Elina Diaz Cover Photography and Vegetable Flat Lay: Anastasia Chomlack Mango is an active supporter of authors’ rights to free speech and artistic expression in their books. The purpose of copyright is to encourage authors to produce exceptional works that enrich our culture and our open society. Uploading or distributing photos, scans or any content from this book without prior permission is theft of the author’s intellectual property. Please honor the author’s work as you would your own. Thank you in advance for respecting our author’s rights. For permission requests, please contact the publisher at: Mango Publishing Group 2850 Douglas Road, 3rd Floor Coral Gables, FL 33134 U.S.A. [emailprotected] For special orders, quantity sales, course adoptions and corporate sales, please email the publisher at [emailprotected]. For trade and wholesale sales, please contact Ingram Publisher Services at: [emailprotected] or +1.800.509.4887. Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis to Cancer and More This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his or her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Library of Congress Cataloging ISBN: (print) 978-1-63353-782-8 (ebook) 978-1-63353-783-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2018952296 BISAC category code: CKB039000—COOKING Health & Healing General Printed in the United States of America

Praise for Eat Real to Heal “Nicolette is like an encouraging best friend who takes you by the hand and leads you into a new way of eating and living. She’s not preaching a gimmicky weight loss diet or a ‘miracle’ powder or pill. She’s preaching about real, unprocessed food that’s packed with nutrients—food that makes your body say, ‘Thank you. This feels so good!’ Keep this book in your kitchen and it will serve as a daily reminder to take excellent care of your body—after all, it’s the only one you’ve got!” —Alexandra Franzen, author of You’re Going to Survive “What a wonderful read! Nicolette describes in detail the specific protocols for implementing the Gerson Therapy, but she also offers us a plethora of tools in setting ourselves up for optimum health success.” —Nancy Kremer, writer/producer, Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless feature film “This is the real deal to heal. Richer smoothly guides us through an attainable step by step healing process. She alleviates the daunting and overwhelming fears around overcoming illness with a simple and necessary tool to heal, giving those traumatized with a negative diagnosis a real chance at living again.” —Erica Nasby, Personal Development Coach and Speaker, Exit Reality Corp. “Nicolette Richer not only makes the science of healing and longterm health easy to understand, she breaks it down into very consumable chunks (no pun intended). I have known her for many years and I trust her advice completely. Every bit of what she recommends has been thoroughly researched and tested on herself and her family. This is not a fad diet. This is for real! And it works. Her mission to help you heal your body is sincere and from the heart. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to live a long and healthful life.”

—Sylvia Dolson, author, aspiring centenarian, and animal welfare advocate “I met Nicolette when I was traveling through Canada. We instantly hit it off, having a mutual passion for food, health, and … a billion other things. Working alongside her and watching this project, and the beautiful ‘PS I Love You’ campaign, come to life was nothing short of incredible. So many people reach out to her for help. In writing this book she will be able to reach all of them, creating a ripple effect that will touch many lives forever.” —Stephie Hennekam, Certified Dietitian, plant-based yogi and Richer Health team player “Eat real food. Be healthy. Nicolette shares a simple, powerful idea with us all in this wonderful book. Her heartfelt message is backed up by years of experience, and a solid plan on how to live and eat well. Told in her own passionate voice, this book has transformed my life! This book condenses Nicolette’s wonderful advice into a convenient package to keep at home. You can hear her voice in every page, full of enthusiasm and joy at sharing the simple, beautiful idea of eating real to heal. Try it. Feel it. Believe it.” —Selene Moore, teacher, artist, mom and Eat Real to Heal convert

CONTENTS Foreword Introduction How Do You Want to Feel? Is This for You? What You’ll Learn What You’ll Need Five Things to Know Legal Disclaimer Part One: Understanding—and Beating—Disease What Is a Chronic Disease? Why Do Chronic Diseases Happen? Myths about Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases What Is the Gerson Therapy? Why Hasn’t the Gerson Therapy Been FDA-Approved? The History of the Gerson Therapy From Death’s Door…Back to Life The Six Components of Gerson Therapy Frequently Asked Questions about Food and Disease Part Two: Your New Lifestyle Begins Ready to Reverse Disease and Feel Amazing? The Best Time to Change Your Lifestyle Was Yesterday. Eating Real Eating Real: A Sample Meal Plan The Power of Eating Real Cooking Techniques My Favorite Recipes Time-Saving Tips But I Already Eat Really Healthy! But What about Protein? But What about Salt? And What about Alcohol? Healing Reactions A Few Tips for Parents Mindful Eating From Miscarriage To Miracle All about Juicing

Nutrient Absorption Detoxification Supplements Measuring Your Progress After the Five-Week Mark Part Three: Your Whole Health Plan Creating Your Whole Health Plan Movement Managing Stress Unlimited Energy Detoxifying the Home Connecting with Nature Become a Tree-Hugger Connecting with Your Breath Simple Breathing Exercises Hydration and Water Contamination Goals and Your Subconscious Mind Becoming a Savvy Patient Ask the Right Questions The Facts about Medical Error Build Your Whole Health Team Write Your Own Prescription Closing Words Acknowledgments Resources Example Daily Food Guide Nicolette Richer About the Green Moustache

FOREWORD It would be hard to find a more energetic, enthusiastic proponent of natural health than Nicolette Richer. Her knowledge and commitment to helping those around her retain, recover, and maintain their good health shine through these pages like a bright floodlight, bringing intelligent observation and deep understanding to the immense task of educating people about the power of nutrition to fuel the human immune system. This book is more than just a dietary recommendation. It is vastly more than that, including sections on exercise, meditation, parenting, and healing, all with good humor and wry wit, and a love of humanity, family and friends that is rare to see in these contentious times. Not only is Nicolette an advocate for good, nay, great health, her worldwide travels and eclectic background give her a broad perspective and understanding about how and why people need to have the information she shares. Oh, great-tasting, healing and lifegiving food, happily shared with friends and family, is a terrific start, but that’s only a starting point for Nicolette’s unstoppable drive to help people understand how, and more importantly why, to practice mindful agriculture, cuisine, exercise, and peacefulness. The combination is powerfully attractive, drawing fans not only from her local community, but also from a much wider audience and an eclectic mixture of cultures and nationalities. Having founded the chain of plant-based whole-food Green Moustache restaurants, Nicolette is seeing an international surge of interest in her methods. Medical doctors, initially skeptical of her approach, have quite literally been forced to acknowledge its correctness by seeing tangible results in patients they would have otherwise deemed “incurable.” Government health department officials have responded by consulting with Nicolette regarding their own organizations’ goals and problems. She has lectured in China to a highly receptive audience, half of whom were physicians. Nicolette uses a philosophy strongly grounded in the Gerson Therapy, biochemistry, and nutritional sciences. This, combined with a sharp,

assured intelligence and business savvy, brings results to her audiences and clients. Her confident delivery, combined with deep knowledge and long experience, resonates strongly with layman and health professional alike. This book reflects all the above qualities in a delightful combination that is a joy to read, helpful beyond virtually any health book you can find, with practical instructions and often laugh-out-loud parenting moments thrown in for leavening. Read it, have a ball, be inspired and heal! Howard Straus Carmel, CA 2018

INTRODUCTION My mom and grandma raised me on real food. Thanks to our African and East Indian heritage, our home was always filled with simmering stews and soups, warm baked potatoes and okra, curried veggies and whole-grain rice, and tons of fresh, crunchy salads. We always had vegetables and fruits growing in the backyard. We rarely ate meat. Processed junk food like macaroni, canned soda, potato chips, or sugary granola bars—this stuff just wasn’t part of our routine. I don’t think I ate a single bite of junk food until I was in my early teens. That’s when everything changed. The first and last time time my lips tasted Kraft Dinner was when I was twenty-nineyears-old—a ridiculous pregnancy craving that came back up just as fast as it went down. Clearly, my soon-to-be-born babe inside wasn’t impressed. In high school, like many teenagers, I started working and earning a bit of my own money. I wish I could say that I spent my money on educational books, or that I donated my money to noble charities. Not exactly. I spent my money on Diet co*ke, Mars bars, Big Macs, and dishes of gravy-smothered poutine. Immediately, my body reacted to these toxins. I developed intensely painful PMS symptoms and terrible, embarrassing acne. Of course, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Is it because of what I’ve been eating?” I stopped eating junk food and, just like magic, my bloating, cramps, and zits disappeared. That’s when I realized what my mom and grandma already knew—the food you put into your body has a direct impact on how you look and feel. This is common sense, of course. But sometimes, we have to experience it in order to believe it. I graduated from high school, went to university, and pursued a career in environmental studies. Later, I went on to complete my master’s in Environmental Education and Communication at Royal Roads University. I specialized in researching toxicity in the air, water, and soil, and studying the link between pollution and chronic

diseases, including cancer. Over the years, I did thousands of hours of research, wrote hundreds of papers, and reported my findings while working for non-profits and government organizations. It was exciting work, although frustrating at times. Frustrating because, even with all the knowledge we’ve gained about how environmental pollution can shorten our lives, many governments and companies are still doing very little to make things better. I loved my work, but most of the time, I felt powerless. I was exhausted, as I felt like I was endlessly pushing a boulder uphill—a boulder that government and corporations kept wanting to bury. Often, I’d think, “I’m just one person. Sure, I can keep reporting my findings and keep creating education programs and policies. But there’s not much I can do to influence government policies and change all of these big systems if the other people within these organizations don’t want to also make the changes.” The bureaucracy within the places I worked was thick like smog, slow-moving like a big, leaking oil tanker, and as resistant as a thousand tons of toxic lead. I needed to do more, but I didn’t know what. When a friend was diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer, I recalled that another friend, Bill, ten years earlier, had also been diagnosed with cancer. It had been stage IV. Terminal. Things were really bad. I remember not knowing how to respond when I heard about his diagnosis and prognosis. I remember being heartbroken and frightened for him—but, rather than opting for chemotherapy, my friend did something radical: He completely transformed his eating habits. He switched to a 100 percent plant-based meal plan packed with organic veggies, fruits, and nutrient-dense juices. He did the Gerson Therapy. He fueled his body with the best possible food— straight from gardens, trees, bushes, and vines. Within a few months, his cancer markers were…gone. Completely gone. As if they’d never existed. Within a year, he was cancer-free. His doctors were astounded. This seventy-two-year-old man had completely healed himself using food as medicine, and he was rewarded by living twenty more years. I tried to explain the Gerson Therapy to my other recently-diagnosed friend, but failed miserably, as I really

didn’t know what it entailed. This is where my research transitioned and merged from environmental health to human health. I was astounded by Bill’s recovery, too, and the fact that food had the power to heal his cancerous body, let alone reverse the emperor of all maladies. It was a pivotal moment in my life and career. Years after witnessing my friend’s stunning recovery, and after much research which overcame my skepticism, I quit my job in the environmental sector. I decided to dedicate the next chapter of my life to studying the nature of, and the connection between, food and disease. I want to help other people beat disease—and beat the odds —just like Bill did. And that’s what I’ve done. Today, I work as an orthom*olecular nutritionist, which means I study how food can be used as medicine to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, prevent and reverse all types of life-induced chronic degenerative disease, and help people heal faster, live longer, and most importantly, live well. I’m also the founder of the Green Moustache, a collection of 100 percent organic, plant-strong, wholefood cafes, now with eight locations across Canada (and growing). I’m on a mission to change the way people eat. It’s not just a career for me. Truly, it’s an obsession. Why? Because I’ve seen—hundreds of times—just how powerful the results can be when my clients turn to food as medicine instead of drugs. I have clients who have come to me with blown discs and excruciating back pain, who, after switching their diets from processed junk to real food, find that their pain goes away, their discs regenerate, and they reclaim their families, their careers, and their lives. I have clients who come to me with cancerous tumors, and after eight weeks of organic, nutrient-dense food and juicing, the tumors have shrunk by 50 percent, or in some instances, they’ve vanished completely. I have clients who come to me years after they’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. After working with me to overhaul their kitchen

and their diet, their markers normalize, and their doctors have to take them off of their medications—sometimes in as little as seven days. I have clients who sit in my office, sobbing, totally discouraged, because all they want is to get pregnant and they’re battling infertility and endometriosis. Less than one year later, they’re nursing a healthy baby. I have young clients who are scheduled to receive highly invasive surgery—like a hysterectomy—but, after radically changing their diet, their fibroids are gone in less than three months, and the surgery gets cancelled. I have clients who are living with intense physical and emotional pain—daily migraines, arthritis, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts—and, after switching to real food, they feel a hundred times better, and they are able to ditch the meds and rebuild their lives, careers, and relationships. Almost every time, their doctors are stunned. “This is incredible. Such a big change. How did this happen?” they ask. Well, it’s pretty simple. It happened because food—real, whole, diverse, nutrient-rich, garden-grown food, not processed and refined junk food—is a powerful form of medicine. And for many people living with a chronic degenerative disease, it may be the only form of medicine that will help them, not just manage their disease, but reverse it entirely. Food can be toxic, or food can be healing, depending on what you decide to eat. This is common sense, right? When you put processed food into your body, you feel lethargic and bloated, and you interfere with your body’s natural ability to heal. When you switch to clean, unprocessed, nutritious, high-quality food, you feel better and heal faster. It’s just that simple. If this isn’t common sense right now, then this book will teach you how to make it so. When it comes to healing with food—if you weren’t raised in a

society or held in a community where food is considered medicine— then you’ll simply have to make the switch to clean real food and experience its healing benefits yourself. We can’t always control how governments, big businesses, and the food industry operate, or how they’re harming the environment, or how quickly or slowly they decide to make positive changes. But there is one thing we do have control over—we can control what we eat. Only you can control what goes into your mouth; therefore, you have a great deal of control over your health. It’s time to take all of this power back into your own hands. …

How Do You Want to Feel? Really think about this question. Do you want to feel awake, alive, and strong? Do you want to feel active and fit? Do you want to feel clear-minded and focused? Do you want to feel so energized that you can do and accomplish anything you want? Do you want to feel like you’re taking excellent care of your body—the one and only body you’ve got? Do you want to live long enough to see your kids and grandkids get married? Do you want to feel deep joy and make memories— cycling, skiing, hiking, laughing with friends, traveling and having adventures? Do you want to feel vibrant, with plenty of energy for everything you want to do? If you want to feel like that, it all starts with the food you put into your body. It’s time, right now, to decide how you want to feel. And then, let’s make a series of changes so you can feel that way. This book is exactly the right place to start.

Is This for You? Eat Real to Heal is the right book for you if… • You’ve been diagnosed with an illness, like an autoimmune disorder, infertility, heart disease, diabetes, depression, obesity, anxiety, or cancer—and you want to power up your immune system, restore your metabolism, regenerate your tissues and organs, and give your body every possible advantage in the healing process. • You have other non-life-threatening (but annoying) diseases like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or acne, and you want to see improvements. • You are living with chronic pain, like arthritis, back pain, headaches, migraines, gut discomfort, restless legs, and you want to have this pain disappear for good. • You’ve been relying on medication to manage your symptoms, and you’d love to kick the meds and never have to take them again. (No more pills, and no more unwanted side effects!) • You’ve had cancer in the past and you’re in remission, but your body has been weakened by chemo, radiation, or surgery. You want to fuel yourself with the best possible food so you can heal faster. • You’ve witnessed your loved ones suffering—arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s, obesity, all kinds of health issues—and you want to take preventive action. You want to protect yourself from developing those same diseases now, or further down the road. • You haven’t been diagnosed with any specific illness, but you just don’t feel great. You feel tired, lethargic, bloated, just not your best. You’d like to feel much better. • You already lead a fairly healthy lifestyle, but you’re ready for an upgrade. You want to feel even better. You’re aiming for optimum health, not just pretty good health. • You see people on social media and TV sipping colorful veggie

juices, hiking in nature, and doing yoga poses, smiling, glowing with radiant health, and you think, “I want that life!” If you fall into any of those categories, then this book is for you. PS: If you are feeling blue or depressed, suffer from pre-or postpartum depression, are taking sleeping pills, or are thinking about taking your own life, then this book is definitely for you. Before reading further, contact our office, and one of our team members will give you the time and information you need so you can start experiencing mental clarity within as little as a few days.

What You’ll Learn In this book, I’ll teach you how to: • Revamp your eating habits and your lifestyle. • Flood your body with nutrients and detoxify your system. • Boost your immune system and turn your body into a diseasefighting machine. • Build a health-promoting and disease-reversing kitchen and get rid of your disease-promoting kitchen. Our goal is to get you feeling vibrant, strong, and energized, and give you the best possible chance at preventing and beating all kinds of chronic diseases—from acne to diabetes to cancer. As you may have noticed, this book isn’t about helping you manage your disease and live with your symptoms. It’s about teaching you what you need to do to eliminate them for good. …

What You’ll Need To follow the principles in this book, you will need: • A water filtration system, like a water distiller or Berkey filter, because we don’t want you drinking contaminated water.

• A juicer that’s sturdy and easy to clean. I love my Norwalk juicer, but if that’s too pricey for your budget, there are lots of other options. I have several recommendations on page 108 of this book. • A strong, easy-to-clean blender like the Vitamix or Blendtec. • Stainless-steel pots and pans with water/airtight lids • Food mill (for soup) • Citrus reamer • Sharp kitchen knives • Several pounds of organic, free-trade, coarsely-ground coffee, light to medium roast. • A coffee enema kit, including a stainless-steel (the better option) or the traditional plastic bucket, silicone tubing, a silicone enema bulb, and a set of washable tips. Google “Gerson Therapy coffee enema kit” to find one. You can get the entire kit on or for less than thirty dollars, or from Richer Health. • A couple of old towels and blankets and a comfy pillow. • A yoga mat, or some other space in your home where you can do some gentle stretching, exercise, meditation, and breathwork. • Fresh lemon juice, organic white vinegar, and microfiber cotton cloths, which are non-toxic options for cleaning your home. • And, most importantly, a kitchen that’s stocked with organic fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and oils. You’ll definitely want: potatoes, tomatoes, onions, collard greens, leafy greens, squashes, apples, carrots, bananas, lemons, organic oats, maple syrup (or honey or molasses), apple cider vinegar, flax oil, and fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, and basil, for starters. I encourage my clients to eat thirty different types of fruits and veggies every week. We want abundance and diversity! See the lists of foods to eat in abundance, foods to eat in moderation,

and foods to avoid on page 188. • There are a couple of other gadgets that you can invest in later, if you like, but don’t worry about those right now. Stick to the items listed above, and you’re ready to go! …

Five Things to Know Before you dive into this book, here are five things to know… 1. Eating real food will change your life. Every single aspect of your life is about to get a major upgrade. Exciting, right? When you eat real food, you sleep more deeply. You experience less inflammation and pain. Your skin becomes clearer. If you’re battling a disease, your body will be fully equipped to fight back and heal. The more real food you eat, the better you feel. 2. Real food is not fussy and complicated. It’s the opposite of complicated. It’s simple. Whenever I use the term “real food,” I’m talking about food that is clean, organic, nutrient-dense, and unprocessed. Food that grows directly from the soil, bushes, vines, and trees. Simple food. Pure food. The food your body was designed to enjoy. 3. Switching to real food doesn’t mean you’re sacrificing flavor. This is a common misconception. Real food doesn’t have to be boring and bland. It can be absolutely delicious! Our beautiful planet has been carefully crafted to offer us an incredible diversity of colorful and tasty foods to fuel and heal our bodies. It is estimated that humans can eat nearly three hundred thousand plant species on Earth, yet, in Western industrialized nations like North America, we consume fewer than two hundred species. Even worse, we get half of our plant-sourced protein from rice and wheat. Read Warren’s The Nature of Crops to learn more about how we’ve come to eat the plants we do. Since the industrial revolution, we’ve been coerced by the fakefood industry to the point where we are physically and mentally addicted to processed foods that cause disease. Similar to cigarettes, illegal drugs and alcohol, we are addicted to the chemicals in processed refined foods. However, there’s a way to

break the addiction, and that’s by doing everything outlined in this book. This will reboot your brain, rebuild the 140 quadrillion members of your microbiome, and recharge and regenerate your mitochondria and metabolism. Even more amazing, by following the principles in this book, your taste buds will regrow, and, even if you didn’t grow up eating or even liking the textures and tastes of real whole foods, your palate will start to appreciate and love them—and will even crave them. For breakfast, perhaps you’d like to have a big, beautiful bowl of slow-cooked oats with stewed fruits. You can even add some bright, freshly pressed orange or grapefruit juice. For lunch and dinner, maybe a delightful and large mixed green salad with shredded carrots, beets and cabbage, drizzled with a cilantro-lime vinaigrette? Or a baked potato topped with crunchy veggies and a zesty, garlicky homemade herb dressing? Add a big, comforting bowl of stewed veggies, a savory kidney cleanse soup, and a trio of herbed baked veggies. Sounds delicious, right? For dessert, you can enjoy a soft, crumbly dish of baked apples with cinnamon, nutmeg, a dash of maple syrup, and a scoop of banana ice cream. Yum. Throughout this book, you’ll see that real food can be tantalizing and satisfying. You’re not sacrificing flavor. You’re simply upgrading your ingredients for the best of the best. 4. This is not a “diet.” It’s a lifelong promise. A “diet” (like a “weight loss diet”) is a temporary plan. You follow the plan for a while, but, ultimately, you feel deprived and frustrated, and you decide, “OK, this diet is over!” You fall back into old eating habits. You’ve probably gotten into this pattern several times, right? Did you know that studies show that 97 percent of dieters regain everything they lost and more within three years? Diets are wonderful for emergency health situations, but are rarely the answer for general health and wellness.

It’s time to break that pattern. It’s time for a permanent shift, not a temporary one. I want you to switch to real food for the rest of your life, not just for a couple of weeks. What I’m recommending in this book is not a “quick-fix diet.” It’s a lifelong promise. You’re saying, “I promise to fuel my body with the best possible fuel, every day, for the rest of my life.” Why? Because you are worth it. Does this mean you can never eat a Kit Kat or Aero candy bar ever again? Does this mean Cheetos are off-limits forever and ever? Look, if you want to enjoy a Wunderbar once in a blue moon, I don’t recommend it, but I can’t stop you. If you absolutely must have it, then have it, and enjoy it. Just know that processed food has consequences—sometimes small consequences, and sometimes big ones. Similar to how most drug and alcohol addicts couldn’t kick their addiction on a moderation plan or by adopting “cheat” Sundays, I recommend you take the cold-turkey approach. Evidence shows that processed foods are just as addictive as cigarettes, alcohol and the strongest prescribed and non-prescription drugs. It’s time to break the cycle, kick the habit, and step into your new life of health and well-being. Here’s some great news, though: Once you switch to real food, you’ll notice that your preferences change. After about two weeks, your taste buds regenerate. The junk food that used to taste amazing suddenly tastes like… blech. Garbage. A salt lick that even a cow wouldn’t touch. Death even. You won’t have the same cravings that you have right now. Bottom line: We all have to ask ourselves, “What’s more important to me: the fifteen-second pleasure of eating a Cadbury candy bar, or my health?” I hope you’ll decide that your health—your life, your one and only life—is more precious than a rectangle of refined sugar. 5. Food is important, but it’s not everything. When you upgrade your eating habits, the shift is immediate and profound. Within one week, you’ll feel changes—you’ll start

to feel better. Within two to three weeks, you’ll start looking different. Within a month, your blood tests and lab results can reflect all kinds of positive changes. So much can change in a short span of time. You will be amazed. Of course, food isn’t everything. However, according to the research, food is roughly 90 percent of the cause of your health problems. The goal is to upgrade every aspect of your lifestyle, not just food. This means finding ways to de-stress and clear your mind. Moving your body every day. Walking. Breathing deeply. Drinking plenty of water. Getting a full night’s rest (which will come naturally when you follow the principles in this book). Connecting with loved ones face-to-face, not just on a digital screen. Becoming a savvy patient and taking an active role in your story, not just being a passive bystander. With every upgrade you make, you'll look and feel better. Your body will say, “thank you” in a thousand different ways.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER This book will teach you how to use food—fruits, vegetables, some grains, and a few key supplements—as medicine so that you can prevent and reduce your risk factors for disease and lead a healthier, happier life. However, this book is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice. Please do not use this book as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician—or another qualified health provider—with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In the event of a medical emergency, call a doctor or 911 immediately. Always use common sense and listen to your body. If you sense that something isn’t right, take action. However, if you are like a recent client of mine, who is less than thirty years old and was diagnosed with cancer and scheduled for the removal of major organ systems, suffers from a history of chronic health conditions, and was told by an oncologist not to give up smoking and definitely not to change to a plant-strong diet and lifestyle—well, just go ahead and tell your doctor, “You are FIRED!” and get yourself a second and third opinion. You are allowed to do that. And find a doctor who has more than the allocated two hours of nutritional training given in most medical schools.

What Is a Chronic Disease? A chronic disease is defined as a disease that lasts three months or more. It’s not a cold or flu that clears up within a few days. It’s a disease that persists—causing long-term stress, pain, and frustration, reducing your quality of life, or even shortening your life. Chronic diseases include arthritis, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, epilepsy and seizures, obesity, and cancer. Non-life-threatening conditions like acne, headaches, migraines, and skin conditions can be considered chronic disease, too. Anything that’s happening in your body for a long time—several months in a row—that’s a chronic disease. Chronic diseases can be prevented, reversed, and eliminated— without medication. How? By fueling yourself with real food, which repairs damaged cells, tissues, organelles, and organs, rebuilds your microbiome, boosts your immune system and metabolism, and allows your body to naturally fight disease effectively. That’s what this entire book is about. …

Why Do Chronic Diseases Happen? After being diagnosed with cancer—or any other chronic disease— the first question that most people ask is, “Why?” “Why is this happening to my body? Where does this disease come from? Is it genetic? Is it caused by toxins in the environment? Is it because I grew up next to a power plant that was always spewing smoke into the air? Is it because I used to drink Diet co*ke every day? Is it caused by stress? Is it something I did, or didn’t do? Did I exercise too much or too little? Is God punishing me or testing me?”

The answer is… Maybe all of those things. Maybe some of those things. Maybe none of those things. It’s nearly impossible to know exactly why a chronic disease develops, because the causes can be “everything and anything.” So, if you’ve got cancer, what caused it? We don’t know. We may never know. In my opinion, the best course of action is to stop worrying about what happened in the past, and instead, take charge of your present and future. Let’s focus on what you can you start doing—right now, today—to boost your immune system and start healing. Even though you may never know exactly why you got sick, the good news is that you have a great deal of control over your eating habits and lifestyle—and therefore, a great deal of control over your body’s healing process. Instead of obsessing about what caused your disease, let’s focus on how to beat it. Focus on what you’re eating today. What you’re drinking today. How you’re taking care of yourself today. Today can be the first day of a healthier, stronger, and, eventually, pain-and disease-free life. …

Myths about Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases Myth: Cancer is mostly caused by genetic factors. This is false. Only 3–5 percent of chronic diseases, including cancer, are caused by genetic factors. The other 95 percent of chronic diseases are caused by a combination of non-genetic factors,

including stress, lifestyle, eating habits, pollution, and many other environmental factors. Even if you have a family history of cancer, this doesn’t mean you’re definitely going to get cancer, too. Epigenetic factors, the mechanisms other than your own DNA that switch genes on and off, can either promote healthy development or harm it. By upgrading your lifestyle—especially your eating habits—you can radically change your destiny. Myth: The most effective treatment for cancer is chemotherapy. This is false. Chemo has a very low success rate. For certain types of cancer, the success rate ranges from 2.1–42 percent. Can you imagine getting onto an airplane with a pilot who has a 2.1–42 percent success rate of landing the plane safely? It sounds insane, right? And yet, that’s what we’re doing when we put our bodies through chemo. A recent poll asked doctors, “If you were diagnosed with cancer, would you choose chemo as your treatment?” 75 percent said no, because they’re painfully aware of chemo’s ineffectiveness. Bottom line: chemo doesn’t always work. In fact, it hurts more often than it helps. Chemo wreaks havoc on the body, weakening your immune system, making it more difficult to heal. Should you say no to chemo? I can’t make that choice for you. It’s a deeply personal choice, and it’s something that you and your health team must decide together. But, when making this life-altering decision, it’s important that you have all the facts. To begin, ask your doctor, who should also be knowledgeable about nutrition, to help you understand how you could combine nutrition, chemotherapy, and other non-invasive treatments to increase your chances of healing for the long term. Myth: Cancer is caused by viruses in the air. This is false. Cancer is not caused by a virus. It’s not something you can “catch” like the flu. However, there can sometimes be an indirect connection between viruses and cancer. When a virus enters

the body, it may increase a person’s risk of developing a certain type of cancer only because it first affects the body’s immune system, not that the virus causes the actual cancer. Cancer begins in the body when a single healthy cell goes rogue, turns into a cancerous cell, is able to go undetected by the body, divides and multiplies either slowly or quickly over a period of time, and then, hopefully, gets caught before it’s too late. When you’re in a weakened state, you’re more vulnerable to developing a chronic disease, such as cancer. Myth: Toxins in the environment always lead to cancer. Not exactly. Toxins are not good for us—that’s obvious—but toxins impact different people’s bodies in different ways. For example, let’s say your sister gets exposed to a harmful substance—fumes from a nearby power plant, for example—and she winds up getting cancer. You grew up in the same household. You were exposed to that exact same substance for many years, too. But, instead of cancer, the toxicity might manifest in your body in a different way. It might manifest as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, eczema, allergies, psoriasis, or any number of chronic diseases. Or not at all. So, when we are exposed to environmental stressors, it’s not really possible to say who’s going to get what. Sandra Steingraber’s book Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment is a brilliant account of the link between cancer and exposure to environmental pollutants. Myth: Some people are just born with bad DNA. They’re born with bad cells that are cancerous. This is not accurate. Cancer starts from one single cell or small group of cells—cells that were, at some point, healthy cells. Sometimes, for a whole variety of reasons—environmental and physical stressors, toxicity, nutritional deficiency, immune system suppression, hormonal imbalances—that one single cell becomes mutated. When a cell becomes mutated, we have all kinds of defenses in our

bodies that immediately go onto high alert. They want to detect that mutated cell and kill it, destabilize it, gobble it up, and spit it out. Hooray! This is your immune system working optimally and doing its job. Sometimes, though, for all kinds of reasons, your body doesn’t catch that mutated cell in time. That mutated cell is left to its own devices. It can then divide and grow in an uncontrolled way.It eventually grows and grows and grows until it becomes a tumor. That’s how cancer starts: One cell mutates, starts to grow exponentially, and then takes over the body. But that one cell started from a healthy cell. So, the question is, how can we keep all of our cells healthy? How can we keep our immune system beautifully active? One answer, of course, is to upgrade the food we put into our bodies—by eating real food, every day. Myth: Cancer is caused by bad karma. Absolutely not. There are plenty of kind, compassionate people who get cancer, and there are plenty of cruel, vicious people who don’t get cancer. Cancer is not caused by evil thoughts and deeds, or “bad karma,” as it’s sometimes called. That being said, there is a connection between your mindset and your physical body. Numerous studies confirm that creating a positive mindset can accelerate the healing process. If you spend three minutes meditating each morning, or writing down three things you feel grateful for, or simply breathing deeply, hugging someone for a minimum of twenty seconds, or listening to an uplifting song that you love, these small actions will decrease your stress levels and increase the healing capacity of your body. Decreased stress means decreased levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Lower cortisol means your body can function optimally and heal faster. To be clear, I’m not saying, “Think positive thoughts and your cancer will disappear.” That’s an unrealistic statement, especially if

you are the one of many who also suffer from “monkey-mind” or an unsettled or indecisive mind. But, if you cultivate an optimistic, positive mindset, it will support your healing process. Without a doubt, a positive mindset is more beneficial than a negative one. In the fight against disease, you want to give yourself every possible advantage—and that includes boosting your mood with positive thoughts and reducing stress every way you possibly can. Myth: Switching to real food will cure cancer, every time. I wish this was true. It’s not. Switching to real food is a powerful choice, a choice that will strengthen your body, boost your microbiome, which will in turn boost your immune system, and give you the best possible chance at making a full recovery. But it’s just that—a chance. Not a 100-percent guarantee. I’ve seen hundreds of patients beat their cancer, and other chronic diseases, by following the guidelines in this book. But it does not work every single time. Just this last year, a young girl was slowly dying in a hospital when her parents called me in for a health consult. She was battling a terminal form of cancer and the doctors said that chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation wouldn’t help her. Her parents wanted to give her every possible chance at surviving. We collaborated with this girl’s doctors and nurses, and we put her on a nutrition and detox plan with the highest-quality food that money can buy. The day I arrived, the hospital kitchen was serving every child on the oncology ward hotdogs on refined white-flour buns, chocolate pudding, cow’s milk, and such a small sprout of raw broccoli that I barely noticed it on the plate. Fortunately, my young client wouldn’t touch this cancer-causing food. We placed this girl on an organic, clean, nutrient-dense program. We flooded her body with nourishment. The nurses helped her detoxify her body safely. We gave her body every possible advantage. But, in the end, it wasn’t enough. Prior to being hospitalized with stage IV cancer, her doctors had misdiagnosed her for months, sending her home with a Metamucil and pain medication treatment plan, before realizing that she

actually had cancer. She did outlive her medical team’s prognosis by a few months—she had been given three weeks to live—but she eventually passed away, months later, at home, in her parents’ grieving arms. What the diet change had done was to boost her levels high enough to allow her to be released from the hospital, to go home to play with her siblings, parents, and horses. Prior to starting the therapy, her medical team had said she would never be able to leave the hospital, and that she would die there, in her hospital bed. Only if the nutritional therapy could improve her lab results would she be allowed to go home and live out the rest of her life among loved ones in the comfort of her familiar surroundings. I grieved with her parents, and still grieve her loss today, as I wonder what would have happened if the doctors hadn’t misdiagnosed her for months on end, and if she could have started the therapy when her first symptoms appeared. Sometimes, cancer steals people away, no matter how hard we try to beat it. It’s unfair. But it happens. With diseases, we need to be frank, honest, and realistic. There are no miracle cures. There’s nothing—no pill, no chemo regime, no eating plan—that has a 100 percent success rate. We can’t guarantee success. But we can boost the likelihood of success by eating real, whole, unrefined foods (not processed junk), resting, gently exercising, avoiding toxins (cigarette smoke, chemical-laden beauty products, excessive alcohol), and shifting stress. These lifestyle choices make a huge difference. …

What Is the Gerson Therapy? Throughout this book, you’ll see me mention something called the Gerson Therapy. What is Gerson Therapy? It’s a form of nutritional therapy (basically, a “way of eating”) that’s designed to nourish and detoxify your body and restore it, so it can do what it’s innately designed to do— heal itself. To reverse disease, the Gerson protocol is the ideal way

to eat. Right now, there are only two hospitals in the world that offer the Gerson Therapy, though there are countless centers that have integrated its nutrition and detox plan into their kitchens and protocols. One is located in Mexico. The other is in Hungary. Why only two? The reasons for this are…very complicated. When it comes to cancer, physicians in North America are legally obligated to recommend chemo, surgery, radiation, or sometimes gene therapy or immunotherapy. Physicians are not allowed to recommend nutrition-based therapies to heal cancer or any other chronic disease. Physicians have to recommend something that has gone through an FDA clinical trial, like a pill, an injection, or a chemical treatment like chemotherapy. That’s why you’ll never find a US or Canadian doctor recommending that you try the Gerson Therapy. If they prescribed it, they’d be at risk for losing their license. …

Why Hasn’t the Gerson Therapy Been FDAApproved? You might be wondering, “Why hasn’t the Gerson Therapy gone through an FDA trial? If it’s so effective, why hasn’t it been FDAapproved so that physicians can prescribe it?” There are numerous complex reasons, but the primary reason is lack of funding. One clinical study can cost $50 million or more. Pharmaceutical companies can cough up this kind of money, no problem, and they do so repeatedly. But people who work in the field of alternative healthcare—people who encourage patients to eat apples, collard greens, and carrots, like me? Sadly, funders who can write $50 million checks aren’t exactly lining up around the block to fund research on organic

produce. They’d never make their money back like they would from the billions of dollars in pharmaceutical prescription sales. We need a complete system overhaul when it comes to how we perform and fund randomized controlled trials. Another reason is that the Gerson Therapy is complex, right? And science doesn’t like complex. It wants to be able to measure everything. Think of the hundreds of macro variables within the Gerson Therapy that would be part of a clinical trial: the different fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, spices, supplements, stress relievers like meditation, Qigong, yoga, sleep, coffee enema, juices, cooked versus raw foods, and more. Then dive deeper and consider the micro-variables within the Gerson Therapy. Researchers would never be able to know what reversed your disease or caused healing because of the diversity of micro-variables—the amino acids, enzymes, proteins, fats, sugars, molecules, atoms, ahhhhhh—it’s just toooooo complicated for researchers to grasp, and therefore they don’t want to or can’t engage in these types of studies. However, with creative thinking, clinical trials could be designed to study the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy for many different types of chronic degenerative illnesses. But until that happens, are you going to wait around for science to catch up and tell you that it is effective, or will you simply pull out your juicer and kitchenware and prove it for yourself? Until science does catch up, we are stuck with a situation that’s not ideal. We know the Gerson Therapy works, but there’s no funding to get it FDA-approved, so doctors’ hands are tied. Legally, doctors can’t recommend Gerson, even if they want to (and many of them do). Patients have to seek it out on their own. The pessimistic part of me believes that pharmaceutical companies don’t ever want nutrition-focused treatments like Gerson to be FDAapproved because there’s no financial benefit in it for them. It’s similar to how most oil companies haven’t supported clean, renewable energy—in fact, they worked hard to oppose it. Oil, coal, and other fossil fuel companies constantly flex their big muscles, budgets, and governmental influence to block bills that would

constrict their sales. They don’t want clean energy to thrive, because that would be bad news for their industry. They want to crush clean energy options and continue to dominate the marketplace. But that’s until the collective masses and innovative visionary companies like Tesla start demanding these sustainable changes. Perhaps my perspective is overly pessimistic. Perhaps pharmaceutical companies really do have the best of intentions. Perhaps they really care about helping sick people to get well. Perhaps. But, as the saying goes, “Follow the money.” If pharma companies had a financial incentive to secure FDA approval for nontoxic, non-chemical treatments like the Gerson Therapy, I bet it would have happened already. To be clear, I have the utmost respect for the medical profession. We need surgeons. We need nurses. We need X-ray technicians. We need this entire industry. I’m definitely heading to the emergency room if I have a rock climbing accident or I find myself in a car crash or one of my daughters contracts an infectious life-threatening illness. But, as patients, we can’t go into the doctor’s office and blindly follow their guidance, because they don’t always have all the answers. And sometimes, doctors are actually prohibited from recommending a course of action that, deep down, they wish they could recommend. Remember this. Just because a doctor prescribes a pill, antibiotic, injection, chemo, or radiation, that doesn’t mean it’s actually the best option for you. It just means it’s what they’re “obligated” to recommend to you. …

The History of the Gerson Therapy The history of the Gerson Therapy is fascinating. It all started with Max Gerson, MD, back in the 1910s, when he was still a relatively new doctor.

As a young man, Gerson suffered from terrible migraines. Often, the pain was so intense, he couldn’t meet with patients. He spent hours vomiting and had to lie down in a dark room. It was debilitating. He was desperate to find a cure. One day, Gerson found some literature that suggested that changing your diet could reduce pain and improve your health. He didn’t know anything about this, because he never studied nutrition in medical school. He’d been taught how to diagnose diseases, how to disinfect a wound, how to set a broken bone, how to perform a surgery. But using food as a form of healing medicine? That was never covered in med school. Being a researcher and a scientist, Gerson felt curious about this paper he’d read. Could it be true? He figured it couldn’t hurt to try and see. Using his body as a living laboratory, he did a series of experiments. He began by eating large quantities of different types of foods to see if they would trigger a migraine or not. He did this with all types of food: high doses of meat, of salt, of vegetables, and so on. He experimented with processed and unprocessed foods. He quickly realized that eating plant-based foods—ideally, fruits and vegetables straight from the garden—eliminated his migraines entirely. Other foods? Not so much. For example, he could eat baskets of apples and never trigger a migraine—but if he ate a big portion of food that was canned and preserved in salt, or large portions of meat, it would trigger a migraine. This is how Gerson began to define what he called “desirable foods” and “non-desirable foods.” He devoted the rest of his life to studying the connection between food and disease. Over the years, Gerson performed autopsies to examine the bodies of people who’d died from many chronic diseases, including cancer. Through these autopsies, he noticed two factors: a buildup of toxicity, and nutritional deficiency. He began to wonder, “What if we could fix these two issues— remove toxicity and replenish nutrient deficiencies—using food as a

form of medicine?” He began a series of experiments, flooding patients’ bodies with nutrient-dense food and juices. The results were remarkable. Tumors shrank. Women who struggled with infertility were able to get pregnant. Terminally ill cancer patients recovered and lived an additional twenty, thirty, even forty years. This research became the foundation of what’s now called the Gerson Therapy. …

From Death’s Door…Back to Life One of the most famous Gerson experiments was conducted by Gerson and his colleague, Dr. Ferdinand Sauerbruch. Together, they ran a clinical trial on tuberculosis, which, at the time, was considered an incurable disease. Dr. Sauerbruch describes this famous clinical trial in great detail in his autobiography, “Das War Mein Leben”. He gave Dr. Max Gerson a tuberculosis ward with 450 end-stage TB patients and told him that if he could cure even just one patient, he would believe everything that Gerson claimed about this plant-strong therapy. After several weeks, results were not noticeable and therefore Sauerbruch wrote Gerson to cancel the experiment, which was deemed a total failure. However, after posting the letter, Sauerbruch discovered that one of his nurses was sneaking an assembly of the processed and refined 'treats' to the patients when Sauerbruch was not present. Sauerbruch later fired the nurse and assigned guards on the doors of the ward, and saw to it that the patients got the full Gerson Therapy. The trial continued and of the 450 patients with tuberculosis, 446 or 99% of the “incurable” cases were cured in the first clinical trial of Gerson’s therapy. If that sneaky nurse had not been caught, the trial would have stopped and these results would never have been realized. Sadly, I can relate to this story. I’ve met people newly diagnosed with cancer or another life-threatening disease, and had them tell me in June, “I’m sick, so I want to have a fun summer and really

enjoy myself. I want to live life to the fullest and have all my favorite things.” They spend the summer eating cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes, drinking beer, and having a big steak every other night, and then by September…they were dead. I can’t help but wonder, “Could we have reversed their disease if they’d been willing to make some changes?” It’s impossible to know for certain, but the answer is, “Potentially, yes.” And now we’ll never know, because they’re gone. It breaks my heart. This is why I am relentlessly passionate about helping people upgrade their eating habits—because, oftentimes, it can mean the difference between life and death. I wish more people would choose real food—clean, organic, plantbased food—but of course, I can’t force anybody to do this. We all have to make this choice individually. You can choose to give yourself the best possible fuel, or, like those nurses who worked for Dr. Gerson, you can decide that it’s more “fun” to eat garbage and harm your body. Personally, that doesn’t sound like “fun” to me, but, ultimately, the choice is yours. And I’ve been where you are today, wondering if the effort to clean up my diet or the pain of letting go of those addictive foods was worth it. Years ago, while building my businesses, I burned myself out. I was eating out every day, and, though I was choosing the healthiest vegetarian options that cafes and restaurants offered at that time, the foods I was consuming were still not organic—they were full of cell-damaging glyphosate and overloaded with refined flours, sugar, salt, and oils. I was consuming cell-damaging meals and was simultaneously highly stressed, constipated, and not sleeping: a perfect recipe for a health disaster. My lab results proved it. What prompted me to head to the doctors and start collecting my baseline health data was that my joints ached worse than those of a ninety-year-old with lifetime arthritis, my heart was experiencing palpitations and misfires, my skin was so sensitive and painful that I couldn’t even enjoy a light-touch massage, I suffered from insomnia, I had no libido, my teeth hurt, my brain felt like it was in a constant fog, and I couldn’t concentrate

or complete a task. My body was experiencing severe inflammation, and my blood work showed this to be true. My ESR and CRP levels were through the roof. My doctor, a highly intelligent integratedhealth-care medical doctor, a loving mother of two, and someone who knew about my hectic lifestyle, put my file down, placed her hands on my shoulders, looked me sternly in the eyes and told me point-blank, “If you don’t start practicing what you preach, you are going to have a heart attack in less than five years.” Knowing that I wouldn’t accept prescription drugs, she gave me a dose of my own medicine: “Stop everything you are doing right now and start doing the Gerson Therapy.” My MD’s care, attention, and frankness provided the kick in the behind that I needed. My poor lab results, coupled with my severe symptoms, served as the reality check that I needed. As a mother of three beautiful girls, I knew that I could no longer play the martyr. I needed to heal myself now or suffer the consequences later, which wasn’t an option. So, I called everyone I knew, my staff, my husband, my family and friends, and I told them that I would be out of commission for the next month, or until I healed myself. I started the Gerson Therapy that day, and within three days, my skin pain was gone. My teeth no longer hurt. Within five days, my joints no longer ached. I can’t recall how long it took for my heart palpitations to stop, but it was definitely less than two weeks, as that’s when I had my next set of lab work completed and my inflammatory markers were back to normal. Yes—it took less than two weeks! I had lived with these symptoms for nearly two years. By the end of the month, all my symptoms had disappeared. I was pooping like a queen and sleeping like a baby. Libido?—Yes, ma’am! This wasn’t surprising to me, as I’ve had thousands of clients over the last decade who all had similar healing stories, no matter what their diagnosis or disease was. I was, however, grateful to my body for healing itself, and to myself for not waiting a second longer to get started. And you can too. Become the CEO of your own health. Simply copy what Kris Carr of

Crazy Sexy Cancer did in her journey to heal herself. She became the CEO of a company that she dubbed “Save My Ass Technologies, Inc.” As Phil Knight, CEO of Nike, says: “Just do it.” …

The Six Components of Gerson Therapy There are six components to the Gerson Therapy. For best results, all of them need to be practiced together. The six components are: 1. Juicing to reverse nutrient deficiency. (Think of it as an IV transfusion of nutrients and enzymes directly into your bloodstream, requiring no valuable digestive energy because the fiber is removed…and don’t worry, you’ll be getting plenty of fibre on this program through the three meals a day you are required to eat.) 2. Eating real whole, unprocessed, unrefined food, also to reverse nutrient deficiencies, plus it provides your body and microbiome with the much-needed plant-based insoluble fiber that you can’t get anywhere else. 3. Detoxifying the liver through coffee enemas. (If your eyes are bulging in terror, stay calm. We’ll discuss this later in the book. It’s not as terrifying as you might think, and the science behind this fabulous liver detox is what makes it so effective at helping your body to heal and reverse disease.) 4. Taking supplements to replenish the body with nutrients that can’t be absorbed from food alone, and to help your body digest your food and juices so that you can acquire even more nutrients from every morsel. 5. Rest. It’s crucial to conserve energy for healing, especially when you’re dealing with a life-threatening condition. 6. Exercise. Now, this may surprise you, but exercise is limited to activities like yoga, Qigong, gentle walking, etc., in this program, until you are fully healed, your symptoms are

completely gone, and your illness doesn’t stand a chance of returning. People often ask, “Do I really need to do all six? Is that totally necessary?” If you want to pick just one or two to do such as the food and rest, that’s fine, and it’s definitely better than nothing at all. You will notice improvements. But, for best results, I recommend that you practice all six components for five weeks in a row. After five weeks, you may pass up the supplements or increase the amount of exercise you do, if you wish (I can feel you exhaling a sigh of relief already!), but you’ll want to keep the other components going. But, remember, this isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle change—so consider sticking to all six components for the full five weeks, just to experience the true self-healing power of your body. Don’t be surprised if you want to continue this program forever! Before you read further, ask yourself these questions regarding each of the six components: 1. Juicing: Why wouldn’t I want to take extra nutrients into my body each day using the easiest method possible? (Think Ensure, but healthy.) After all, an apple today contains 80 percent less nutrients than it did twenty years ago, as so much of our food is grown in nutrient-deficient soil. And for those of you who have kids and can’t get them to eat their veggies, juicing is a great way to make sure they are getting their nutrients. 2. Real Food: Do I really want to put foreign,addictive chemicals in my body and on my family’s kitchen table that are known to cause cancer and create chronic disease, when I know that there are over three hundred thousand foods on this planet that are designed to keep my body free of cancer and disease? 3. Liver Detox: Knowing that each year, industries and government dump over eighty thousand poorly-monitored toxic chemicals into our air, land, water, cleaning, cosmetic, and food systems each year, why wouldn’t I want to support my liver

with coffee enemas to flush those toxins out daily or weekly? 4. Supplements: Before I pose the question, you’ll need some background data. a. Point 1: Prescription medications kill more North Americans each year than illegal drugs (just over a hundred thousand people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC). b. Point 2: The CDC evaluated the safety of dietary supplements in a long-term study which found that, not only did no one die in the ten-year study period, but there was also not one adverse event reported from the use of dietary supplements. c. Point 3: Lastly, as I mentioned earlier, produce today contains nearly 80 percent less nutrients than it did twenty years ago, due to the fact that industrial farmers only put three nutrients back into depleted fields: PKN, or phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, when soils and produce require more than eighty-two different nutrients to be considered truly healthy. So, knowing these three points, here’s the question that you need to ask yourself: Why wouldn’t I take nutritional supplements to replenish my nutritional deficiencies and give my body the best chance at repairing itself? 5. Rest: I know that the body needs rest when it’s injured or ill, and everyone knows that eight solid hours of sleep a night, after a normal day of work or life, is a requirement, so why would I compromise my health by sacrificing my rest time? 6. Exercise: Wouldn’t it be a good idea to conserve my energy for repairing and regenerating my body, so that I’ll actually have a vital body full of unlimited energy, and ensure that I can do all the exercise my strong heart desires for as long as possible? We’ll discuss all six components in more detail throughout this book. And if your head is already spinning with too much information,

please know this…the Gerson Therapy is, essentially, just a quick way of saying, eat real food, detox daily, and take good care of your body. It’s not complicated. In fact, once you’ve transitioned into this lifestyle, you’ll find that it’s really simple to maintain. …

Frequently Asked Questions about Food and Disease Let’s imagine we’re sitting down together on a comfy couch. You’ve probably got several questions at this point, right? Let’s have a glass of fresh, tasty carrot juice and talk through a few things that might be on your mind. Question: I know it’s better to eat organic food. But how important is it, really? It’s REALLY important. All caps. Non-negotiable. I can’t emphasize this enough. Our goal is to remove toxins from your body, and that’s virtually impossible if you’re eating strawberries that have been saturated with pesticides, particularly the herbicide glyphosate. I urge you to make organic food a top priority. There’s a popular conception that organic food is more expensive, but that’s not always true. If you visit the local farmer’s market, you can often find organic produce that’s cheaper than non-organic produce at your neighborhood grocery store. If you’re pressed for time, you can get it delivered! In many cities, you can get a lovely, bountiful box of organic produce delivered to your home or office. Google “Farm Box” or “CSA Box” (it stands for “CommunitySupported Agriculture”) to see the options in your area. Also, Google “Sherry Strong.” She’s a wonderful friend of mine, and she has a wonderful program called “How to eat organic for $70 a week or less.” Check it out. Make this happen for yourself. Your body is worth it.

Question: I’ve seen blogs and books that recommend eating raw food rather than cooked food. Is that a good idea? Shouldn’t I go raw? Raw, uncooked food—in moderation—can be great. But not 100 percent of the time. Heat is our friend. Cooked food is our friend. Raw food is our friend, too. But too much raw food can be really tough on an already weakened digestive system. Often, it’s more difficult to absorb nutrients from food that’s totally raw, unless it’s juiced, so if you’re doing a totally raw diet, your body might be struggling to use more energy to break down and absorb everything it needs. Also, the long-term consumption of foods high in oxalic acid, which gets broken down by heat, can lead to nutrient deficiencies. This can throw your body seriously out of whack—even worse, could lead to a chronic degenerative disease. When you eat foods that are heated, such as cooked spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and others, you will absorb higher levels of vitamins, amino acids (which turn into protein in the body), fiber, and other macronutrients. These nutrients also become more absorbable. As with all vegetables, there are pros and cons to eating both raw and cooked forms of food. I suggest eating a wide array of fresh, whole plant foods in both raw and cooked form. This will provide you with the richest array of nutrients. I’ll never forget one Green Moustache customer who proudly told me that he was switching to a raw-food diet. I was skeptical and encouraged him to reconsider. But he was adamant. A few months later, he found himself in the hospital with severe stomach pain, digestive issues, and his weight had dropped to ninety-seven pounds on a six-foot frame. After switching back to a raw/cooked combo, his health returned. Let this be a cautionary tale. Know that, if you are already suffering from a chronic illness, jumping into a raw-food regime too quickly and without the right knowledge or coaching may set your health back even further. Enjoy a combination of cooked food and raw food. Both. Not just one or the other.

Question: You recommend drinking juice. Can I have a smoothie instead? Smoothies are great. I love a great-greens, fresh-squeezed orange juice, and banana smoothie. Yum! But when it comes to flooding your body with nutrients, juicing is the best way to go. This is because juicing extracts all the nutrients from veggies and fruits, but without the bulky fiber. This allows you to consume more coldpressed juice each day, which means you consume more minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients each day, which means you restore your nutritional deficiencies faster and with less digestive stress. Imagine a glass of green juice or a glass of carrot-apple juice. You can take a few pounds of organic produce and distill it into an eightounce glass of juice. That single glass is packed with tons of vitamins and minerals, tons of nutrients that your body will love and desperately need. It’s highly concentrated liquid medicine. Again, think of IV fluids tapping directly into your blood stream. To get those same nutrients in a smoothie form or by eating them individually, you’d probably need to drink a sixty-four-ounce smoothie, because smoothies are much bulkier than juice, and they’re filled with more air, water, and veggie and fruit fibre, which misses the entire point when it comes to juicing. That’s why I recommend juicing rather than making smoothies. Basically, juicing is a more efficient way of delivering nutrients to your body. If you don’t have a juicer, there are several models that range from $49 to $349. The top-notch juicers are $1,000 and above. If that sounds like a lot of money, consider the daily breakdown. If you get a $1,000 juicer and you use it every day for one year, that’s about $2.75 a day. Now, compare that to a $6.50 Starbucks latte that you drink once and it’s gone forever—minus the toxins, dyes and sugar overload left behind! With a juicer, the per-use cost is low. It’s an affordable luxury, and—unlike that Pumpkin Spice Latte that’s packed with refined sugar and chemicals I can’t even pronounce— juicing is a gift for your body. Tip: Given that people have been juicing for hundreds of years, consider buying a used juicer off of Craigslist, Kijiji, or another site,

and you’ll save hundreds of dollars. Question: I struggle with intense cravings. Some days, I just NEED a chocolate chip cookie or a cheeseburger. How can I give up my favorite foods? Most North Americans are accustomed to eating lots of processed, heavily salted, sugared, and oily food, and lots of dairy, grain, and meat. In most households, that’s how we are raised, so that’s what we’re familiar with, and that’s what we crave. Actually, it’s what your microbiome craves. What’s interesting, though, is that after switching to real food for a couple of weeks, your taste buds regenerate, your entire gut flora is replaced in just six days, and, therefore, your preferences begin to shift. You’ll find yourself craving different things—like butternut squash soup, or collard green wraps stuffed with yam, potato, and shredded beets, or a nice glass of carrot-apple juice, or a big, comforting bowl of Hippocrates Soup. You can fill your day with delicious, tasty food—it’s just going to be clean, nutrient-dense food instead of the junky disease-causing version. Most of my clients never go back to the way they used to eat. Some will incorporate minimal amounts of organic meat and eggs into their routine on special occasions, but very few people go completely back to their previous way of eating. They feel so much better…so they don’t want to! Trust that this shift will happen for you, too. It might take a few days or weeks, but at a certain point, you will realize, “Wow. I feel amazing. I love eating this way. It’s not a ‘chore’ to maintain this new lifestyle. It’s a joy.” Question: But I love salt and food just doesn’t taste good without it. Plus, isn’t salt good for you? It’s true—you won’t be using sodium salt during this five-week Eat Real to Heal program. In fact, you can go ahead and throw away your salt shaker(s) for good. Yes, just about every system in your body needs salt to make if function well; however, not all salts are created equal, and they are made up of a diversity of minerals.

What most people think of as “salt” is actually an aggressive substance called sodium chloride. Most processed foods contain high quantities of this substance for a variety of reasons, but primarily for food preservation—so it can last on a shelf indefinitely. The consequence of consuming sodium chloride is that it creates a highly acidic environment in your body, causing your cells and tissues to store excess water to neutralize the salt. Mother Nature has designed our food brilliantly, keeping sodium salt to a minimum within our plant-based foods and keeping the beneficial, health-promoting “salts”—minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and others—in abundance. If you consume a vibrant and abundant variety of plant-based whole foods, you’ll never have to worry about being “salt” deficient. Excessive consumption of sodium salt can lead to uric acid buildup, cellulite, arthritis, gout, kidney stones, gallstones, cardiovascular disease and severe, irreparable tissue-damage syndrome. The Gerson Therapy and the Eat Real to Heal program will provide you with all of the good “salts” while naturally eliminating the bad “salts,” which will in turn regulate salt metabolism, which will restore your body’s natural self-healing and repair mechanisms.

to Reverse Disease and Feel Amazing? Hopefully, by now, you’re feeling inspired to upgrade your eating habits and begin a beautiful new chapter in your life. You’re ready for… More energy. Less pain. Less inflammation. Clear skin. Strong nails and hair. A powerful immune system that’s operating at peak capacity. A solid chance at preventing and reversing chronic diseases, including cancer. You can already see the innumerable rewards and benefits that are waiting for you…and you’re ready to take the plunge. Do you hear that? I’m sitting in my office, and I’m clapping and cheering for you! Yesss! Let’s begin! When I work with clients in person, at retreats, and in my online programs, I typically encourage people to begin with a “five-week challenge.” Follow the Eat Real to Heal guidelines for five weeks in a row and not only see how you feel, but also witness the physical changes that will occur. For most people, five weeks feels like a manageable, not-too-scary commitment. It’s not an eternity, but it’s long enough to see some impressive changes. However, it’s important to remember that this isn’t a “five-week diet.” It’s a new lifestyle, not a temporary blip. Consider this: Would you ever say to your child, “Sweetheart, I want you to be a kind, compassionate person for five weeks—and after that, you can be a jerk and be cruel to everyone”? No! Obviously, you’d never say that. You want your child to be a kind person all the time, always and forever, not just for five weeks. It’s the same when it comes to your health. You’re not going to take good care of your body for five weeks and then stop. You’re going

to continue. You’re making a permanent lifestyle change—a change that comes with so many rewards.

Testimonial I had twenty-two random guests join the first five-week challenge that I ever delivered. I offered it in person and based it out of our Green Moustache location in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Each week, I’d teach these twenty-two inquisitive students how to actually use food as medicine. During the wrap-up potluck at the end of the five weeks, one student, Sharon, shared her healing story with our group. Before starting the five-week Eat Real to Heal challenge, Sharon, a thirty-three-year-old woman, had found that she couldn’t get pregnant because of a rare autoimmune disorder. Her endocrinologist scheduled her for a thyroidectomy, or surgery to remove her thyroid gland, followed by radiation and medication. Instead, Sharon delayed her surgery and did our program for the full five weeks. Much to her endocrinologist’s surprise, her new lab results and doctor’s visit revealed that Sharon had eliminated her symptoms, repaired her thyroid, and rebalanced her hormones and other blood levels. I’m pleased to announce that she also gave birth to a beautiful bouncy baby boy less than one year later and has been symptom-free since. Sharon still follows the principles of the five-week program, of course. …

The Best Time to Change Your Lifestyle Was Yesterday The Second-Best Time Is Today In this section of the book, we’ll cover what to eat (meal ideas and cooking techniques), juicing, detoxification, and supplements. This is your new way of eating and living—every day, all week, all year long. The new you. No more eating cheap, fake, junky crap. From now on, you’re eating real.

Later in this book, we’ll go beyond food and talk about mindfulness, managing stress, and the importance of physical movement. We’ll also discuss how to be a savvy patient, build your Whole Health Team, and take full command of your health. …

Eating Real Eating real is all about ease and simplicity. You don’t need to measure exactly four ounces of oats. You don’t need to be fussy and obsessive about portions and calories. You don’t need to spend twenty hours in the kitchen, bent over a hot stove, following complicated recipes with dozens of ingredients. We’re going to keep things simple, quick, fresh, and tasty.

What to Eat For the rest of your life, I want you to eat: • Real food, which means organic vegetables and fruits, and whole, unrefined grains and legumes. Aim for abundance and diversity—at least thirty different types of produce every week. You can do it! Use this handy checklist to help you increase the diversity of foods you eat. 1. Apples 2. Artichokes 3. Asparagus 4. Beetroot 5. Bok Choy 6. Broccoli 7. Brussel sprouts 8. Cabbage—red and green 9. Carrots 10. Cauliflower 11. Celery 12. Celery root or Celeriac 13. Chard 14. Chicory 15. Collard greens 16. Corn 17. Dandelion greens 18. Dates—soaked 19. Eggplant 20. Endive 21. Fennel 22. Garlic 23. Grapefruit 24. Grapes 25. Green beans 26. Kale—all varieties, cooked only 27. Leek 28. Lettuce—all varieties except Iceberg 29. Melons 30. Onions 31. Oranges 32. Parsley 33. Parsnip 34. Peas 35. Peppers—green, red, and yellow 36. Potatoes—all varieties 37. Pumpkin 38. Radish 39. Shallot 40. Spinach—cooked only 41. Squash—all varieties 42. Sweet potato 43. Tomatoes 44. Turnip 45. Watercress 46. Yams 47. Zucchini • Juices made from organic fruits and vegetables. What NOT to Eat • Food that has a label on it. • Food that was prepared in a factory. • Food that has been contaminated with toxins/pesticides. • Food that has been heavily processed—frozen, freeze-dried, deep-fried, preserved, sulfured, packaged, etc. • Food that has been sitting on a shelf for more than two days, like packaged crackers, cookies, breads and cereals. • Food that is refined, like flours, oils, beverages, etc. • Food that feels hard to digest, or that just doesn’t feel “right” for your body. Anything that leaves you feeling sluggish instead of energized. (Everyone’s body is slightly different, so pay attention

to how you feel after each meal to see what’s working for you and what’s not.) • Foods that you are allergic or sensitive to. Give your body one week on this program and then you can try to reintroduce those foods. Several of my clients overcome their allergies quickly. Of course, if your allergies are anaphylactic, please don’t try to reintroduce the foods those foods on this program. Consult a doctor or allergy specialist before taking any serious risks. • Foods that are coated in refined salt, sugar, or oil. • Foods that have a face or a mother (hint: fish, seafood, or meat). “Whoa! But Where Will I Get My Protein?” That’s the first question everyone asks me when they learn about this program. I’ll summarize the answer quickly below, and I invite you to read Proteinaholic by Garth Davis, MD, if you are really concerned about getting enough protein. 1. You’ve been misled for decades, by the meat, dairy, and agricultural industry, about the amount of protein your body needs to maintain health. 2. More is not better. In fact, too much protein, like the volume consumed in our SAD (Standard American Diet), actually shortens your life span. 3. You don’t actually eat “protein.” You eat essential amino acids found in food, which your body then uses to build thousands of different types of proteins that your body requires. This process happens inside your body. 4. The largest land animals on the planet are herbivores and eat only plants: the giraffe, elephant, buffalo, bison, cattle, moose, horse, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and even a number of extinct dinosaurs, too. 5. You can be a high-endurance or even an ultra-endurance athlete, like Rich Roll and others, and still live an entirely plantstrong lifestyle.

6. Animal protein is low in fiber and quality minerals and vitamins and high in calories, fat, pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics. 7. Certain proteins found in milk have been linked to the onset of many chronic diseases, including cancer. 8. It’s almost impossible to become protein-deficient, unless of course you are trying to starve yourself and eating too few calories per day, or you have a rare genetic disorder, digestive imbalance, or inadequate stomach acid that prevents you from digesting proteins adequately. If you are eating a variety of whole plant-based foods, you’ll find you are getting all the protein you need. Digest this information above and lettuce dive deeper into the food details later in this book. Yes, all puns are intended.

Use Common Sense You don’t need to be a scientist, a health expert, or an orthom*olecular nutrition educator to know what “real food” is and isn’t. You already know. A fast-food cheeseburger? Not real food. A fruit-flavored energy drink that’s full of mysterious chemicals? Not real food. A salad topped with stale croutons, cheese crumbles, and strips of processed deli meat? OK, we’re moving in the right direction, but that’s still not real food. Real food is clean, unprocessed, wholesome, and close to nature— the kind of food that you can pluck from the garden or pick off a tree. A good question to consider is, “If I eat [insert food here], will this promote health, or will this take away from my health?” Use your common sense to guide you. Stop Counting Calories Yes. You’ll never need to count another calorie again. And you’ll also get to eat when you are hungry and as much as you want. That’s because the Gerson Therapy, many plantbased lifestyles, and this program in particular are based on eating a plethora of whole foods that are naturally high in nutrients and low in calories. The standard American diet is full of processed and refined ingredients and is typically low in nutrients and high in calories, which forces you to consume even more food, as your body and brain are desperate to get quality nutrients that will support their many daily functions. And don’t worry, you won’t go hungry with this new lifestyle. In fact, you’ll find that your energy is sustained for longer periods of time between meals—no more energy dips at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and no more food cravings at night. Though I don’t like to market the Eat Real to Heal program as a weight-loss plan—if I did, I’d be a billionaire—I will warn you that the weight will melt off of you, even with you exercising less and

eating more! Bye-bye yo-yo diets, gimmicky packaged weight-loss programs, and infomercial exercise gadgets purchased late at night. Hello crazy sexy healthy new body that you feel and look amazing in —and all you need is a juicer, a kitchen knife, an enema kit, and a great relationship with a local organic farmer. …

Eating Real: A Sample Meal Plan Here’s what a day of real food could look like… Breakfast: A beautiful bowl of cooked organic, rolled oats. Cook it slowly, over low heat, adding plenty of water so it’s not dry. Add fresh or stewed fruit. Lunch and dinner: A baked potato, a cup of Hippocrates Soup (recipe on page 83), and a beautiful leafy green salad with an abundance of chopped or shredded vegetables or fruits and homemade salad dressing. Slow-cooked veggies, like onions, tomatoes, butternut squash, and collard greens, that you’ll cook using the “long and low” method (meaning, cooked for a long time over low heat), and a delicious baked dish of beets, cauliflower, and turnips, and you are good to go. Juices: Sip organic fruit/vegetable juice throughout the day. If you’re adhering to a strict Gerson Therapy protocol because you have a life-threatening chronic disease, the Gerson prescription is thirteeneight-ounce juices-a day—basically, one glass every hour. That’s the recommended amount for serious diseases like cancer, because we want you to keep pumping nutrients into your body and flushing toxins out of your cells and tissues. However, if you’re not battling a life-threatening disease like cancer, heart disease, or other illness, then the five-week Eat Real to Heal program invites you to try consuming three—eight-ounce juices—a day. Dessert: Peach crumble with a touch of cinnamon and nutmeg, or creamy, frosty, homemade banana nice cream.

Those are just a few ideas, of course. Feel free to add your own creative flair! Later in this section, you’ll find cooking techniques and lots of real food recipes, too.

The Power of Eating Real Even Bones Heal Fast

A while back, one of my daughters had an accident and injured her arm. We rushed her to the emergency room to be examined. Her doctor assessed the situation. She had broken the head completely off her radius bone, and she definitely needed surgery followed by a cast. My daughter sat there calmly throughout the Xray and the examination. She wasn’t comfortable, but she wasn’t in agony, either. The doctor pulled me aside to chat, and said, “It’s incredible that your daughter is so calm. With this type of injury, most people experience lots of swelling, and they’re in excruciating pain, causing them to scream in pain. But your daughter doesn’t seem to be in very much pain.” A few weeks later, that same doctor remarked that the healing process had moved along beautifully. Almost a year faster than expected! “Everything’s looking perfect,” said the doctor. A few weeks after that, my daughter was totally back to normal, playing and running outside, and doing cartwheels, and the X-ray showed no lingering trace of the injury or even the break. The doctor seemed surprised by my daughter’s rapid healing process. But I wasn’t surprised—because this is the power of eating real, clean, nutrient-dense food. When you’re fueling yourself with real food, pain and inflammation are decreased, even non-existent. Injuries heal faster. All of your body’s systems function in top form. Your body can be the healing machine that it’s designed to be.

Cooking Techniques Long and Low For optimum health, you want to cook your veggies using the “long and low” method. This means cooking slowly, for a long time, at a low temperature and with no added water. So, rather than cranking up the heat and scorching your veggies, or steaming or boiling the nutrients out of them, you’re going niiiiiiice and slow. Why do this? It’s all about getting the most nutritional bang for your buck. When you go long and low, you’re using heat to break down parts of vegetables that would otherwise be indigestible, and you use heat to make the phytochemicals more readily available so that your body can absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from every bite. By cooking without water in the Long and Low method, you keep many of the valuable water-soluble vitamins from migrating into the boiling water, which means more nutrients available to you. One of my favorite long and low dishes is a simple pan of tomatoes, onions, garlic, butternut squash, and collard greens. • Wash all of your produce. • Peel the skin of the squash and scoop out the seeds. • Peel the onion. • Leave the skins on your tomatoes. • Remove the chunky stem of the collard greens. • Chop everything into large chunks. • Toss everything into a stock pot. • Put an airtight lid on the pot. • Cook on medium heat until the pot is hot to the touch or filled with steam, or the veggies start “sweating,” and then turn down the heat to the lowest setting.

• Cook over low heat for sixty minutes—or longer, if necessary. • If your stove runs extra-hot, place a heat diffuser between the pot and the element to drop the temperature a further few degrees. • If you find you don’t quite have the technique right at the beginning and your veggies are burning, then you can add a small splash of water if the veggies are sticking to the sides of the pan. But try to get the technique of sweating your veggies to produce the moisture your dish needs to not cause a burning or sticky mess. • Keep the airtight lid on your pot at all times so as to not let the steam escape. • After sixty minutes, you’ll have a beautiful pan of soft, stewed veggies that are positively jam-packed with nutrients and flavors that your body will love. • Top with a delicious dressing or eat as is. When you’re done cooking your veggies, you might notice some extra liquid in the pan. This is liquid medicine—don’t throw it away! You can drink it straight from the pan, add it to a pot of soup, shake it into a salad dressing, or add it to your next glass of juice. Water Frying Did you know that you can “fry” veggies without using butter or oil? It’s true. It’s all about using the long and low method. You can practice with an onion. Peel off the outer layer of brown, papery skin. Chop it up. Toss it into a saucepan. Cook it long and low. Stir occasionally. If your onion begins to stick to the sides of the pan, add a few tablespoons of water. Not too much. Just a tiny bit. Keep stirring. When the onions start sticking again, add a few more tablespoons of water. Keep stirring. Eventually, you’ll have a beautiful pan of deep, rich, buttery, caramelized onions that look and taste like they’ve been fried, even though you haven’t added a single drop of refined

oil. Baking As a busy parent who also runs five different businesses, baking is a life-saver! I love baking veggies because you can chuck things into the oven, set a timer, and walk away. You don’t have to hover over the pan. You can go do something else and let the oven work its magic. Here’s how I do it. I gather together a bunch of veggies—squash, onions, potatoes, carrots, whatever I’ve got—and gently wash everything in filtered water. Always leave the edible skins on the fruits and veggies and be careful to not scape away the skin while washing them, as many of the valuable nutrients live just below the skin’s surface. Then I chop the veggies into chunks. They don’t have to be perfectly uniform. Imperfection is fine! I toss everything onto an oven-safe glass or stainless-steel dish, plop it into my preheated oven (around 275–350° F or 177° C), and bake for about sixty minutes. Every oven is different, so get to know your oven intimately. Use the lowest temperature that will allow you to bake veggies until tender within sixty to ninety minutes. Firm veggies (like potatoes) need to bake for the full sixty minutes. Softer produce (like zucchini and squash) take less time, more like thirty minutes, depending on how thickly you’ve sliced them. I never worry about timing my dishes perfectly. I simply toss everything in and enjoy them as they turn out. Once I can poke the veggies with a fork, they’re done. Just like that, I have a huge pan of veggies that I can use in a variety of ways— tossed into a salad, pureed into soup, rolled into a lettuce wrap, or in a bowl with a dressing or sauce. So many possibilities! Soups I follow these steps when making the kidney-cleansing Hippocrates Soup, or any other soup recipe. • Wash the ingredients

• Chop veggies into large chunks—they’ll either be blended or milled, or will break down into smaller sizes while cooking, so don’t waste your time cutting them into bite-size pieces • Place all ingredients into a large soup pot • Fill the pot with distilled or filtered water to the same height as the top of the veggies. This will always give you a wonderful soup consistency. If you like your soups thicker, or more like a broth, then add less or more water • Mill, blend, or eat soup as is Note: Always use the food mill and mill the Hippocrates Soup, and NEVER blend it, as blending will distort its delicious flavors. Other soups, like a savory squash-leek soup, could be blended or eaten chunky. …

My Favorite Recipes These are a few real food recipes that I make every week, They’re tried-and-true favorites in my household. I hope they become go-to favorites in your home, too!

SNAZZY BAKED POTATO This is one of my favorite lunches—quick, easy, and tasty. I usually bake a dozen potatoes at a time—right on the oven’s wire rack, no baking tray needed—and keep them in the fridge so my family can grab them quickly. Ingredients 1 potato; cooled A few teaspoons of flaxseed oil (NEVER EVER heat or cook with flaxseed oil—always consume it at room temperature or colder)

A few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar A handful of chopped veggies and herbs (celery, bell pepper, basil, anything you want) Directions Wash and gently scrub a large potato. Poke the skin with a fork a few times. Bake until it’s fork-tender—usually about sixty to ninety minutes at 350° F (177° C). Split open the potato, let it cool off slightly, and drizzle a bit of flax oil and apple cider vinegar on top. Add your favorite veggies—I love to use chopped celery, chopped red bell pepper, chopped onion, minced garlic, and fresh herbs. All done! It’s like a zingy salad tucked inside a potato.

DR. G’S BASIC DRESSING This is delicious drizzled on a green salad, baked potato, baked vegetables, pretty much anything. Your taste buds will rejoice—and your body will, too. Apple cider vinegar is full of potassium, magnesium, and probiotics that help your body function optimally. If you struggle with digestive issues—including acid reflux—definitely give this dressing a try. Ingredients 2/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (approximately five oranges) ¼ cup apple cider vinegar ½ cup flax oil

2 T maple syrup ½ bunch parsley ¼ medium-sized red onion Directions Juice the oranges and add the juice to the jar. Wash and chop the

parsley. Finely dice the red onion. Toss all of that into the jar, too. Add the apple cider vinegar, flax oil, and maple syrup. Screw a lid onto the jar and shake until nicely blended. Or whirl everything together in a blender, if you prefer. For a variation, try replacing parsley with a few chives. Add some grated ginger for a zippier recipe. Or, substitute grapefruit juice for orange juice, or try a mix of several citrus juices.

YAM NINJA DRESSING This can be used as a salad dressing, a dip, a sauce, anything you want. For starters, try tossing this dressing into a bowl of grated or shredded cabbage, carrot, apple, and jicama to make a delicious, crunchy slaw. Delicious—and so nutritious, too. Yams are rich sources of Vitamin C, which helps your body fight infections, heal from injuries faster, and has many other benefits. Ingredients 1 medium-sized yam (roasted) (about one cup) 1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice (two oranges, one lemon) 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 1/3 cup flax oil ¼ cup water 2 cloves garlic 1 inch ginger

2 green onions Directions Scrub the yam to remove dirt. Bake in the oven until tender—usually about forty-five to sixty minutes at 350° F (177° C). Peel and discard the skin. Cut into chunks. Meanwhile, juice the oranges and lemon.

Peel the garlic and ginger. Slice and reserve the green onions. Put all of the ingredients—except the green onion—into your blender. Blend until smooth. Add sliced green onion at the end.

AND THE BEET GOES ON… This is a vibrant salad dressing with an intense pink color—thanks to the beets! Drizzle this dressing over your favorite veggies, and get your phone ready, because you’ll definitely want to snap a photo for Instagram. And let’s take a moment to celebrate the wonder of beets! Beets are packed with Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, and folate. These humble roots carry so many benefits for your body—healthier nerve and muscle function, stronger bones, and a happier liver, kidneys, and pancreas, not to mention decreasing the risk of birth defects. They simply can’t be beet! Ingredients 1 large (or 2 small) beets

1 large apple 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 to 3 lemons) 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar ½ cup flax oil

2 T maple syrup Directions Preheat the oven to 350° F (177° C). Wash the apple and beets and slice them into quarters, making sure to discard the apple seeds and stem. Add some liquid to the bottom of a roasting pan or casserole dish. Roast the apple and beets until soft—approximately 30

minutes. Juice the lemons. Add all of your ingredients to a blender —including the liquid from the roasted apple and beets. Blend until creamy and smooth. If you like, you can add some fresh chives at the end.

SIMPLE LETTUCE CUPS Here’s a crunchy, tasty salad that looks lovely, too. If you’ve got a few extra apples lying around, this is a great recipe to use them up. This recipe serves one, but feel free to double, triple, or quadruple the ingredients to make a bigger batch. Serve this to your dinner guests, and they will be impressed! Ingredients 1 green apple

1 carrot A few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar A few teaspoons of flax oil Butter lettuce leaves Directions Using a grater or a mandoline slicer, shred your apple and carrot into ribbons. Toss with vinegar and oil. Add fresh herbs if you like. Spoon the mixture into a butter lettuce leaf—they’re nice and round, almost like a cup or a small bowl. Voilà! Salad cups!

HIPPOCRATES SOUP Hippocrates was a Greek physician who lived from 460—370 BC. He was one of the first physicians who believed that diseases are caused by environmental factors, including eating and lifestyle habits—not caused by angry, vengeful gods, as many ancient Greeks believed. He is considered to be one of the fathers of modern medicine.

Hippocrates Soup was Dr. Max Gerson’s favorite soup for disease prevention and recovery. It’s a staple in my household, and it couldn’t be easier to make. You can double the quantities in this recipe if you want to make a big, family-sized batch or keep some extra stock in your fridge to use as a base for yummy sauces. Ingredients

4 stalks of celery 1 parsley root (if you can’t find this at your grocery story, no worries, you can skip it) ½–1 pound of tomatoes

2 onions 2 leeks (or substitute with 2 more onions)

1 pound of potatoes A handful of fresh parsley A couple cloves of garlic Directions Remove the skin from your onions. Wash and scrub your veggies. Chop coarsely. Simmer in a big pot—long and low heat, very slowly —for about two hours. You can eat the soup just as it is, or you can puree it with a food mill. Store in the refrigerator and enjoy within two days.

RED PESTO This recipe comes from Jennifer Just, a Green Moustache team

member and nutritionist. (Jennifer recently became the very first Green Mo’ franchisee, and she runs the Green Mo’ cafe in Squamish, British Columbia. She’s a rock star.) Jennifer used to struggle with anxiety around public speaking, like so many of us do. Once, in the middle of a cooking class, her hands started trembling uncontrollably. She was demonstrating this exact recipe—Red Pesto—and she was worried that everyone in the room could see her wobbling and trembling. The class ended and Jennifer thought, “Yikes. Well, that was a complete disaster.” But, actually, it wasn’t! The students were totally impressed with this recipe and gave Jennifer a huge thumbs-up, and lots of praise, and told her they loved the class. Moral of the story? Sometimes, all you need is a tasty recipe to turn a disaster into a triumph! Jennifer loves using this Red Pesto sauce on baked potatoes or spooned on top of veggies. Ingredients

6 small beets ¼ cup flax oil 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 medium cooked potato

2 cloves of garlic A handful of fresh basil Directions Wash, scrub, and chop the beets into chunks. Cook the beets slowly —long and low, in a covered pot—with a small amount of water until they’re nice and soft. It will take 30-40 minutes, depending on how big your chunks are. Let the beets cool. Toss them into your

food processor or blender with the remaining ingredients. Pulse until smooth.

CABBAGE SLAW WITH ORANGE DILL VINAIGRETTE A member of the Brassica family, this leafy vegetable comes in many varieties. Green, red, savoy, and white are the most commonly found in the grocery store. This beautiful vegetable is full of Vitamins C, K, and B6, manganese, fiber, and potassium. Cabbage slaw is easy and quick and can be either a side or a main dish. It is inexpensive and delicious to eat at any time of the year. Here is a simple recipe that you can prepare in large quantities and enjoy the leftovers the next day or on those days when you feel a little pressed for time. Ingredients ¼ head red cabbage, shredded ¼ head green cabbage, shredded 1 or 2 celery stalk(s), sliced ½ red onion, thinly sliced 3 radishes, thinly sliced ¼ cup orange juice

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar ¼ cup flax oil 1 tbsp. chopped dill Directions In a mixing bowl, combine all the vegetables. Whisk the orange juice, apple cider vinegar, flax oil, and dill together and drizzle over the cabbage slaw as much as you desire. You can sprinkle some fresh herbs on top for extra flavor. Chill in the fridge for an hour to allow the flavors to meld together

and enjoy!

“ANYTHING GOES” HUMMUS Hummus is traditionally made with chickpeas, but anything goes! Instead of chickpeas, you can use baked potatoes, baked beets, baked squash, just about anything that will add some thickness. This is a great dip, sauce, and spread that pairs beautifully with pretty much any veggie. Ingredients A baked potato or other baked veggie of your choice Some chopped garlic A splash of flax oil A splash of lemon juice Directions For this recipe, don’t worry about measuring everything precisely. Just wing it! Grab your blender and drizzle some flax oil into it. Add some chopped garlic and lemon juice. Then, add your baked potato (or baked beets, baked squash, baked parsnip or lentils that have been cooked long and low). Blend until thick and creamy, like a spreadable paste. Add a touch more oil if necessary, or a bit of water.

APPLE CRUMBLE A delicious breakfast, snack, or dessert. You can remove the apples and swap in some peaches, plums, or any fruit you want. Ingredients 1 handful of organic oats

1 apple

A few pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg Dash of honey, maple syrup or molasses Directions Cook the oats in some water, long and low, to soften them slightly. Slice your apple or cut into chunks. Layer the oats and apple in a small baking pan. Drizzle with maple syrup. Sprinkle your cinnamon and nutmeg on top. Bake at 350° F (177° C) for ten minutes or so, until the apples have softened up.

BANANA NICE CREAM Directions If you’ve never had vegan banana (n)ice cream, prepare to have your mind blown. It’s so easy to make, you don’t even need a recipe. Just peel a few bananas, chop into small pieces, and freeze them (this is the only time you can freeze your food in this program). Then toss the frozen chunks into your blender—ideally, a super-strong blender like the Vitamix or Blendtec. Whirl until frosty and smooth. It will form a thick cream that tastes like vanilla ice cream. … Please note that I’m not a chef. For me, food is medicine. Food is also fuel. Most importantly, food must be healthy if it’s to be consumed at all. Because I choose to make my life exciting outside of the kitchen, I tend to spend as little time in the kitchen as I have to. However, I know that some of you readers LOVE being in the kitchen every moment of the day. So, here’s where I recommend purchasing the Gerson Cookbook, as it was developed by a Gerson Chef and is the most comprehensive and accurate cooking guide in the history of the Gerson Therapy. It’s like having a Gerson Chef in your kitchen! It has step-by-step instructions, over 150 mouth-watering recipes with colorful pictures and helpful tips, and more. … Hundreds of Additional Recipes

For hundreds of additional plant-strong whole-food recipes to REVERSE cancer and chronic disease, check out… • The Gerson Therapy Cookbook1 • The Gerson Institute Website • The Green Moustache blog2 • The Green Moustache Salad Dressing Cookbook (coming soon) There are hundreds of anti-cancer and chronic-disease cookbooks that I could recommend, but I don’t want to overwhelm or confuse you. Several other anti-chronic-disease books still recommend a high intake of sodium salt, protein, and hard-to-digest foods like nuts, seeds, meat, and avocados, and refined sugars and oils. The Eat Real to Heal book, combined with Charlotte Gerson’s book Healing the Gerson Way and the Gerson Therapy cookbook will provide you with all the information you need. Plus, it’s the cleanest, realest way to get healthy fast. …

Time-Saving Tips Short on time? Can’t labor over a hot stove for hours on end? Got other things to do? I can definitely relate! With five businesses, three kids, and two very active dogs, efficiency is essential in my kitchen. My personal strategy is to block out a section of time—say, one and a half hours every two days in the evening—and, in that time, I do all the cooking/meal prep for all six meals, for all five family members, for the next two days. It’s perfect. I actually spend less time in the kitchen preparing six meals than if I tried to prepare them one or two meals at a time. There’s actually a lot that you can accomplish in one and a half hours. For starters, you can roast an entire pan of potatoes, two baked dishes, and an apple crumble in one go. Use the potatoes in a variety of ways—bowls, salads, sauces, and so on.

While everything is baking happily in the oven, you can do something else—like, wash and chop up the Hippocrates Soup and get that cooking. Next, you’ll want to get your Long and Low-cooked dish stewing on the stovetop. After that, you can whip up two or three salad dressings, store them in glass Mason jars, and chuck them into the fridge, so that you’re all set for the days ahead. Lastly, you could wash and prep a bunch of apples, carrots, and all of the ingredients for your green juice, arrange everything in reusable containers, and stick it all into the fridge, so you have ready-to-go ingredients to make juices that evening and the next day. Note: Don’t cut up your juicing ingredients in advance—simply wash and group them into portioned recipes, so that all you have to do is pull them out of the fridge, cut them up into smaller juicer-size pieces, and then juice away. You could do all of that…and you’ll probably still be finished before your baked dishes are finished! ou choose simple recipes with less than ten ingredients and minimal steps—like the recipes featured in this book—cooking becomes much speedier and easier. You’ll be amazed by how much you can create—and how little timeit takes! …

But I Already Eat Really Healthy! Once, a client—let’s call her “Rebecca”—came to see me with a chronic health condition. “I eat super-healthy all the time,” Rebecca told me. “But I’m constantly tired. I just don’t feel good, and I can’t figure out why.” We had a chat about her eating habits, I took a full health history from birth to her present age, and she described what a typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner would be. Right away, I could see the

issue. Rebecca was eating lots of “healthy” cereal and granola, “healthy” protein bars, “healthy” frozen burritos, “healthy” canned soups, “healthy” oatmeal cookies, “healthy” hummus and sauces, and so forth. Yes, she was sticking to organic food, which is great. But her meals were mostly comprised of pre-packaged foods—stuff from a box, from a can, from a plastic container, stuff produced in factories, stuff loaded with too much salt, sugar and refined oils. Rebecca wasn’t eating many fresh fruits and veggies. She thought she was eating “super healthy,” but in fact, her body was nutrient-deficient—that’s why her energy levels were slumping. I encouraged her to switch to real food. “Ditch the processed stuff for five weeks,” I advised her. “Eat real food, straight from the garden. Let’s load your body with organic fruits and veggies and some grains, though in much smaller quantities than what you are used to. I bet your energy levels will totally change.” She did. And it worked. I’ve had hundreds of clients and customers just like Rebecca over the years. People who feel “pretty good, but not great.” People who aren’t exactly “sick,” but aren’t thriving and vibrant either. If that’s your situation, I encourage you to look closely—and honestly—at what you’re eating. You might feel like you’re sticking to a supernutritious diet, but…maybe not! Switch to real food and—just like Rebecca—you’ll feel a big difference. …

But What about Protein? Yes, we are going to tackle the protein conversation one more time, just so I know that you and I are speaking the same language before you begin this five-week Eat Real to Heal challenge. In the list of recipes that I just suggested, you might have noticed that none of them include meat, eggs, avocado, dairy, nuts, or seeds, or any other forms of animal or rich plant protein.

This is because we don’t need as much protein as we’ve been led to believe. In fact, too much protein is very tough on the body. Oh yes, the beef industry has worked hard to convince you that meat is crucial for strength and vitality! But it’s simply not true. If you look online, you’ll see several blogs written by vegan weightlifters, vegan boxers, vegan bodybuilders, dancers, Iron Man athletes, and marathoners who are all living—and thriving—without meat. They stick to a plant-based way of eating, and they’re functioning in top form, because of their plant-strong lifestyle. If they can, why not you? Just as an experiment, stop eating animal protein for five weeks. Notice how you feel. Taking a “meat break” is a beautiful gift for your kidneys and your cells. You’ll allow them to circulate excess sodium effectively through your body while flushing out excess water and acidity, which can build up over time from too much protein. After eliminating animal or high-protein foods for five weeks, you might feel lighter, more energized, and have a clearer head. You might not miss pork chops as much as you thought you would. As I say to my clients, “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.” If you’re curious to learn more about the science of protein—and how we’ve been duped into thinking we need to eat tons and tons of it to be “healthy”—check out a book called Proteinaholic3 by Garth Davis, MD. …

But What about Salt? A lot of clients ask me, “Can I sprinkle some good-quality salt onto my meals?” You can—but I’d strongly recommend that you don’t. Why? Because most of us consume way too much salt already. Health organizations recommend no more than 2,300 milligrams (about one teaspoon) of salt per day. But most people in North American consume far more than the recommended amount—and the consequences are severe. Excessive salt intake spikes your

blood pressure, which, over time, increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Yikes. Kind of makes you think twice before sprinkling extra salt on your veggies, right? If things “just don’t taste right” without extra salt, that’s because you’ve grown accustomed to a high-sodium diet, and your taste buds need a little time to adjust. If you reduce your salt intake for a short time—even just ten days— then you’ll give your taste buds a chance to adjust, and your palate will change. After two weeks or so, you’ll notice that you don’t “need” the excess salt anymore. Things will taste amazing without it! …

And What about Alcohol? You’ve probably seen the headlines that say, “Red wine contains antioxidants that can fight cancer!” and “Moderate alcohol consumption is good for your heart!” and so forth. Is it true? The jury’s still out. Some studies say yes, and others are inconclusive. Dealing with alcohol is one of those situations where you need to view your body as a living laboratory and pay close attention to how things impact you. When you have one glass of wine, how do you feel the next morning? What about two glasses? What about none? Rather than buying into the media hype—or trusting the latest news headlines—trust the information you’re receiving from your own body. Ultimately, that’s the information that matters most. Whether you choose to consume alcohol or not, I definitely recommend moderation, and I recommend taking a break every now and then—especially if you’re recovering from an injury or battling a disease. You want to remove everything from your body that puts extra stress on it. And give your hardworking liver a break, rather than giving your liver even more work to do.

When you drink alcohol, similar to when you consume too much protein, salt, sugar, or oil, your body puts all other systems on hold in order to use its energy to eliminate the excess alcohol, salt, protein, sugar and oil before any of it can damage your organs and tissues. Often, this process of elimination and self-regulation to maintain homeostasis can take four to six hours. And then, around 12:00, lunch begins, and your body is back to cleaning up the mess once again. This means that your body never gets the break it needs to focus on healing, repair, and regeneration, which leaves it in a tired, even exhausted state. When you eat the foods described in this book, you’ll simply allow your body to consume the highest amount of clean, organic nutrients with the lowest impact on your being, leaving you feeling energized, light, and vibrant. If it feels really difficult to stop drinking alcohol for five weeks—or even for five days—you are not alone. There are millions of people who don’t necessarily fit the description of “alcoholic,” but who feel somewhat dependent on alcohol, and who’d like to cut back and find other ways to unwind and de-stress. Check out Hip Sobriety for inspiration and like-minded people. You can also hire a therapist or counselor, join AA, or find help within your church group or another spiritual center. If you want to cut back on alcohol, or abstain completely, there are millions of people who are on the same path. Join them. You don’t have to walk alone. …

Healing Reactions When you quit eating processed food, you’re giving your body a tremendous gift. After about five weeks, you will see and feel all kinds of positive changes. But at first, especially during that very first week or two, things might feel…a little weird. Some of my clients—not all, but some—experience what I call “healing reactions.” Other people call these “detox symptoms.” These are unpleasant—but very temporary—reactions that you experience while your body is detoxifying, healing, and adjusting to your new way of eating.

Detox symptoms can include feeling inflamed, feeling bloated and gassy, headaches, wicked bowel movements, or feeling soreness in your joints, especially in places where you’ve had an injury or surgery previously, including breast implants or metal plates on your bones. Why? What’s happening is that your body is going into “healing overdrive.” Now that it’s being flooded with nutrients, your body thinks, “Hooray! Now we can really get to work and do some serious healing and repair.” Your body starts working extra-hard to repair damaged cells, tissues, and organs, which can cause inflammation and soreness. But again, it’s only temporary. With a healing reaction, typically, it hits you like a ton of bricks, but by twenty-four to seventy-two hours later, it’s totally gone. It’s not like a cold or flu that creeps up slowly. A healing reaction is more like a quick flare-up and then, whoosh, it’s all gone. Don’t be worried if you feel some healing reactions. It’s a good thing —and it’s a sign that your body is healing. That said, always trust your instincts. If you’re feeling “off” and your instincts say, “Something is definitely not right,” then plan a visit to your doctor ASAP. Doing coffee enemas, which help manage pain and inflammation and assist the liver in detoxifying the body, is necessary to lessen or eliminate the healing reaction flare-ups. We discuss coffee enemas in greater detail on page 115. …

A Few Tips for Parents You’re excited to eat real. But your kids…maybe not so much? Maybe your kids are accustomed to ordering from Pizza Hut for dinner. Maybe they’re hooked on mac ’n’ cheese from a box—the kind with that nuclear orange powdered cheese. Maybe they’re used to getting donuts from Tim Hortons as a reward for doing well at school. Or maybe your kids are willing to eat fresh fruits and

veggies, but only certain types—bananas are cool, maybe blueberries, but everything else? Forget it. As a parent, you’re the primary role model in your kid’s life. It’s up to you to lead by example, and to show your kids that eating real food can be fun, tasty, and satisfying. Visit our Sea to Sky Thrivers website—the non-profit arm of our businesses—Richer Health blogs, or sign up for one of my workshops for more ideas on raising healthy kids. As well, here are some pointers that might help: 1. Don’t try to trick your kids. I’ve seen parents try to trick their kids into eating veggies by hiding cauliflower florets under a pile of mashed potatoes, for example. It’s not going to work. Your kids are too smart to fall for tricks and gimmicks! Trickery is not the solution. A better option is to get your kids involved in shopping, washing, chopping, and making meals at home. The more you involve your kids in the process, the more interested and enthusiastic they will be. You can also help your kids to grow a garden. Plant some herbs on the window sill. Bring the kids to the market and let your toddler pick out her favorite yellow, orange, and red heirloom tomatoes, whichever ones she likes best. Get them involved, and they’ll be way more likely to eat what you’re serving. 2. Remove the competition. You can’t have competing foods in the house. If there’s a bag of salt and vinegar chips in my house, my kids will always choose those over the healthier, more satisfying options. All those cheese strings, Cheerios, Goldfish crackers, and sleeves of Oreos—they have to go, or your healthy-kids wishes will never come true. This doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun snacks or treats. You can! Just upgrade to high-quality, nutritious treats. For example, you can make date bars by mixing soaked dates,

rolled oats, and cinnamon in a food processor and then shaping them into small bars. Sweet and quick! Or try my super-simple three-ingredient banana oatmeal cookies—banana, oats, and cinnamon mashed together and baked until tender. Try a banana shake made with oat milk. During hot summer days, puree, in a blender, fresh fruits like mango, peaches, or watermelon mixed with a bit of orange juice, and place into ice pop molds to give you a tasty refreshing treat. It can be that simple, and it’s fun to re-discover the real, simple taste of a freshly cut sliced apple, banana, or peach. You can also stew fruits and blend them into sauces. Applesauce is still my fourteen-year-old daughter’s favorite dessert to make—one ingredient…blended stewed apples. Delicious! Bottom line: if you dump the junk and replace it with real food, you and your kids will both have an easier transition into this new lifestyle. Set yourself up for success! 3. Don’t pressure, bribe, or bully your kids into eating their veggies and fruits. It’s just not necessary to do this. Most kids won’t starve themselves. Eventually, they’re going to get hungry, wander into the kitchen, and ask for something to eat. If eating real food is a totally foreign concept, they might grumble a bit at first. They might throw a little tantrum. But if you serve real food consistently, day after day, pretty soon, they’ll get on board. They’ll see you chopping fresh, crunchy veggies. They’ll inhale the aromas of simmering squash, garlic, and onions. They’ll hear the whirring sound of the juicer and blender, and they’ll watch beets and carrots being transformed into colorful pesto, sauces, and soups. Soon, all of this will feel normal and natural. Just think of the tremendous gifts that you’re giving to your children: The gift of top-quality nutrition. The gift of healthy habits, from a young age, so that they don’t have to make a challenging transition when they’re older. The gift of strength and health. They’re worth it. So are you.

Mindful Eating Food is medicine. Food is fuel. However, food is also so much more than that. Food can be a community celebration—a chance to gather and make memories, a time to talk about what happened in your day, to connect deeply with loved ones, or if you’re eating alone, to connect with yourself. Mealtime can be a rushed, frenzied experience, or it can be done in a very mindful way. I grew up in a household where mealtime was pretty rushed. We always ate nourishing, homemade food. However, once the food was on the table, it was total mayhem! My three younger brothers and I would dive in, grabbing spoonfuls of curry, rice, and veggies as rapidly as possible. The situation was, basically, how fast can you get to the food before somebody else takes it away? Needless to say, this type of rapid-fire eating is not ideal. It’s emotionally stressful and it’s tough on our digestive systems, too. I’ve had to learn, as I’ve gotten older, to slow way, way down at mealtime. One bite. Pause. Another bite. Chew thoroughly. Another bite. Smile and say a little internal blessing (“Thank you, food”) for your meal. Pause. Chat, laugh, and share stories. Then another bite. When we eat slowly and mindfully, it changes the entire experience. Food tastes better, for starters. And also, you’ll improve the digestive process, which means you’ll absorb even more nutrients from every bite. Food is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and it’s a pleasure we get to enjoy three to six times every day. The keyword is “enjoy.” What would make mealtime feel more enjoyable for you? What would help you to slow down and really savor the experience? Maybe lighting a candle. Playing soft music. Or using the “nice, fancy china” instead of saving it for “someday later.” Why can’t “someday” be today? For the rest of today, I encourage you to eat your food extremely

slowly and mindfully—so slowly that it almost feels silly. At first, it will feel weird. You’ll probably feel like a cow in a field, chewing in slow motion. Some people might wonder what’s wrong with you. Don’t worry about them, though! Focus on enjoying your food. Eating mindfully is also about being aware of “just eating,” experiencing flavors, textures, and temperatures, and being aware of the thoughts in your head while eating. Then, consider how you can slow down and be mindful in other aspects of your life, too. Perhaps you can be a little more mindful in how you take a shower, fold laundry, make your bed, drive to and from work, and ride your bike. Slow down and feel the wind on your skin. Slow down and appreciate the morning sunlight pouring through your bedroom windows. Slow down and notice the extra two inches of height that your daughter suddenly has—she’s growing up so strong, so fast! Slow down long enough to say “thank you” to a hardworking colleague or beloved friend. Slow down to feel more joy. Most of the times, we’re rushing-rushing-rushing around like maniacs, and our brains are swirling with a million different thoughts. Practicing mindfulness simply means that you’re bringing your mind into the present moment—slowing down and focusing on one thing, not a hundred things. This is the most enjoyable way to eat—and live. Try it, and feel the difference. …

From Miscarriage To Miracle Years ago, a woman hired me for nutrition counseling. She’s a client I will never forget. All she wanted was to have a child. She’d been trying to get pregnant for a long time, and it had been an intense struggle. Finally, just when she thought her dreams would come true, she experienced yet another miscarriage and lost the baby. Her doctor comforted her but couldn’t provide any answers. “These things just happen,” she was told.

My client’s doctor told her that she was healthy, and she could try for another pregnancy. But my client wasn’t so sure. She was also forty-three years old. She suspected that something was “off,” and she pushed for more testing. It turned out, she had uterine fibroids. These are non-cancerous, benign tumors that grow in the uterus. They are not life-threatening, but they can cause pain, pressure, cramping, and other issues. To get rid of them, doctors typically recommend medication, embolization (which involves using a catheter to inject tiny particles into the fibroids to destroy them), or hysterectomy, in which the uterus is completely removed and getting pregnant is completely out of the question. My client wanted to try a different approach. She came to me, seeking a non-surgical treatment option for the fibroids, and maybe, possibly, a path to having a child. I explained that upgrading your diet can be tremendously helpful—it’s not a guaranteed fix, but it can definitely help. She agreed to try. I helped her get on a real food plan, following the Gerson Therapy recommendations. Thirty different fruits and veggies every week. Fresh juice several times a day. Detoxifying techniques, including daily coffee enemas. Supplements to nourish her body even more. Clean, filtered water. Rest. Gentle movement and exercise. After six weeks, her fibroids had shrunk down to 50 percent of their original size. After twelve weeks, they were gone completely. Another four weeks after that, she was pregnant. Today, her child is five years old. Some might call this a “miracle.” I call it the power of real food. I have hundreds of client success cases like the one above—not just for infertility and fibroids, but for hundreds of different types of chronic illnesses and cancers. Eat Real to Heal is a specific program for a host of non-specific chronic illnesses caused by two things— nutrient deficiency and toxicity. Reverse those two factors, and you reverse your disease. I know people who’ve spent $30,000 to $100,000 in their quest to feel better, to reduce pain, lose weight, get pregnant, or beat disease. Thousands of dollars on prescription medications, surgical

procedures, infertility treatments, weight-loss regimes, and more. And yet, the greatest gift you can give to your body costs almost nothing at all. All you need is a basket of organic produce, an open mind, and the willingness to fuel your body with real food. Food is one of the most powerful forms of medicine we have, and it’s also the most overlooked and forgotten. It’s time to reclaim the healing medicine that’s already inside your fridge, garden, or local grocery store. Before you resign yourself to a child-free life, before you give up on beating diabetes, before you decide that feeling mediocre is “as good as it’s going to get,” make a significant change to your eating habits. Eat real. Watch what happens next. It could be downright miraculous. …

All about Juicing We’ve spent a lot of time talking about cooked food, and now we’re getting into… Juice, juice, wonderful juice! Drinking fresh, organic vegetable and fruit juice is one of the most efficient ways to saturate your body with nutrients. You don’t want to sit down and eat ten to twenty pounds of vegetables. That would take forever, and you’d feel stuffed and bloated afterwards! But with a juicer, you can take ten to twenty pounds of produce and distill everything into eight-ounce single portions, consumed several times throughout the day. So much plant-power streamlined into a single beverage. It’s truly liquid gold. How Much Juice? Personally, I aim to have one to three glasses of juice every day. Each glass should hold about eight ounces. When I have a client who’s battling cancer and doing the Gerson Therapy program, their protocol will be bumped up to thirteen glasses a day, one every hour.

What Goes Into It? Nature’s bounty! You can make juices from a variety of ingredients. In the Eat Real to Heal Program, you’ll consume one to three glasses a day of the following staple juices. 1. The Green Juice, which is made up of leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, tart apples like Granny Smith apples, green peppers, purple cabbage, inner beet greens, chard, endive, and watercress. Note: DO NOT use kale, collards, or spinach in your juice— these greens are better consumed cooked and with their fiber intact. 2. The Carrot-Apple Juice, which consists of just that, carrots and apples. For breakfast, you can also include one hand-squeezed eight-ounce citrus juice of your choice: orange, grapefruit, or a combination of both. After you have completed the five-week Eat Real to Heal program or the Gerson Therapy, and only after you are fully healed, you can begin to get creative with your juices and juice ingredients. As you can see, your juices can be really simple—just one to two ingredients—or wildly abundant—six ingredients or more. For the Eat Real to Heal program, and when doing the Gerson Therapy, stick to the specially formulated juice recipes to maximize healing. When Is the Best Time to Drink the Juices? Spread them out throughout the day. You can sip one glass at each meal—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If that doesn’t work for you, you might have a green juice in the morning, followed two hours later by a carrot juice, followed six hours later by a carrot-apple juice. Whatever schedule you want to do is fine—as long as you’re

spreading them out throughout the day. Don’t chug them back to back. Spreading them out allows your body to take in all the watersoluble nutrients, while not being too flooded by all those nutrients. If you drink them all at once, you end up excreting lots of watersoluble vitamins and losing the benefit of the juices. Store-Bought or Homemade? You can purchase bottles of cold-pressed, organic juice from a store or juice bar. But at $8 to $12 per beverage, that can get very pricey. If you’re drinking one to three glasses a day, it adds up! That’s why I recommend investing in a juicer and making your own juice at home. Plus, it’s guaranteed fresh—it’s always best to drink your juice within fifteen minutes of making it. Most juice bars don’t have the luxury of offering you this service. If they did, you’d be waiting hours for a juice. What about Doing a Juice Fast? A “juice fast” or “juice cleanse” or “juice detox” is where you stop eating solid food and only drink juice, typically one to seven days in a row. I don’t recommend doing this. It’s very trendy right now—and some people swear that they feel amazing doing it—but I’ve found that it does more harm than good for those suffering from a chronic health condition. The problem with a juice fast is that you’re not getting fiber, healthy fats, essential amino acids, necessary carbohydrates, or any of the other building blocks that your body needs. It’s beneficial to consume those every day, and they all help with eliminating toxins. Juice fasting may be beneficial for a short period of time for someone who is not suffering from a chronic disease and who is also being carefully monitored by a health professional skilled in the science of fasting. My recommendation is: keep on juicing, but eat actual food, too! My Favorite Juicers

I love the Norwalk. It’s the king, or queen, of all the juicers. It’s about $3,300 CAD ($2,959 USD) to purchase the machine. It’s a serious investment, but, just like a car, this is a machine that you will use every single day, and it will last a lifetime. And unlike many other juicers, it’s super-easy to clean. If you feel like, “That’s a ludicrous amount of money to spend on a juicer! No way!”…well, I get it. But here’s the funny thing. Most of my clients usually start off with a lower-end juicer. They’ll purchase one for, say, $149. Then, after a few weeks, it gets jammed. Or they get sick of cleaning it because it’s fussy and difficult to take apart. So then they purchase a stainless-steel juicer that costs a little bit more money, but the juice is foamy and they’re not getting enough liquid into each glass. Then they purchase a third juicer, or maybe even a fourth. By the end of it, they’ve spent the exact same amount of money as if they’d just gone ahead and purchased the queen of juicers: the Norwalk (named after Dr. Norman Walker, 1886–1985, who healed himself and lived to be ninety-nine years old using juicing, quality nutrition, and food as medicine). I’m not saying, “You must go out there and buy the Norwalk.” You do have other options. A few juicers I love are the Hurom, the Omega, the Champion, the Green Star, and my favorite next to the Norwalk, the Angel, which is also stainless steel but costs far less than the Norwalk. The Angel is a masticating twin-gear juicer, which means that it has two shafts that look like screws that sit next to each other. Your produce goes through while the shafts spin, and it crunches up your vegetables and presses out the juice through a fine stainless-steel mesh component. It’s a fantastic juicer that runs about $1,000 to $1,200 CAD. Whatever juicer you choose, take good care of it. Treat it like a piece of medical equipment. Clean it thoroughly after each use. Keep the warranty packet in case you ever need to get it repaired. Replace the smaller bits if they get worn out. With care, your juicer will work hard for you, and last a long time. If you still feel uncertain about making this kind of investment,

remember the cost per use. If you go for, say, the Angel, you’ll be spending about $1000. If you make two glasses of juice every day, that’s 730 glasses per year, which means the cost per use is just $1.36 per glass, plus the produce to be juiced for that first year. And your Angel will last for many, many years. Now, compare that to the price of a meal at a fancy restaurant, or a nice outfit that you may or may not ever wear again, plus all the other “one-time- use” or maybe even useless things we purchase in any given year to make ourselves feel good for fifteen minutes, but that have no effect on preventing, managing, let alone reversing, a chronic illness. Stainless Steel versus Plastic What I like about stainless-steel juicers is that you can take them apart, rinse them in water, and put them on the shelf to dry. Very easy clean up. Plastic juicers? Not so great. Some of the plastic juicers can get cracked over time. The minerals from your juice can stick to the plastic, and you have to scrub it vigorously to be able to get it clean. They also tend to get jammed and stuck more than the steel ones. I’m not saying the plastic juicers are totally useless—some are pretty decent—but personally, I’d go for steel. Go for Quality Like I mentioned earlier, it’s tempting to purchase the cheapest juicer on the market—but this can lead to clogged pipes, annoying clean-up situations, frustration, and then spending more money later down the line, regardless! I advise you to purchase the highest-quality juicer that you can afford right now. Go for the high end, not the low end. Just like purchasing a great mattress for your bed—where you’ll spend eight hours a day, every day—a great juicer is one of those investments that will upgrade your quality of life every day. Preparing Your Produce for Juicing Before juicing, you want to wash your produce thoroughly.

Grab your vegetables and wash them well in a clean sink full of filtered or distilled water. Please, no vegetable cleaning sprays or chemical-laden cleaning products. Just soak them in water for a couple minutes, or rinse under running water. No need to scrub. You don’t want to scrub away the skin of your veggies or apples because there are plenty of valuable nutrients just under the skin. I like washing my veggies in filtered water, because chlorinated tap water is full of chlorine and other harmful organic and inorganic materials. What’s the point of making a beautiful glass of juice if it’s contaminated, right? After washing, chop your produce into chunks, and remove the cores from your apples so that it will all pass through your juicer more easily. Some of the top-notch juicers are super-strong, and you can throw an entire carrot inside and it will juice it up, no problem, and no chopping required. But for the budget juicers, you’ll want to chop things up to prevent jamming the machine. Using Your Juicer No matter what kind of juicer you’re using, be gentle! You don’t want to shove or force the vegetables down. This will cause annoying jams and breakdowns and will also cause your juice to foam. Let the juicer slowly take in the produce. Of course, always make sure you have a cup, glass, or bowl under the spout so all the juice gets collected. If your juicer produces a lot of foam, just skim it off. Drink your juice right away, ideally within fifteen minutes. The fresher the juice, the more nutrition you’ll get. Drinking Your Juice Just like mindful eating, it’s best to practice mindful juicing and sipping. Don’t chug your juice to get it down as fast as possible. Slow down. Enjoy your juice. Let it swish around in your mouth, really taste it, before swallowing it. This will activate your salivary glands and your digestive system. Sip slowly so that all the nutrients can get absorbed into your body effectively. Cheers!

Nutrient Absorption There is a saying: You are what you eat. However, that’s not exactly true. You are what you absorb. One of the main reasons people get sick is that they’re eating plenty of food, but they’re not absorbing nutrients well. This can be because the food hasn’t been cooked enough (it’s totally raw and hard to digest) or the opposite—it’s been heavily processed in a factory and the nutrients have been sapped out. It can also be because your body has been weakened over time and you lack the digestive enzymes and acids to break down your food into easy-toabsorb rations. This is why I encourage my clients to consume a mixture of juice plus food that’s been cooked long and low. In terms of nutrient absorption, these are your best options. The supplements that we’ll discuss will also help you better digest and absorb invaluable nutrients from your foods and juices. Juicing removes all of the fiber from fruits and veggies while leaving the nutrients intact. When we drink juice, nutrients travel through the body through osmosis, get absorbed into the system quickly, and are utilized by the mitochondria in all the cells, tissues, bones, and all parts of the body. Lots of nutrient absorption, very little waste. And then there’s the long and low cooking method, which we talked about before. With the long and low cooking method, we use heat to break down the fibers in the food for maximum nutrient absorption. The food is almost “pre-digested” with the heat. When we eat this food, it is almost like eating baby food. The food is cooked for a long period of time. Some people refer to it as mushy. I tend to refer to it as stewed—decadently stewed, so that it melts in your mouth with every single bite.

Detoxification Meet the Mighty Liver Lift up your right hand. Place it on the right side of your body, halfway up from your pelvis and below your chest. That’s where your liver lives. Your liver is a mighty organ that does so many phenomenal things. It’s responsible for over five hundred functions. It keeps our body clean, healthy, balanced, and detoxified. When your liver is overwhelmed and not functioning correctly, you’ve got big problems. Many people don’t realize that the liver is partly responsible for balancing hormones. When we think about hormone balancing, we might think about the thyroid, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary gland in the brain. But the liver is also responsible for balancing hormones. For starters, it produces a hormone called sex hormone binding globulin, or SHBG, which is a protein that is responsible for trapping excess hormones in our body, dissolving them, and essentially spitting them out of the body so we have the right balance of estrogen—which keeps other hormone levels, like progesterone and testosterone, in balance. And two out of three breast cancers are hormone-receptor-positive, meaning that they grow in response to estrogen. If your liver is sluggish and not working well, then it can’t produce enough SHBG to keep your estrogen levels in check. This means your estrogen levels will increase and affect the levels of other hormones. For this reason, and many others, it’s imperative to keep the liver happy, detoxifying, and healthy. Give Your Liver Some Love Many years ago, I enrolled in a yoga teacher training program, which included a section on human anatomy.

When we began learning about the liver, our instructor stood up, placed her hands on her liver, and said: “Repeat after me: Hello, liver. Today I will take every action to keep you healthy and clean, and allow you to do what you’re meant to be doing without bogging you down.” She encouraged us to stand and recite these words right there in the classroom, and do so every morning. This may seem a bit silly—talking to your own liver, seriously?—but it’s a beautiful thing to do. You can do it first thing in the morning, or right before bed. You can lie down. Close your eyes. And then say aloud, or privately, inside your mind, “Thank you, liver. Thank you for taking good care of me. I promise to take good care of you, too.” Powering Up Your Liver If you’ve been eating a typical North American diet for most of your life—lots of processed food, lots of salt, lots of preservatives, lots of non-organic fruits and veggies—then your liver is, quite frankly, over burdened. And your microbiome isn’t doing well, either. It’s been overloaded for too long. Picture an office worker with a thousand unread emails and twenty urgent project deadlines who’s been working nonstop for decades. That poor employee is probably one email away from a nervous breakdown. That’s how your liver might be feeling right now. To power up your liver, you want to switch to real organic food and drink your juices—things we’ve already discussed in this book. These lifestyle changes will help to flush out your system and give your liver a much-needed break. Before too long, your liver will be humming along nicely, and able to do its important work without being overloaded. To power up your liver even more, I recommend doing a coffee enema once a day for five weeks in a row. To further support your liver, take the nutritional supplements. Introducing: The Coffee Enema

I know what you’re thinking. Coffee? Enema? As in, I’m supposed to put coffee up my butt? Excuse me, Nicolette, but have you lost your mind?! I know it might sound pretty wacky, but please bear with me. It may sound peculiar, but this is one of the most efficient ways to cleanse your liver, ridding your body of toxins that have built up over the course of many years, even decades. How It Works A coffee enema is not the same as a colonic. With a colonic, you are shooting large amounts of water inside of you to scrub your insides clean. That’s not how a coffee enema works. With a coffee enema, you are targeting your liver, up through the hepatic portal vein. The coffee hits the liver and, thanks to the caffeine and palmitates in the coffee, stimulates it to create more bile and trap toxins. Then, those trapped toxins run through your digestive tract and out through your colon and rectum. The History of the Coffee Enema Early in his career, Dr. Max Gerson was treating a few patients who had cancer. Sadly, these patients died. During autopsies, Dr. Gerson discovered that the cause of death was hepatic coma. This is the hardening of the liver. It happens when the liver becomes so burdened and sluggish that it solidifies and becomes hard like a rock. The liver is overloaded with flushed toxins and it becomes ineffective. The liver cannot perform any of its functions anymore. This leads to death. In these autopsies, Gerson was surprised to discover that he couldn’t detect the cancer. The immune system had been able to attack the cancerous tumors successfully—but meanwhile, the liver was failing. In a sense, these patients died from liver failure, not from cancer. Max Gerson wondered, “If I could have found a way to reactivate the liver and get it working again, perhaps these patients would

have lived.” He began experimenting with different strategies to power up the liver, including coffee enemas, and had great success. How to Perform a Coffee Enema Ingredients An enema bag or bucket A large stainless steel cooking pot Organic ground coffee (light roast is best, because it has the highest caffeine levels) A metal tea strainer to catch the coffee grounds An old towel Filtered or distilled water Directions 1. Put four cups of water in a pot and bring it to a gentle rolling boil. 2. Add three heaping tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee. 3. Let it boil with the lid off for three minutes. 4. Place the lid on the pot and turn the heat to low. 5. Let the coffee mixture gently simmer for 12 minutes. 6. Pour the mixture through a metal tea strainer into a glass Mason jar. 7. Let the mixture cool down to a comfortable temperature. Warm, but not too hot. Think body temperature or a baby’s milk bottle. 8. Set up your bathroom while the mixture cools. 9. Lay an old towel or blanket on the floor, on top of a yoga mat or Thermarest, in your bathroom. 10. Clean your enema bucket and hose. Once cleaned, close off the clamp on the hose. 11. Pour the body-temperature coffee mixture into the bucket (aren’t you glad you closed off the hose clamp?).

12. Place a non-toxic lubricant around the first five inches of the tube’s tip. 13. Open the clamp and let the air inside the tube escape so that coffee fills the tube, then close the clamp again. 14. Lie down on the towel on your RIGHT side. 15. Insert the end of the tube roughly four to five inches inside your rectum. 16. Place the bucket of solution 18 inches above your waist. 17. Open the clamp and the solution will drain in. If it does not flow, try deep breathing, raising the bucket higher, twisting the inserted part of the tube slightly, or moving the tube out and then back in a few millimeters. Releasing the Enema 18. Hold the solution for 12 minutes, or until you feel a strong urge to release the enema. Eventually, once all the toxins are released, you’ll find it easier to hold for the entire 12 minutes, though there is no reward for holding it shorter or longer periods of time. Use this time to read a book, meditate, do visioning exercises, or simply rest… 19. After 12 minutes, release the enema solution into the toilet, clean up with a gentle soap or cleanser, and hang the bucket so that the tube and the hose dry thoroughly. Further Hints • If you develop a cramp, close the clamp, turn from side to side, massage your belly, place a hot-water bottle on your belly, hum, or take a few deep breaths. A cramp usually passes quickly. • If possible, do the enema after a bowel movement to make it easier to retain the coffee. If this is not possible, take a plain water or chamomile enema first, if needed to clean out the colon. • If intestinal gas is a problem, some exercises before the enema

may eliminate the gas. Deep belly breathing will also help. • If water will not flow around the entire colon, try gently massaging your lower abdomen. • If the enema makes you jittery, reduce the amount of coffee or solution for one week, then try again with the full-strength solution. • Eat something before doing a coffee enema to activate bowel movement. Eat something small after taking the enema too. • Ensure the enema is at body temperature for comfort. Always check whether the water is too hot or too cold. You can even use a cooking thermometer to get really precise. • Be patient, as practice makes perfect. • Stay warm and cozy. Keep yourself comfortable and warm by using a blanket and pillow. How Often? I recommend doing a coffee enema once a day for five weeks in a row. If you want to seriously commit, you can even do it twice a day —morning and night—for five weeks. Think of this like hitting a reset button for your liver, and by extension your entire body. Note: The ratio of juices to coffee enemas is this: Drink three eight-ounce glasses of juice for every coffee enema you do in a twenty-four-hour period. Therefore, if you drink six eight-ounce glasses of juice, you would do two coffee enemas in a twenty-four-hour period, and so on. You’re activating your liver, powering it up, getting it back into top form. It’s like taking an athlete who’s been out of shape, stiff, tired, in retirement for many years and…boom! We’re getting that athlete ready for a comeback tour! After five weeks, you may consider doing fewer coffee enemas.

BUTT—yes, the pun was intended—I highly recommend you keep this wonderful detox activity included in your life. You will feel the typical toxin burden feelings when you need an enema: foggy brain, aching joints, tired, etc. Some of my clients will do a weekly coffee enema for maintenance. Others do it once a month. It’s up to you. However, please note that, every day, your body is taking in and eliminating waste and toxins. Supporting your liver with daily or weekly coffee enemas is simply good hygiene. You do brush your teeth daily, don’t you? Why not do the same for your mighty liver? A Few Other Detoxification Techniques Coffee enemas are fantastic! I can’t sing their praises highly enough! I love teaching people how to do enemas at home, because I’ve seen how effective they are, and I’ve seen the life-changing (sometimes, life-saving) benefits of detoxifying in this way. Yes, I’m a proud enema advocate. I should get a t-shirt that says “Ask Me about Enemas,” although I’m sure that would horrify my teenage daughters. However, enemas aren’t the only detoxification technique. There are many others that you can try in addition to the wonderful coffee enema. Here are a few that are really easy to do, and you probably have the necessary materials in your kitchen already… Tongue Scraping Have you ever woken up, looked in the bathroom mirror, and seen that your tongue is coated with a slimy white film? All that gunky stuff is toxic residue—dead cells, sometimes stinky bacteria that causes bad breath, plaque buildup, and other stuff—that’s trying to escape your body. Don’t swallow it! You want to scrape it off and get it out. Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic practice that’s been done in India for many centuries—and recently, it’s becoming more popular in Western countries too. To do it, simply take a small metal spoon, flip it over, reach into your mouth, touch down on the back of your tongue (as far as you can go

without gagging), and gently scrape towards the tip of your tongue. You can also purchase a special U-shaped tongue scraping tool on Amazon (get a copper one, not a plastic one), but most people find that a plain old spoon works just fine. Tongue scraping is a good way to remove unwanted bacteria, wake up your taste buds and encourage them to regenerate, and also stimulate your salivary glands, which leads to effective digestion. Who knew you could do so many positive things for your body, all with a humble spoon? Oil Pulling Do NOT do this if you have cancer. Much like tongue scraping, Oil pulling is really simple to do. I like to do it first thing in the morning right after I wake up, just after or before I scrape my tongue. Simply take one tablespoon of organic, unrefined, cold-pressed coconut or sesame oil. Put the oil into your mouth. Don’t swallow it, but swirl it around in your mouth for ten to twenty minutes. You can stroll around, make your bed, boil water to make your oatmeal, do some juicing, or stretch, as you’re swishing the oil around, pushing and pulling it through your teeth and along your gums. Let the oil get warm and melty. Get it up into your gums, around the roof of your mouth, everywhere. Swish, swish, swish. Think about pulling the oil back and forth across—and through—your teeth. The oil is pulling bad bacteria out of your mouth. After ten or twenty minutes, you will feel a frothy mixture in your mouth. Spit it out into an organic waste bin, as it will tend to clog up your sink, and then brush your teeth. This might be strange at first— some people don’t like the fatty, oily sensation—but you will get used to it, and it’s incredibly good for your body. It eliminates bad breath better than any mint, mouthwash, or other product on the market. Afterward, your mouth will feel sparkling clean! Try doing this once a week. Some people even do this daily, but once a week is definitely better than never.

Lymph Massage Another way to detoxify is by doing lymph massage. You don’t need to hire a massage therapist to do this—you can do it yourself! Before your morning shower, take your right hand, place it on your left shoulder, then slide it down your arm briskly, like you’re waking up your arms. Repeat a few times. Repeat on the opposite side. Then repeat on both of your legs, underneath your ribs, underneath your breasts or chest, up your throat and the back of your neck. By brushing and pulling on your skin, you’re activating the lymphatic system, a network of tissues and organs that purge toxins out of your body. One of the main functions of the lymph system is to transport infection-fighting white blood cells around your body. So, if you’ve got a sluggish lymph system, that means it’s harder for the white blood cells to travel around and fight disease. You don’t want a sluggish, sleepy lymph system. You want it wide-awake and activated. That’s why lymph massage—sometimes called lymph drainage—is a great daily practice. You can do it with your bare hands, or you can use a loofah or body brush, or wear exfoliating gloves or mitts, to add a little extra friction. Google “exfoliating shower gloves” and choose a non-toxic brand that’s made from bamboo rather than plastic. You can pick up a pair for $5 and use them over and over. In addition to massaging yourself, you can also try tapping. My mother-in-law is a massage therapist. I learned this technique from her. To do it, you stand up and start gently tapping all the way from your face down to your arms, up your arms, underneath your armpits (your beautiful lymph glands are located there), on your chest, down your legs, all the way down to your toes. My kids love it when I do this to them, and they’ll do it to me. It really wakes you up and gets the circulation moving. Clay Packs If you suffer from joint pain, or any kind of painful inflammation, you’re going to love using a clay pack.

What is a clay pack, you ask? It’s another simple, inexpensive detoxifying technique that you can whip together at home. First, you need some fabric—an old, soft, clean flannel shirt is great. Cut your fabric so you have a big square or rectangle. Then you need some therapeutic clay. Google “Bentonite Clay”or “Montmorillonite clay.” You can purchase a big one-pound jar from the website and from other online retailers. In your kitchen or bathroom, mix the clay powder with filtered water, following the instructions on the back of the jar. Pour the liquid clay mixture into your fabric. Allow it to absorb all the way in. Now you have a clay pack. You can place your clay pack onto a sore joint—say, your knee—and wrap it around your knee, letting the clay-soaked fabric press directly onto your skin. Let it rest there for as long as you can. An hour or two is great, but if you’re pressed for time, take a shorter resting period. Read a book, watch an inspiring movie, or chat on the phone with a friend while your clay dries. It’s a bit messy, so you might want to do this outside, or while lying on a towel. I like to place the clay-soaked fabric on my skin, then layer a dry piece of fabric over that, and place and then wrap it in plastic wrap. That helps to contain the mess a bit. Why do a clay pack? Clay packs are powerful because they do double duty—clay magnetizes toxins and draws them out through your skin, and it also deposits minerals into your body, like calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silica, copper, chromium, and zinc. Have you ever met a pregnant woman who felt a strange craving to eat clay or dirt? This was something I encountered in all three of my pregnancies—I really wanted to eat dirt! Why? Most likely because I was craving minerals and nutrients that I couldn’t get enough of through my diet. Clay contains a lot of those essential nutrients we need. So, try a clay pack instead of munching dirt from your garden. Castor Oil Packs A castor oil pack is basically identical to a clay pack, except you’re

saturating your fabric with castor oil instead of liquid clay. Warm up some castor oil, pour it all over your fabric, drench it, get it really soaked in. You can place the pack on your back, on your stomach, over your liver (if you don’t have liver tumors), on your kidneys, anywhere that feels inflamed and painful. If you suffer from PMS bloating and/or cramps, place a castor pack on your lower belly. Many of my clients experience total relief after doing a castor pack for an hour. You can lie down and fall asleep with it on. The longer you leave it on, the better. Castor oil is edible, too. Depending on your age, you might remember your grandparents—or even your parents—telling you “Take your castor oil!” whenever a flu bug was going around. It doesn’t taste great, that’s for sure, but it’s powerful stuff. Between coffee enemas, tongue scraping, oil pulling, lymph massage, clay packs, and castor packs, you’ve got a serous detoxification arsenal. Your body will say “thank you” a thousand times over, especially your hardworking liver. Now that we’ve discussed how to pull toxins from your body, next, we’re going to talk about how to replenish your body with minerals and vitamins that you need. Yes, you’ll get most of these nutrients from your food and juices, but even if you maintain a super-amazing diet, there might be a few gaps that we need to fill in with natural, organic supplements. …

Supplements Imagine a room with one hundred people in it. Most likely, here in North America, ninety to ninety-five of those people have some type of nutrient deficiency. Often, you can fix a nutrient deficiency by simply upgrading your eating habits. Switch from snacking on Cheetos to eating collard

greens, carrots, and quinoa, and boom! Problem solved. But sometimes, you need a little extra help because your body is in a very weakened state and food alone isn’t enough. Also, some nutrients are difficult to get from food alone. That’s where taking supplements can make a big difference. Which Supplements? How Many? Which supplements should you be taking, if any? This is a tough call, because everyone’s body and medical history is unique. You’ll need to work with your Whole Health Team—your physician, your nutritionist, your naturopath and other health providers, and of course, yourself—to track your symptoms and figure out if you have any deficiencies. Most likely, you do. It’s just a matter of figuring out which ones. If you’re eating real food, drinking juices every day, detoxifying your body regularly, and getting enough rest, and you still feel tired, sluggish, or just “not right,” then that’s a sign that you probably have some type of deficiency. Which Kinds of Supplements? You want supplements with no fillers, dyes, flavorings, or artificial ingredients. Just a plain capsule filed with the nutrient you need. That’s it. You can get big jars of supplements from a compounding pharmacy. These will be much, much cheaper than buying them from Whole Foods or a health-food store. You can also order them online. A few websites that I recommend can be found on the website, under Supplements. What’s Missing? These are some of the most common nutrient deficiencies in North America and other Western countries: Acidol Pepsin Acidol pepsin helps to increase the level of hydrochloric acid (HCl)

in your stomach. HCI is needed to break down food in order to absorb nutrients. If you don’t have enough HCI, it makes it really hard to digest food. That’s why when somebody comes up to me and complains about digestive issues (bloating, constipation, feeling sluggish), one of the first things I typically recommend is taking some form of acidol pepsin supplement. It works wonders! B12 B12 is important for mitochondrial function, cellular metabolism, and many other processes in our bodies. Unfortunately, if you’re eating a plant-based, meat-free diet, then you’re probably not absorbing enough B12 from your food. Grab a supplement—they are cheap, effective, and absolutely necessary for plant-based eaters, and even meat eaters, as most of our foods today are too clean, meaning all the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria have been stripped away. Note: Always use methylcobalamin, never cyanocobalamin. CoQ10 CoQ10 is an enzyme that’s needed to keep our metabolism and heart working properly. Much like B12, it’s mainly found in animal products like meat—especially heart, liver, and kidney organs. So, if you’re sticking to a plant-based, meat-free diet, then you’ll probably want to add a CoQ10 supplement into your routine. It’s often recommended to take your CoQ10 supplement along with a spoonful of flax oil. One researcher, Karl Folkers, found that when you dissolve CoQ10 in flax oil before swallowing it, you’ll absorb the enzyme much more effectively. Cancer patients should minimize oil intake. Iodine We need iodine in every single cell of our body. One of iodine’s functions is to trigger apoptosis, which is programmed cell death.

When apoptosis isn’t happening, our cells don’t die on cue, and that’s a terrible thing, especially if our normal cells become mutated. We also need iodine to keep our thyroid, liver and skin healthy. Some of the symptoms of iodine deficiency are depression, headaches, fatigue, memory issues, and menstrual problems. You can eat lots of iodine-rich foods—seaweed and other sea vegetables, cranberries, strawberries, potatoes—but that is generally not enough to reverse the deficiency, as most foods are not grown in iodine-rich soils anymore. Lugol’s solution is my favorite household iodine supplement brand. Niacin (Vitamin B3) Dr. Abram Hoffer was a researcher who studied people who were institutionalized and diagnosed with schizophrenia. He found that many of these people were depleted in key nutrients, especially niacin. When he supplemented these nutrients in very high doses, he was able to fully reverse the symptoms of schizophrenia. These patients could return back to society. (He wrote several books about his studies, and they’re amazing. Definitely worth checking out.) Niacin and Vitamin B3 are the same thing. When you take niacin, usually within thirty to sixty minutes, you will feel your whole body getting warm, flushed, tingly, and possibly even itchy. This is normal. It’s called “the niacin flush,” and it’s a good thing, not a bad thing. What’s happening is that the B3 is dilating your capillaries, allowing more blood to flow through, which means more oxygen and nutrients are being carried around your body. The flush is temporary, not dangerous, and it will pass pretty quickly. Potassium Potassium is a mineral that works with sodium to keep your electrolyte levels in balance, regulate your heartbeat, and prevent muscles from cramping. Potassium and sodium are a power duo, like Bonnie and Clyde, or Beyonce and Jay-Z. The problem is,

most people consume way too much sodium and way too little potassium. We need to bring things back into balance. If you’ve got a potassium deficiency, you might notice symptoms like tiredness, cramps in your larger muscles (especially your arms and legs), and nausea. You can get potassium from foods like apricots, artichokes, bananas, and beans. But if that’s not enough, try some supplements, too. Supplement, Not Substitute It’s important to remember that supplements are not a substitute for real food. I know it might sound crazy, but I’ve met plenty of people who think, “Oh, I can eat burgers and poutine and drink tons of beer, and it’s OK. I’ll just take my supplements to make sure I’m getting all the vitamins and minerals that I need.” Nope. That’s not how it works. You want to fuel your body with topquality, organic, plant-based food and juices first, and then, if necessary, you can add supplements into your regime. But it’s exactly that—a supplement, not a substitute. Use Your Body as a Living Laboratory You don’t need to rush out and buy all of the supplements that I just mentioned. You might not need all of them. Again, I recommend starting with the basics that we’ve already discussed: Switch to real food, sip juice once to three times a day, detox using coffee enemas, get plenty of rest, and manage your stress levels as best you can. Do that for five weeks in a row. Then evaluate how you feel. Think of your body as a living laboratory. You’re a scientist in the lab, assessing all kinds of factors—your energy levels, your pain levels, your inflammation/puffiness/bloating, your PMS symptoms, your sex drive, and so on. After five weeks, if you’re still feeling fatigued, or if you’re grappling with frustrating symptoms that don’t seem to be improving, then it

might be time to start exploring the world of supplements. …

Measuring Your Progress One of the most exciting things about upgrading your eating and lifestyle habits is that you can see and feel positive changes almost immediately. I always encourage my clients to measure their progress closely so they can really see what’s happening in their bodies. When you see, for example, that your cholesterol levels have dropped significantly, and your blood sugar is back in balance, all in just five or six weeks, WOW! That’s thrilling information, and it is proof that this is really working! After seeing that kind of proof, most people feel even more enthusiastic and committed. They tell me, “OK, now I get it. This is really helping. I can see the results. I want to stick with this new lifestyle…for life.” There are lots of different ways you can measure your progress. Here are a few recommendations: • Ask your doctor to do a blood test (cholesterol, blood sugar, red and white blood cell count, thyroid levels, all of your hormones) before you start making any kind of food or lifestyle changes. Get a baseline assessment of where you are right now. Then repeat the same blood test five weeks later, after you’ve diligently followed the guidelines in the book for all of those weeks. Compare the results. Most likely, you and your doctor will see a big difference. • Check how your clothes fit. Take before and after progress pictures. If you’re trying to lose excess fat, water, and bloating, switching to real food will help you do that. If you’re trying to build strength and muscle, switching to real food will help you do that, too. • If you’re battling a disease, work with your doctor to track

exactly what’s happening. for you. Is your tumor shrinking? Are your uterine fibroids disappearing? Is your heart rate coming back down into a healthy zone? If you struggle with a mental illness, like depression or an obsessive-compulsive disorder, are your symptoms lessening? Track things closely and see how things are progressing. • Look into the mirror. What do you notice? Is your skin clearing up? Does it seem smoother and softer, well-hydrated? Do your eyes seem brighter, more alert? Is your tongue bright and pink? Does your stomach look a little flatter, less puffy and bloated? All of these visual cues are great things to track, too. • Check in with yourself internally. How do you feel? Do you feel more optimistic? More energized? Are you sleeping more deeply? Do you wake up feeling activated instead of groggy? If you deal with anxiety, are your anxiety levels the same, or have they decreased? • Keep a written diary. Jot down a few sentences each day to record how you’re feeling. Compare your entries from five weeks ago to today. • Keep a photo diary. Snap a selfie every day for five weeks. Try to stand in the same position (and the same lighting) each time. Compare your photos from five weeks ago to today. Notice any differences? • Notice how people react to you. I can’t tell you how many times a client will visit me, and they’ll say, “I just bumped into an old colleague from years ago. She didn’t recognize me!” or “I just saw a photo of myself from a year ago. I barely recognized myself!” As your body detoxifies and heals, there are so many inner and outer changes that, yes, you might begin to look and feel like a different person. People might stop you and ask, “What have you been doing lately? You’re glowing!” You can tell them, “I’m learning how to use food as healing medicine!” (And then offer to loan them this book!) …

After the Five-Week Mark Throughout this book, I’ve encouraged you to do a five-week challenge and follow the principles I’ve outlined for (at least) five weeks in a row. This will give your body a chance to flush out some toxins, soak in some nutrients, and begin all kinds of healing processes. Five weeks is usually long enough to notice some big changes. So, what happens after the five-week mark? Great question. At that point, I strongly encourage you to keep going…and going. Forever. Don’t revert back to your old way of eating and living. Keep riding the wave of momentum you’ve created these last five weeks. Keep eating real food. Keep drinking nutrient-dense juices, at least one glass per day. Keep detoxifying your body with coffee enemas, keep on scraping your tongue, doing lymph massage and other gentle forms of detoxification. Keep taking your supplements, if you need them. You might not. After five weeks, I have clients who tell me they want to incorporate a small amount of organic eggs, dairy, or even meat back into their diet. There’s no dietary or nutritional reason to do so, but if you really feel you want to, then that’s OK. Just make sure that your animal sources are clean and healthy. I have others who want to keep things strictly plant-based. That’s OK, too. I have some clients who tell me they really miss pickles or kimchee, or healthy bread made with spelt, or some other specific type of food, and they want to add that back into their diet. That’s fine. I’ve noticed that most people want to maintain the positive changes they’ve made and want to stay completely away from heavily processed food. “I feel so much better now, it’s unbelievable,” a client recently told me. “Putting crappy food into my body just isn’t an option anymore.” Most of my clients just “feel different” about food. They tell me things like:

“I shop differently now. I really pay attention to where my food comes from.” “I’ve started going to the farmer’s market with my kids every Saturday, and it’s become one of our favorite family rituals.” “I used to eat so quickly, sitting in front of my computer or the TV, and now I’ve slowed down so much. I can actually taste my food. The whole experience feels so much better.” “I buy everything organic now. I used to think it didn’t matter, but now I realize how much it does.” “I feel like I’m setting a better example for my kids. I know they’re going to grow up with healthy eating habits, unlike I did. I feel proud that I’m creating a better future for them.” Who knows where you’ll be, and what you’ll feel like, five weeks from today? I’m excited for you to find out. If you haven’t started yet, start now. Even if it’s 10:00 or 11:00 p.m., it’s not too late to do something kind for your body today. Do five minutes of stretching. Make a glass of juice. Give yourself a massage to wake up your lymph system. Take ten minutes to chop some veggies for lunch tomorrow. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow or next week or Monday to upgrade your life.

Creating Your Whole Health Plan We all know that cigarettes are toxic, but spending too many hours in your office chair? Just as bad. In fact, some researchers are saying that “sitting is the new smoking.” Most people here in North America sit at a desk for six to ten hours a day. As a culture, we’ve become incredibly sedentary, and this carries so many consequences for our health. A sedentary lifestyle is directly connected to chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, many types of cancer, and obesity. And then, there’s our stress levels. I feel stressed just thinking about stress! This last year, in particular, I had to work really hard to keep my stress levels in check. Between running my two restaurant locations, opening six additional locations, preparing for a major TV appearance (competing on the reality TV show, Dragon’s Den), creating this book plus a salad dressing cookbook, opening a brandnew wellness retreat center in British Columbia, giving my first TEDx talk, and managing the daily demands of being a wife and mom… whoa. It’s been a wild ride. I’m super-passionate about my work, which is a good thing, but too much of a good thing can be overwhelming. Like so many people, I have workaholic tendencies that I need to monitor closely and rein in. So, why are we talking about sitting, smoking, and stress? Because for this final section of Eat Real to Heal, we’re stepping outside of the kitchen. We’re going beyond food. We’re going to talk about the other components that make up a healthy lifestyle—your Whole Health Plan—which includes movement/exercise, stress-relief techniques, detoxifying your home environment, learning how to navigate the health care system as an informed, empowered, and savvy patient, and writing your own prescription for optimal health. Yes, what you eat is important. I’d argue that changing your diet is

the single most important change you can make. But there’s a lot we need to consider, beyond food. So, let’s dive in! …

Movement Our bodies were designed to move and move often. Personally, I know that I feel my best when I’m moving several times a week— walking, cycling, practicing yoga, hiking in the mountains with my family and our dog. We all need to move. But we don’t need to be fanatical about it. We live in a society where people often fall into extremes. On one side of the spectrum, we’ve got completely sedentary people who never, ever exercise. And on the other side, we’ve got CrossFit and Orange Theory devotees who put themselves through grueling workouts five to seven times a week, often without properly fueling their bodies, leading to exhaustion and injuries. There’s a physical therapist based in the Pacific Northwest who has said, “I make a living thanks to CrossFit injuries. Thanks to CrossFit, I’ve got new clients arriving every day with sprained ankles, shoulder issues, you name it.” We need more balance. There’s a wonderful quote that’s been floating around the internet for the last several years. It goes, “Exercise is not a punishment for what you ate. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do.” It’s true. If you’re exercising fanatically because you want to burn eight hundred calories an hour to “make up for” the cheeseburger or brownies you had earlier, that’s not a great situation. A much healthier mindset is to view exercise as a celebration of your wonderful, miraculous body, a celebration of being alive. Exercise to stay fit and strong. Exercise to de-stress. Exercise to clear your mind. Exercise to spend time with friends. Exercise because it feels good. Exercise to celebrate this one precious body that you’ve got, not because you’re trying to punish yourself. You don’t have to get yourself drenched in sweat for hours on end, and you don’t need to push yourself to the brink of exhaustion. Keep it simple. Aim for moderation. And, if you’re dealing with a disease

like cancer, I strongly urge you to stop exercising for five weeks, at minimum, to give your body a chance to rest fully. Instead of hitting the gym, write a love letter to someone you care about, take a bath, get a massage, listen to music, or do some gentle stretching, but nothing too strenuous. Once your body is fully healed, then yes, return to your regular exercise regime. But until then, I urge you to conserve your energy for healing, cellular regeneration, and detoxification. I’ve had seriously sick clients—people dealing with cancer, for example—who really fight me on this. They tell me, “But I need to keep exercising! It’s good for me!” Or they say, “Without daily exercise, I get really depressed.” Here’s something interesting: It’s been shown that taking a twenty-minute walk in the woods is just as effective against depression as taking antidepressants or going for a one-hour run. So you can scale back your exercise regime and still get the mental/emotional benefits that you love. Again, it’s all about balance. Strike a balance that makes sense for your body, right now.

Managing Stress Dr. Lissa Rankin is the author of a book called Mind Over Medicine. It’s a wonderful book that describes how our lifestyle, including our mindset, directly impacts our health. I highly recommend that you check out this book, keep it on your bookshelf, and share it with your friends and family. In her book, Rankin lays out a writing exercise you can do to identify the biggest sources of stress in your life and start to find some solutions. We’re going to do a modified version of that exercise together, right now. Grab a pen and paper. Draw seven, eight, or maybe nine different circles on your piece of paper. As many as you want. They can all be different sizes. They don’t need to be perfectly uniform. Just scribble like a kid. Inside each circle, write down a particular area of your life: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Finances Home Career Sexuality My Partner/Spouse Friends/Social Life

And then in those last couple of circles, write down any categories that come to mind. Maybe an area of your life that you’ve been worried about lately, or something you’d like to change or improve. It could be Style, Education, Community, Body Image, Food, Health, Creativity, Spirituality, or something else. Spend some time looking at each circle, and thinking about each circle. Ask yourself, “How does this area of my life feel right now?” Next to each circle, mark down a number from one to ten. One means “Terrible.” Ten means “Amazing.” For example, for Home, is your home decorated with furniture that

you really love? When you step inside, does feel like a sanctuary? Or have you been following interior decor guidance from a magazine but somehow it never feels right, it doesn’t feel like it’s your space, and you never feel comfortable in it? Rate all of your circles, one by one. Then make a list of the five categories that received the lowest scores. These are the five most stressful areas of your life. I love this exercise because it identifies—usually, in just a matter of minutes—what’s really stressing you out and weighing heavily on your body and mind. Sometimes, it’s stuff we’re not even aware of. I’ve done this exercise with hundreds of people over the last few years in workshop settings, and I’m always amazed by what comes out of it. I’ve had people raise their hand and say, “I need to come out of the closet and be honest about my sexuality. I didn’t realize how much stress all the secrecy has been causing me.” I’ve had people announce to the room, “I need to leave my job. I’m ready to begin a new chapter doing something I love.”

Testimonial During one of our regular three-day retreats a few years ago, my guests completed this exercise and I gave everyone the opportunity to share their top stressor. Monica, an exuberant and confident middle-aged woman, shyly announced that she had always dreamed of leaving her long-time career as an accountant to become a painter. She felt stifled behind her desk, but sensed that she had a creative side that wanted out! Fast-forward two months and I found myself in a local art gallery in Whistler standing in front of a collection of deeply moving and colorful portraits of South American women engaged in a variety of different daily homesteading tasks. I was so captivated by the paintings that I didn’t noticed that someone had walked up behind me and I jumped when the person asked, “Do you like these paintings?” I responded by saying, “Yes, so much so that I’m even considering buying one.” I turned and looked up at the inquirer. Standing there was Monica with a proud and glowing smile on her face, and she announced that the stunning paintings that I was admiring were in fact hers. By acknowledging one of her deepest stressors—lack of creativity in her life—Monica was then able to take action towards alleviating and shifting that stress. She told me that she was thriving once again and no longer felt stifled behind her desk in her daytime career, now that she had her creative outlet to inspire and motivate her. When you can see your top five stressors written down, on paper, in your own handwriting, it’s an eye-opening experience. Now, you get to decide, “Which area will I tackle first? What’s one thing I could do—this week—to improve the situation, and decrease my stress levels?” Then make a promise to yourself that you will take action to improving upon that situation, set a date, stick to it and get it done. Enjoy this exercise. Teach it to your friends and family. Do it regularly—maybe once every six months, or once every year—just to check in again and identify stressors in your life.

I also encourage you to watch the TED Talk called “How To Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal. McGonigal’s research shows that simply changing our perception of stress is enough to have a positive health impact. So even if you’ve got way too much going on in your life, if you view your stress load in a positive light, then it won’t hinder your health as much. You can say to yourself, “Wow, I’ve got a ton of exciting projects at work right now! Lucky me!” rather than, “Aaaaaahhhhh, I’ve got so many projects at work right now. It’s too much. I can’t handle it.” Simply changing the dialogue inside your mind can change your mood and also your physiology. …

Unlimited Energy Here’s another mindset-shifting exercise that I love. Grab a fresh sheet of paper and a pen. Set a timer for ten minutes or put on a playlist that you love. Then write a few sentences about what you would do if you had unlimited amounts of energy. What Would You Do with All of That Energy? Would you open a business? Or a second business? Would you go cycling with your kids every day? Would you cook meals at home instead of ordering take-out? Would you lead an exciting community project? Would you have awesome sex every day? Would you hike more? Would you paint? Or write a book? Would you help your kids with their homework? Would you declutter your garage and transform it into a home-office sanctuary? Or something else? I remember doing this exercise with a few people on a retreat, and it was so beautiful, because one of the men started to cry. “The one thing I would do…” he said, “…is I would play with my kids more.” Often, we don’t have enough energy to give others the love we want to give them—or receive the love we want to receive from others— because we’re so exhausted. Why are we exhausted? We’re exhausted for so many different reasons: stress, the food we eat, a terrible night’s sleep, the inundation of technology beeping and yapping at us all day long. Sometimes for eighteen hours a day. Sometimes, even in the middle of the night, when you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep, your phone goes off. We are inundated by so many things that are zapping our energy. Once you’ve figured out what you would do if you had unlimited energy, then I challenge you to reclaim some of the energy you’ve lost. Take it back. This could mean saying no to certain commitments you’ve kept in

the past. It could mean upgrading your eating habits. It could mean prioritizing sleep. Or setting some new technology boundaries. Or setting new boundaries with clients, or with your boss. Whatever you need to do, just do it. This is your life. The only life you’ve got. Reclaim the energy you need to live, and thrive, and feel deep satisfaction. …

Detoxifying the Home Throughout this book, I’ve encouraged you to clean up your eating habits and switch to clean, organic, non-toxic food. Which is great. But for optimum health, you’ll want to remove toxins from your home environment, too. It seems kind of silly to eat plant-based food and do detoxifying enemas if your home is filled with toxic products, right? It’s kind of like drinking a cold-pressed carrot juice and then drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper right afterward. You’re pushing toxins out, and then pouring them right back in. We don’t want that. I vote, if you’re going to detoxify, go ahead and detoxify everything you possibly can. Go all in!

The Kitchen Let’s start off with the kitchen. If you’re using tablets or soap for the dishwasher, most likely, those products contain chlorine. The chlorine mixes with the hot water in the dishwasher and comes out as gas through the vents. This will fill your kitchen and home with chlorinated toxic air. Of course, most of us think, “Well, it is just a little tiny bit. Besides, they wouldn’t make that product if it wasn’t safe.” Here’s the thing. When cleaning products get tested to see if they are safe, most of the studies don’t take into account that a person is usually exposed to an accumulation of different toxins—chlorinated dishwasher tablets, cosmetics, body and beauty products, sheets, pajamas, and carpets covered in fire retardant, lead paint in old buildings, asbestos, and so on. Sure, maybe a little bit of chlorinated toxic air won’t hurt you—but when it’s combined with all the other toxins in your environment? Now it’s not just a tiny drop. It’s a tsunami! When these studies are being done, yes, they’re testing the safe limit for one product—but they’re not testing the safe limit for all of those products combined on a daily basis. When I worked as an environmental consultant in Canadian government, we found that all of those toxins combined can wreak havoc on the human body. We now know that even one of those toxins in any area in your house can be enough to trigger mutation in our cells and get classified as a carcinogen. That’s why I say, if there’s anything you can detoxify in your home, do it. Every little change can make a difference. Going back to the dishwasher—ditch those chlorinated tabs and switch to an all-natural product like borax (a.k.a sodium borate), baking soda, or white vinegar to rinse your dishes until they’re sparkling clean. Google “non-toxic dishwasher fluid” or “non-toxic homemade dish cleaning solution” to find lots of options.

The Laundry Room Bleach is not good for you. Inhaling bleach fumes can irritate the nose, eyes, skin, and lungs, and there’s a correlation between bleach (which contains high amounts of chlorine) and cancer. I kicked the bleach habit a long time ago, and I’ve accepted that my clothes aren’t always going to be pristine, bright, white, and that’s okay with me. I’m fine with wearing a soft gray shirt that doesn’t need bleach. I’d rather be healthy than have sparkling white tops. Instead of using bleach, soak a soiled piece of clothing in a borax solution. Just dissolve a few small scoops of borax in some hot water and submerge your clothes. This will release most stains pretty nicely. Also, ditch the dryer sheets. I never use them. They come with so many perfumes and dyes, and we just don’t need all that crap coming into contact with our bodies. Plus, what do dryer sheets even do? I’ve never understood their purpose. Forget about ‘em.

The Bathroom Nobody wants to have a smelly toilet or dirty sink. We all want to have clean windows and mirrors in our bathroom. So, a lot of people use Windex—or similar products—to clear away the grime. Please do your body a favor and skip the electric blue, chemicalladen stuff. There are much safer, gentler alternatives. You can make a stellar cleaning spray using white vinegar, filtered water, and a few drops of aromatherapy essential oils, like rosemary or orange. And you can use baking soda to scrub grouts in between tiles. My favorite product for cleaning the bathroom is called an “ecocloth” or “magic cloth.” It’s fantastic! You can use it in your bathroom, kitchen, or all over your home for dusting. We use them for cleaning our windows. We always have two magic cloths for cleaning our windows—one dry and one wet. The magic cloth is natural, it’s built on the concept of Velcro. It has little tiny hooks in it which grab grease, dirt, and bacteria. It eliminates 99% of bacteria—just like bleach and other cleaning products do. You’ll never need to have another spray bottle around. Simply take a wet cloth, wipe it down. Take the dry cloth, clean it up and you’re done. Your windows are brilliant, sparkly and better cleaned than any other product I’ve ever found. Also, do some decluttering inside your bathroom drawers and your shower. Are you one of the people who’s got twenty different bottles of shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, body scrubs, lotion, lip gloss, and other cosmetics? You really don’t need all that stuff. Simplify and streamline. Choose a non-toxic, organic body wash like Dr. Bronner’s soap. One bottle is highly concentrated and it will last for a surprisingly long time! Always choose organic, non-toxic makeup if you want to wear cosmetics. One excellent brand is Dr. Hauschka (, which was one of the first major cosmetics companies to offer cosmetics with minimally processed materials, straight from nature, no artificial colors, fragrances, or dyes, and no animal testing.

The Bedroom Your bedroom should feel like a peaceful sanctuary. Unfortunately, many bedrooms contain all kinds of hidden toxins, especially in fabrics—sheets, pillows and clothing, and especially pajamas. A lot of clothing companies use fire retardant materials, which are not safe for our body. It’s important to buy clothes made of natural materials. Google “non-toxic pajamas” and you’ll see a few brands to check out. You can also switch to a non-toxic mattress. Think about it—you’re pressed into your mattress for seven to nine hours, every single night. You’re spending more time there than almost anywhere else! You want it to be non-toxic. My favorite mattress brand is the Sleep Natural, 100 percent organic natural latex mattress.

Finishing Touches Go through your entire home, room by room, opening every cupboard and drawer. Don’t forget your attic and all of those lawn and car products in your garage. Toss anything that’s expired and/or laden with chemicals into a trash bin. Give the house a nice, big cleaning session using safe products like borax, vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda. Start fresh. Then, you can add a few finishing touches. Make your own aromatherapy spray using water and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Spritz your entire house. You can also get a vaporizer from a company like Saje and then you’ll have lovely aromatherapy mist coming into your home, all the time, just like at a fancy spa. I also recommend adding some living plants to every room. They look beautiful, and they also help to circulate oxygen more effectively throughout your home. Then, beautify, adorn, and decorate your home with items that reinforce your commitment to leading a healthy lifestyle. Maybe there are a couple of real food cookbooks that you love—put those on your kitchen table so they’re in plain sight. Put your juicer in plain sight, too. Roll out a yoga mat. Put fresh flowers on your desk. Put a bowl of apples in the center of your kitchen. Tuck your smartphone in a drawer unless it’s urgently needed. Adjust your environment so that it supports your new habits rather than hindering them. Set up your home so that it says, “A person who really cares about his/her health lives here.” …

Connecting with Nature In the 1980s, researchers in Japan discovered something interesting about the connection between the human body and nature. Being in nature doesn’t just “feel nice.” It’s actually a form of healing medicine for your body, and it has measurable effects. Taking a stroll through a forest can lower your blood pressure, decrease your cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and boost the immune system by raising your lymphocyte count (lymphocytes are those courageous white blood cells that attack cancerous cells). Japanese researchers coined the term Shinrin-yoku, which means “forest bathing.” In a Shinrin-yoku study from 2007, men were instructed to take a two-hour walk in the woods. After just two walks (two days), their lymphocyte count went up by 50 percent, which means their bodies were better equipped to fight cancer and other diseases. In 2008, a researcher named Dr. Li took a group of women on a three-day trip into nature. These women experienced profound physiological changes—including producing anti-cancer proteins— and the benefits lasted for more than seven days after the trip. You can see more research at and What’s so exciting to me is that you don’t need to spend thousands of hours in nature to reap these benefits. A few hours is enough. A stroll. A walk. A hike. A picnic. This is something that all of us can realistically do. I love Richard Louv’s book Last Child in the Woods,4 which talks about the need for nature in our children’s lives. But grown-ups need nature, too, not just kids. Think about the last time you spent a lovely day at the beach, or watched the sunset from your patio, or had lunch outside by a river, or visited a national park, or even a small neighborhood park. You probably felt steadier and calmer, like you could breathe more deeply, right? We all need, or can use, more

nature connection in our lives. Connecting to nature can be as simple as sitting on the sidewalk and taking time to just look, observe, and see a plant growing out from a crack on the sidewalk. It could mean packing your backpack and heading out to the woods for a three-day trek. You can do this with your loved ones or alone. Find out about the wonderful hikes in your community. You probably don’t have to go too far. There will be hikes in your neighborhood and hikes right in your backyard, ranging into the mountain ranges, out onto the ocean, out onto the beaches, anywhere. Nature is all around us. Another exciting trend is the “urban walk” phenomenon that’s sweeping the world. In many big cities around the globe—like London and New York City—people are gathering to take a slow, mindful, tech-free walk through the city. No phones. No texting. No photos for Instagram. Just a lovely stroll through the city, stopping often to appreciate the trees, bushes, and flowers, as well as interesting historical and architectural details. Check out Urban Curiosity5 to see a UK-based company that leads these kinds of walks. You could start an Urban Curiosity walking club in your city, too. …

Become a Tree-Hugger The act of placing your hand on a tree trunk, or even wrapping your arms around the tree, has been proven to shift our bodies on a physiological level. It reduces blood pressure, has a positive effect on cholesterol, and can even alleviate symptoms of depression. Researchers who study depression have found that there’s no antidepressant medication out there that has a better effect than exercise, being in nature, and moving our bodies. If you suffer from depression, or even if you’re just having a sluggish, gloomy day, step outside in bare feet and let your skin come into direct contact with the earth. Feel the grass, the soil, the sand. Be there. Breathe it in. Find a nearby tree, if possible. Press

your palms into the tree or wrap your arms around it. Imagine light, love, and calmness flooding from the tree into your own body. Imagine yourself plugging into a natural battery, soaking in powerful healing energy, recharging your immune system. This may sound like a “hippie” thing to do, or just “silly” or even “crazy,” but the research doesn’t lie. We know, without a doubt, that connecting with nature has a direct impact on what’s happening inside your body. It’s not silly. It’s powerful. I encourage you to connect with nature at least once or twice this week. Write down the locations you want to go, places that inspire you. Maybe you even want to save up for a trip to an amazing location somewhere in the world? And if you hug a tree sometime this week, please email me and my team and tell us how it felt.6 We’d love to hear your story. And we bet that tree loved hugging you back. …

Connecting with Your Breath Breathing. It is the very first thing we do when we enter this world. It is the last thing we do before we pass away and move out of this world. It is the pulse of life. Over fourteen years ago, I was certified as a yoga instructor. In yoga, the number-one thing I would always focus on when teaching is breathing. I’d tell my students, “Remember your breath.” “Don’t forget to breathe.” “Keep breathing”…over and over. I didn’t care if my students could do the poses “perfectly” or if they looked like super bendy-stretchy models from the cover of Yoga Journal. That doesn’t matter! What matters is that you keep breathing throughout the class, because that’s how you’ll receive the health benefits of practicing yoga. If you look at a baby or small child, they know how to breathe deeply and fully. They take beautiful, deep breaths in and out, all day long. You can see their bellies inflate and deflate with each breath. Now, compare that to how most adults breathe. If you say to a grown-up, “Take a big, deep breath,” what happens? You’ll see their shoulders scrunch up, their neck become strained, their chest might inflate a bit. They’re breathing in a tight, shallow way, high up in the chest—not breathing deeply and easily like we all used to do as children. Most grown-ups need to “re-learn” how to breathe deeply. Fortunately, it’s not hard to do. Here are some exercises you can try.

Simple Breathing Exercises

In the Morning First thing in the morning, when you wake up, roll onto your back, stare up at the ceiling, place a hand on your belly, and just allow the breath to move into that part of your body. Let your belly expand upward and downwards. Imagine this pure, energizing breath filling up your chest cavity, your belly, and moving down your legs, down your arms, and out your fingertips. Visualize breath and life moving into all parts of your body.

Any Time of Day Here’s another breathing exercise that’s really simple: place one hand on your belly, invite breath into your body and count to five. Inhale for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Hold the breath for two counts. Next, exhale for twice the counts you inhaled. Exhale for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, until your hand compresses your belly. Breathe in again for five counts, then draw your belly button back toward your spine and let out every last drop of breath in your body for ten counts. Then repeat. Inhale for five. Exhale for ten. Inhale. Exhale. Keep repeating for a few minutes. If you’re ever feeling shaky, anxious, worried, or distracted, this is a fast way to quiet down your mind. It’s so good for your circulatory system, your immune system, all the beautiful systems in your body. If you start off doing this and you can’t exhale for the full count of ten, no problem. Inhale for a count of three and exhale for a count of six. Or inhale for a count of four and exhale for a count of eight. The important thing is that your exhalation is slower and longer than your inhalation. When You’re Feeling Sluggish, Tired, or Cold Have you ever tried alternate-nostril breathing, or Nadi Shodhana? This is an effective breathing technique to balance the brain and quiet and focus the mind. It’s one of my favorite breathing techniques to teach during yoga classes. In the Kundalini yoga tradition, I also like what’s called the “skull shining breath,” the “fire breathing” exercise, or sometimes “breath of fire.” This type of breath creates heat in the body. You can do this to wake up your body before a workout, to build energy if you’re feeling sluggish, or to warm yourself up on a chilly winter morning. I’ll guide you through the alternate-nostril breathing exercise, coupled with the fire breathing exercise. If you are interested in learning more about each individual breathing technique, you can simply Google YouTube videos about the “skull shining breath” or “Kapalabhati breathing” or Nadi Shodhana, or the alternate-nostril

breathing technique. They are all fantastic body healing breathing exercises. Try them all. Sit comfortably with a tall, straight spine. Place your right thumb over your right nostril and press gently to seal it closed. Now, inhale and exhale through your left nostril only. Start at a normal pace. Then quicken things up. Inhale and exhale quickly through your left nostril ten to twenty times in a row. Exhale forcefully, like you want to puff air out of your nostril with intensity. With each exhale, you should feel your belly muscles contract in, just a tiny bit. After ten to twenty times, switch sides. Plug your left nostril with your left thumb. Inhale and exhale quickly through your right nostril, ten to twenty times. Repeat this cycle a few times. You’ll notice heat building in your body. You might feel more clear-headed and awake. If you start feeling dizzy or light-headed, just slow down your breathing pace a bit. Those are just a couple of breathing techniques you can try. I invite you to Google “Yoga breathing exercise” or “Stress relief with breathing” to find dozens of other techniques. The simple act of taking one big, deep breath can change your physiology instantly. Your heart rate decelerates. Your shoulders relax. It’s such a gift for your body, and—unlike taking prescription meds—breathing is free, instant, and there are zero negative side effects. …

Hydration and Water Contamination The human body is made up of 70 to 90 percent water. It’s no secret that we need water to survive. When we’re dehydrated, all kinds of problems occur. Headaches. Dry skin. Dizziness. Fever. Dangerously low blood pressure. Seizures. Comas. Even death. You might think, “Well, I don’t feel any of those symptoms, so I’m probably doing fine.” But that may or may not be true. You might be dehydrated on an organ and tissue and cellular level even if you don’t feel thirsty. Even worse, you might be drinking water that is severely contaminated. To avoid drinking contaminated water, consider drinking nutrientdense cold-pressed organic juices! What’s Actually In Your Water? I live in Whistler, British Columbia—a region that’s known for its pristine mountains and skiing slopes, natural beauty, and crisp air. The air smells clean. Everything looks clean. You get water from the tap and it tastes pretty clean, too. But appearances can be deceiving. In reality, there are a lot of unhealthy contaminants and chemicals in the water, even in a gorgeous place like Whistler. Think about the journey water takes from its origin to your faucet at home. Water goes from the clouds to lakes and rivers, and then it’s captured somewhere, usually in a man-made reservoir. In that reservoir, in most parts of the world, water gets treated to remove harmful bacteria, parasites, etc. Chemicals like chlorine, fluorosilicic acid, aluminum sulfate, and many others get pumped into the water. OK, the bad bacteria get eliminated—that’s good. But there’s an unwanted consequence, because now the water is filled with chemicals that are linked to cancer and other chronic diseases. Then the water flows through underground pipes which carry it through the city into your home. Often, these pipes are fifty, seventy, even one hundred years old or more. In some cities, the

pipes were built in the Victorian era! These old pipes often contain traces of all kinds of toxic substances, like arsenic, radium, and mercury. As it passes through, your drinking water picks up all of these substances—not to mention pesticides, the commonly used agricultural herbicide, glyphosate, and other toxins that seep down through the soil, yikes. By the time that water gets to your kitchen faucet, it’s often full of dozens of substances that you definitely do not want inside your body. You can purchase a drinking-water test kit online at for less than twenty dollars. This is a quick way to test your water for chlorine, pesticides, and other toxins, and see what’s actually in your drinking water. You might be shocked. “But, wait a minute, if our water is really so terrible, wouldn’t the government intervene and fix it?” you might be wondering. “Surely they wouldn’t let everyone drink unhealthy water?” Yes, it is our local government’s job to keep our water safe and clean. They do their best. But it’s usually not enough, as they are working hard to meet the minimum standards for community health. Also, there’s huge disagreement about what’s considered safe and what’s not. Sometimes scientists still insist that chlorine is fine, for example, while others insist that it’s undeniably linked to cancer. We Can’t Sit Back and Wait Are we going to wait for scientists to finish arguing about water safety and come to a consensus? Are we going to wait around for science to catch up with reality? Are we going to wait and wait, while toxicity accumulates in our systems with every glass of water we drink? In my opinion, we can’t afford to sit back and wait. We can’t place our health in other people’s hands and trust that everything is safe and fine. We have to take personal responsibility for our bodies. Let’s not forget…there was a time in human history, not too long

ago, when people believed the earth was flat. They were wrong. There was time when scientists believed that cigarettes were good for you, that they could protect your throat, and help you live longer. They were wrong. About one hundred years ago, many physicians thought that cocaine was a great remedy for seasonal allergies. They were wrong. There are so many instances throughout history where the “experts” insist that something is safe, even healthy, and they’re dead wrong. My point is, we have to question authority. We can’t blindly accept what we’re told, or what’s advertised in magazines, or blindly trust the latest government statement that insists our water is fine. We need to proceed with a healthy degree of skepticism, and we have to take matters into our own hands. One of the simplest ways to do this is to get a water filtration system for your home.

My Favorite Water Filtration Systems You can get a Brita filter,7 or a similar product. Those are inexpensive and work OK. However, my personal favorite is the Berkey water filter ( It’s incredible. It catches 99 percent of contaminants while preserving the good minerals that you want. When there’s a military or environmental disaster somewhere in the world, the Berkey filter is THE filter of choice that’s shipped to that region. With a Berkey, you can scoop water from a river, lake, even a swamp or a puddle, put it into this filter, and you’re left with beautiful, clean water. You can also invest in a water distiller, which can run about $200. Typically, these devices sit on your countertop. They use heat to separate water from chemicals and other minerals. They’re very powerful. For a few hundred dollars, you’re making an investment than can lengthen your lifespan. But our drinking water is just the beginning. We also need to consider the water that we splash onto our faces in the sink, and the water in our showers and bathtubs. After all, your skin is the largest organ of your body. Water gets absorbed into your skin every day. You want that water to be pure and uncontaminated. That’s why I highly recommend getting a filtration system for your shower, too. You can get one that’s small and easy to attach. Google “shower water filtration system” to see your options. This is another small, simple, affordable way to take your health back into your own hands. We can’t always directly control the government’s decisions, or what’s happening in the power plant on the edge of town, or what’s seeping into the city reservoir. But at least we can control what’s happening inside our own homes. To me, this is very exciting. Instead of feeling hopeless and powerless, we can take back our power. …

Goals and Your Subconscious Mind Has this ever happened to you? You set a big, beautiful goal for yourself. Maybe you want to ditch junk food and switch to real, organic food. Maybe you want to practice yoga every day. Or write a book. Or watch less TV and spend more time outside. Or wipe out your credit-card debt. You set the goal. You start working on it. But pretty soon—after a few weeks, days, or even just a few hours—something blocks you. You start feeling anxious, tired, or overwhelmed. Or maybe you’re not sure what you’re feeling, exactly. But something is impeding your progress. It’s like you’re moving through sticky ice-cold molasses instead of fresh air. It just feels so…hard! Before you know it, you’re diving into a plate of deep-fried onion rings or buying a $500 purse that you can’t really afford, even though that’s the opposite of your goal! But why is this happening?! It’s so frustrating, right? You want something. You set a goal. Why can’t you just DO IT? If you struggle to achieve your goals—and believe me, most people do—one of the best techniques I’ve ever studied combines the use of your mind and your body. With this technique, you explore how it will feel to achieve this goal. You look at the rewards and also the adverse consequences of achieving this goal. You dig into your subconscious mind to discover what’s really stopping you from pursuing this goal. The answer might surprise you. Often, it’s not what we expect. I’ve explored numerous techniques for achieving goals—and transforming daily habits—over the years. Out of everything I’ve studied, I’ve found this technique to be the most effective. If you’re curious to try it out, here’s an exercise you can do right now… Mind-Body Balance Exercise Set aside twenty to thirty minutes to do this exercise. There are a

couple of parts, and you want to feel relaxed, not pressured and rushed. Get a pen and some paper. Think about a goal that you want to achieve. It can be a health and wellness-related goal, a professional goal, a personal goal, anything that feels important to you. Write this goal down. But as you’re writing it down, hold these five principles in mind: 1. Write down your goal “as if” you already have it Instead of writing: I would like to adopt a cute Golden Retriever puppy, you would write: I have a cute Golden Retriever puppy. Write down your goal as if you’ve already achieved it, as if it’s already happening in your life. By doing this, you are rewiring your brain to invite this new reality into your life. 2. Keep it short and sweet. You don’t want to have a goal that is confusing and long-winded. For example: I have unlimited health, wealth, happiness, and I’ve got the perfect job of my dreams, and a partner who adores me. This is too long. Keep it shorter. 3. Be as specific as you can. You might write down a goal that says: I have unlimited wealth. That’s a great goal. However, let’s get even more specific. One time, I wrote down the following goal: I easily maintain $30,000 in my bank account at all times. Do you see how the second goal is highly specific? The more specific you can be, the better. 4. Choose a goal that’s emotionally charged. Maybe you write down a goal like: I do Pilates every day for thirty minutes. You read it back and you think, “OK, yeah, that sounds nice, sure.” But you don’t feel any emotion. You’re not fired up and excited about it. Guess what? That’s probably not a goal you should pursue, because deep down, it’s just not a true priority for you. Next, maybe you write down: I play with my daughter every night before bedtime, or We read a story together every night. This time, you read the goal and you feel teary-eyed and emotional. This time, you’ve written down a goal that really matters to you.

When you’re setting goals in life, you want to pick goals that get you all fired-up inside, that give you shivers, and make you almost want to cry, laugh, scream, or say “Yes! This is the one.” If you’re emotionally charged-up, then you’re way more likely to take this goal seriously and really make it happen. 5. Keep it positive. Here’s an example: I don’t want to be poor. That’s a great goal. However, it’s written in a negative way. It’s important that you shuffle the wording around. The new, adjusted goal can be: I pay my bills on time every month, or I have $20,000 in my savings account. Instead of: I don’t want to be sick, flip it to: I feel strong and vibrant. Instead of: I don’t want to be alone, that goal can become: I am surrounded by supportive friends, family, and a stellar Whole Health Team. Write down your goal using these five principles to guide you. Next, I want you to ask yourself: “What Are Three Specific Things That Would Indicate I’ve Achieved This Goal?” For example, if your goal is: I have my dream job, what would that look like? What are three things that might be in your office that would indicate—to an outside observer, looking in—that you’ve done it? What are three specific, tangible markers of success? For you, it might be: 1. There’s a $5,000 check from a client sitting on my desk. 2. There’s a three-week vacation booked on my calendar, because my dream job includes plenty of space for rest and recharging. 3. There’s a plane ticket to NYC on my desk because I’ve been invited to speak at a conference there. 4. Try this with your goal. Whatever kind of goal you wrote down, come up with three specific, visible, tangible things that would indicate that you’re “there” or you’ve “done it.” What would be in your home? On your desk? On your calendar? In your inbox? Hanging in your closet? What colors have you painted

your walls? What’s the exact number in your bank account? Come up with a couple ideas. Below that, write down how you’re going to feel once you achieve this goal. Are you going to feel proud? Energized? Awake? Alive? Connected? Supported? Write down a few words that sums up how you’ll feel. Then, close your eyes, and try to remember a time in your life when you felt this same feeling. A memory. A moment. Let it wash over you. Sink into that feeling. Feel your entire body filling up completely with this feeling. When you think about the color of that feeling, what would it be? What would the temperature be? What would the texture and shape of that feeling be? What does it look like? Where do you feel it inside your body? Really connect with this feeling. When you’re ready, open your eyes. At this point, you’ve established a specific goal. You’ve figured out three markers of success that will indicate you’ve achieved this goal. You’ve realized how it will feel once you do. The next part of this exercise gets a little bit trickier. Now, I invite you to think about the adverse consequences of achieving your goal. Most people think, “That’s crazy. Why would there be any adverse consequences? It is going to be fantastic.” Yes, it’s going to be fantastic. However, to achieve something new, we must give up something old. There’s always a trade-off. Here’s an example: Let’s say I want to lose twenty pounds, become physically fit, and complete a marathon. To achieve this goal, I will need to train regularly. I will need to change my diet to make sure I’m flooding my body with plenty of nutrients. I will need to go to bed earlier and rest more so that my body can recover from intense workouts, which means I miss out on other things that I enjoy. I may have to give up time with friends and family in order to exercise. I may have to wear Spandex running clothes I don’t like. I may have to spend money on specific classes, tools, equipment, and training. I may

have to hire somebody to tell me what to do, like a coach or trainer. Maybe I don’t enjoy being told what to do! All the things I just listed might be considered adverse consequences. Sometimes, our subconscious mind gets anxious about these adverse consequences and decides, “I don’t like the sound of that. No way. I’m going to block [your name here] from pursuing this goal.” Then what happens? You start sabotaging yourself. You struggle to move forward with your goal, almost as if you’re locked in a battle with your own mind. Because, quite literally, you are! Once I had a client who’d been diagnosed with a debilitating disease. She told me, “I want to beat this disease. I want to feel better.” I worked with her closely, teaching her how to upgrade her eating habits and lifestyle, how to detoxify her system, all the things we’ve covered in this book. She promised she would do everything. And did she? No. In fact, she barely implemented any of the changes we discussed. During a follow-up session, she felt ashamed, almost on the brink of tears. “Nicolette,” she told me. “I swear I want to get better. But, for some reason, I feel so blocked. I want to change my lifestyle, but somehow I can’t seem to get started.” We did this exercise together. When we got to the part about adverse consequences, we uncorked some interesting information. As an adverse consequence, my client wrote down: I’d have to return back to my normal life. My client had been seriously ill for a long time. As a result, she didn’t have a full-time job. She didn’t have to pay rent or a mortgage. While she didn’t enjoy being sick, on some level, she enjoyed the freedom and overall lack of responsibilities that being sick provided. She was reluctant to give that up. She wanted to be healthy, of course—but to do that, there would be a trade-off. Was she willing to make the trade? Are you? This is a big question. I invite you to sit with it, as long as you need. Consider your goal. Consider the benefits that you’ll get. Consider

the adverse consequences, too—the trade-off, the sacrifice. Consider if the sacrifice will be worth it. Will it? Only you can answer that question for yourself. Ultimately, if you choose to proceed with this goal, you want to proceed with your whole heart, mind, and body on board. This means fully understanding the goal from all angles—the rewards and also the sacrifices—and making a fully informed decision. Lastly, here’s how you can seal this goal into your heart, mind, and body, and make the commitment official. Go into a private space, like your bedroom. Close the door if you need additional privacy. Sit in a chair or the edge of your bed. Sit comfortably with a tall, straight spine. Hold your arms in front of you. Cross your right arm over your left. Rotate your palms so that your thumbs are facing down, palms facing each other. Clasp your hands gently together. Then bend your elbows and bring your clasped hands towards your heart, almost like a prayer position. Cross your ankles. This is a calming posture that encourages your parasympathetic nervous system to settle down. It’s excellent for reducing anxiety. Then close your eyes. As your eyes are closed, seated in this position, repeat your goal to yourself. Say it quietly, to yourself, in your head, over and over. Remember to speak in the present tense, as if you already have achieved this goal. Say: I easily maintain $30,000 in my bank account at all times. Or say: I play with my daughter every night before bedtime. Or: I have reversed my diabetes and I am healthy, fit, and diseasefree. Keep repeating your goal aloud, over and over, until you feel a shift in your body. This shift might feel like hiccups, laughter, crying, a big release of tension in your shoulders, a feeling of clarity and lightness in your body, or maybe something else. When it happens, you will know. When this shift occurs—it might be a spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental shift—that signals that something has

shifted in your subconscious mind. Some type of block has been dissolved. Now, achieving your goal will be easier. Not “easy,” necessarily. But much easier. You’ve removed some of the impediments in your way. Once this shift occurs, open your eyes, and say: I am ready to welcome this goal into my life! Yes, you are! You can do this exercise whenever you want to set a new goal or commit more strongly to a goal you’ve already set. I do this exercise all the time with my children. They often run up to me and say: “Mom, can you balance me for this? Can you balance for that?” It’s a beautiful way of getting in touch with your goals, visualizing and experiencing what that goal is going to be like, and setting yourself up for success. When you do this exercise, you’re inviting your subconscious mind to work with you, rather than sabotaging you. It’s like having a meeting with your team at work and saying, “OK, does everybody understand our mission? Does everyone understand the sacrifices that will need to be made, and also the amazing rewards that are waiting ahead? Is everyone on board, ready to work towards the goal?” You want everyone on your team to say, “Yes!” It’s the same with your mind. You want all parts of your mind—your conscious mind and your subconscious mind—to work together towards a shared goal. You don’t want a fragmented mind that’s full of disagreement. You want a unified mind. Using techniques like this can shift your mind into this place and help you achieve anything you want, even goals you’ve neglected or struggled with before. Try it and see. …

Becoming a Savvy Patient As human beings, we are taught from a very early age to trust in authority figures. “Don’t talk to strangers,” your parents probably told you, as well as, “Listen to your teacher,” and “Do what the doctor says.” We grow up this way. As adults, we’re hardwired to trust people in positions of authority. We see a white lab coat and we immediately think, “I should do whatever this person tells me.” One researcher did an experiment8 where they had doctors wear white lab coats, scrubs, professional office attire, and then casual attire. The researchers found that people immediately trusted the doctors more if they wore a white lab coat. The white lab coat scored about 76 percent for trust and confidence. Scrubs got about 10 percent. Casual attire got just 4 percent . Same doctor. Different outfits. Different reactions. As this experiment shows, we make split-second decisions about the people we meet. A police uniform, a blazer and pantsuit, a white lab coat—these are cultural, visual cues that lead us to think, “I should do whatever this person says.” But blind obedience isn’t a good thing—especially when it comes to our health. All too often, we “follow the doctor’s orders” even when our instincts tell us to do otherwise. I can’t tell you how many people have come to me over the years, each telling me some version of the same story: “I felt like something was wrong. But my doctor told me everything was fine. For years and years, they told me there was nothing wrong. Then last week I found out I have cancer, and it’s stage IV.” I’ve heard this story countless times. Not just with cancer, but with all kinds of diseases. The moral of the story? Your doctor may be very well-educated, very wise, very loving, very caring, and very good at his or her job. But

that doesn’t mean you should believe everything she says or do everything she recommends. Doctors are not infallible. Doctors make mistakes. That’s why it’s crucial to become a savvy patient and take ownership of your health. This means trusting your instincts, questioning authority, and also building a Whole Health Team that includes numerous people, not just one. You want a variety of perspectives and healing modalities, not just one person’s opinion. The Power of a Whole Health Team Why put together a Whole Health Team? Why have multiple healers working together, instead of just your regular doc? Here’s a story from my own life that illustrates the power of collaboration. When my daughter was nine years old, she was goofing around with some friends, doing upside-down yoga poses in an aerial yoga swing. She climbed up about eight feet, but then she lost her balance, flipped over, and smacked her head on the ground. Fortunately, she didn’t have any broken bones, but she did end up with a severe concussion. If any of you have experienced a bad concussion, you know how debilitating it can be. My daughter’s head was throbbing. The pain was so intense. She couldn’t play. She couldn’t go to school. Her vision was impaired. She couldn’t sleep properly. Her mood was completely different. She wasn’t herself. It was really scary. This went on for thirty days. She wasn’t improving. The pain remained very intense. I took her back to the doctor several times, and eventually the doctor told me there was nothing more they could do. He also told me it could take a year or longer for my daughter to heal. He told me she’d probably need to be out of school for…a year. A year?! Can you believe that? As a mom, I thought to myself, “OK, that’s ridiculous. That can’t be the final answer. There’s got to be

something we could do to help her.” I felt really discouraged by this doctor’s pessimistic attitude. I decided, “I can’t accept this. I am going to take matters into my own hands.” What happened next? I assembled the best team I could put together. I found a physiotherapist, an acupuncture practitioner, an optometrist, a magnesium float-tank business, intense neuronutrition, compression therapy, and a chiropractor. I decided we were going to try every possible solution to help my daughter feel better. I put together a powerhouse healing team and plan, and I executed that plan in one day. The optometrist suggested putting tape over the sides of my daughter’s glasses to block her peripheral vision. If she’s getting fewer visual stimuli, it might reduce the pain. We tried that, and it worked! Her pain levels decreased. Incredible. Such a simple thing, and it made such a difference. The physio appointment followed immediately by acupuncture also brought her pain levels down. I knew through my research about stress and injury that magnesium is a potent and necessary mineral for repair and regeneration, so I brought my daughter to a local business that offers magnesium therapy float tanks. My daughter soaked and rested in the magnesium bath for ninety minutes. Again, her pain decreased. After a concussion, the body typically suffers some magnesium loss, so doing magnesium baths can help to replenish the levels. After that busy morning, I fed my daughter a nutrient-dense brainhealth meal (and a veggie juice of course), and then I applied compression therapy to her entire body. She fell into a deep and restful sleep for over two hours. This was the first nap she’d taken since she was three years old and the first deep sleep she had experienced since she received the concussion. When she woke up, her pain levels were down to a one out of ten. It was obvious that she felt so much better. I could see the sparkle coming back into her eyes. After more nutrient-rich brain food full of omega-3s, I took her to our

local and trusted chiropractor who did several adjustments and brought her skeletal system back into full alignment. After that, her pain was gone. Entirely. In just one day. And she returned to school the very next day and didn’t miss a day of school afterward as a result of that concussion. Again, that first doctor told me that my daughter would be out of school for an entire year. But once we got a multi-faceted healing team together, it only took one day to bring her pain levels from a ten out of ten down to a zero and bring her completely back to normal. The next day, she was back at school with no pain, totally back to her usual routine and her joyful quirky self. What a relief. This experience reminded me that getting one physician’s opinion is not enough. In fact, in some instances, trusting one physician’s recommendation can be disastrous. Can you imagine if I’d believed that first doctor? Can you imagine if I’d pulled my daughter out of school for one year, as he recommended? That’s something that would have negatively impacted her entire childhood, and possibly her entire life. I’m so grateful that I listened to my instincts and acted like a savvy patient, rather than a passive patient. By putting together a Whole Health Team, we eradicated my daughter’s pain and got her life back on track. In our current system, you go see a doctor, you spend seven and a half minutes together (if you’re fortunate enough to get that much time), they make a diagnosis, and they usually prescribe some medication, because that’s what they’re trained to do. Or, if there’s no medication that can be prescribed, then you’re often told, “Sorry, there’s nothing we can do. Just rest and let’s see what happens.” I’m sorry, but that’s just not good enough. We deserve much better care than that. We need teams of healers working together, communicating together, and using every possible healing modality to help people get better. Building this team starts with you. You have to seek it out, demand it, and build it yourself. …

Ask the Right Questions To be a savvy patient and build a Whole Health Team, first, you need to fully understand your diagnosis. You need to collect all the facts. This means asking lots and lots of questions. If you’ve been diagnosed with a particular type of cancer, for example, you’ll want to ask your doctor questions like: • How many people live when they do absolutely nothing after they’ve been diagnosed? • How long do people with the exact same diagnosis live if they choose to do chemo, surgery, radiation, or another type of medical treatment? • How many people live if they skip chemo and choose to do an alternative or complementary therapy like the Gerson Therapy, the Budwig Diet, or something else? Those are key questions to ask. It’s really important that your oncologist or medical doctor can answer those questions, because that’s the information that will help you make an informed decision about what to do next. You can ask similar questions for any kind of condition. Say, migraines. When you’re given a prescription drug for migraines, ask your doctor: • What are the side effects? • How effective is this drug? Is it likely to relieve symptoms by 50 percent? 100 percent? • How long will I need to take it? • Will I need to increase the dosage over time? • If my body gets used to taking this drug, will I need to switch drugs in the future? Another question I like to ask is:

• How do you know it’s not X, Y, or Z? By asking this, you’re encouraging your doctor to think more expansively and get into a different frame of thinking. Here’s an example: When one of my daughters was eight years old, we brought her in to the doctor because she had a cold, or possibly a flu bug. She was feverish, had a headache, and felt tired, along with a few other symptoms. It seemed like a common cold. But I had a feeling there was something else going on. Sure enough, the doctor said: “She has a cold. Take her home and give her liquids, plenty of rest, and monitor her health.” I took her home. But instinctively, as her mother, I knew that something else was up. That night, I listened to her breathing and I heard some gurgling in her chest—which may mean pneumonia, or possibly something even more severe. I brought her back to the doctor’s office the next day and demanded a test for pneumonia, including X-rays. The doctor thought I was overreacting and didn’t want to do these tests. They probably thought I was a hypochondriac mother who spent too much time on Google researching symptoms. But I insisted. With a firm tone of voice, I asked the doctor, “OK, you’re pretty certain she’s got a cold. It might be a cold. But how do you know it’s not pneumonia? How do you know it’s not meningitis? Are you completely sure?” My doctor agreed that, yes, it’s possible it could be something else. He agreed to run more tests. Long story short, after several tests, and four days of waiting for test results, the news came back: it was meningitis. Meningitis is a serious disease that often mimics flu symptoms, but it’s far more severe. Left untreated, it can lead to permanent brain damage, seizures, hearing loss, even death. Can you imagine if I’d trusted the doctor’s assessment (“It’s just a cold”) instead of listening to my intuition? My daughter could be dead right now. This may sound dramatic, but that’s the reality.

Yes, your doctor went to medical school for six to ten years. Yes, your doctor is thoughtful, careful, and wants only the best for you. Even so, we can’t ever place our health—our lives—into the hands of just one person. At the end of the day, these doctors are just human beings, and human beings make mistakes all the time. It’s crucial to ask questions, and then ask follow-up questions, and advocate for your own health. …

The Facts about Medical Error Here in North America, today, the number-one cause of death is cancer. The number-two cause of death is heart disease. Can you guess the third leading cause of death? You might guess complications related to diabetes, or obesity, or perhaps suicide. No. Research shows that the third leading cause of death is medical error. What does a medical error look like? It can mean taking a prescription medication that interacts badly with another medication, resulting in death. It can mean putting the wrong pills into a bottle that’s labeled with a totally different kind of medication —which happens in pharmacies more often than you’d think. It can mean doing surgery on the wrong organ or limb—this, too, happens more often than you think. Another form of medical error is when a medical practitioner doesn’t diagnose someone correctly. Then that person leaves the office or hospital and experiences life-altering consequences because of getting the wrong diagnosis. It’s been reported that 10–20 percent of patients are misdiagnosed, and 28 percent of misdiagnosed patients wind up dead or permanently disabled. This is a huge issue in the medical field, and one that’s rarely discussed. Again, I have the utmost respect for doctors. But at the end of the day, we’re all human. Nobody is correct 100 percent of the time. This is why, as a savvy patient, you need to trust your intuition and push for extra medical tests if you feel you’ve been misdiagnosed. Don’t worry about seeming “bossy” or “pushy” or too “demanding.” This is your life we’re talking about. It’s not to be taken lightly. Push for the best possible care. Don’t settle for anything less. Now that you know the third leading cause of death in North America is medical error, what are you going to do about it? For starters, take a closer look at the medications you’re currently taking—if you’re taking any. Go online and research them. Look at

the pamphlet that the pharmacist hand to you. Triple-check to make sure this drug won’t negatively interact with any other drugs that you’re taking, or with food that you’re eating. For example, some antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of your oral birth control pills—if you don’t want to get pregnant, that’s a pretty important detail to know about! Combining antidepressants like Zoloft with methadone can have fatal consequences. Eating grapefruit while taking statins (to control cholesterol) or many other drugs can have adverse effects. There are so many interactions and combinations that you need to be fully aware of. Most people never even open up these drug pamphlets, and most people don’t bother to read the “fine print” because they assume, “My doctor told me to take this, so it’s fine.” This might not be the case. You need to double—and triple—check the details. I highly encourage you to read Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book Death by Modern Medicine.9 Read that book from start to finish. It highlights some of the drugs on the market that really should not be prescribed because the side effects are so severe. What else can you do to be a savvy patient? A lot! You can even call lawyers’ offices to get the full scoop on what’s happening with drugs like Vioxx. This is a drug that’s often prescribed for illnesses like arthritis. It has been banned in other countries—but not in North America—even though we know it’s causing thousands of deaths a year. Your doctor might not say this to you. It’s up to you to be a savvy patient and dig up the truth. Google the drugs that have been recommended to you. Research thoroughly. Consider the pros and cons. Consider your alternative options. Ask questions—lots of questions—and don’t allow your doctor (or anybody else on your team) to brush you off dismissively. Again, this is your life. If you struggle to stand up for yourself, if you feel intimidated by authority figures, then pretend that you’re advocating for your child, for your partner, for someone you love fiercely.

Imagine your doctor gives your child a diagnosis and you suspect it’s not right. What would you do? Hopefully, you would push back, you would dig deeper, you would do anything and everything to heal your child, right? You would become a health warrior. You would fight fiercely and relentlessly. The same way you’d behave if your child was in potential danger— that’s how you need to behave when it comes to your own health, too. …

Build Your Whole Health Team Who needs to be on your Whole Health Team? The answer to that question is different for everyone, of course. Your team might include: • Your general physician • An endocrinologist • An oncologist • A physiotherapist • A massage therapist • A chiropractor • An acupuncturist • An Ayurvedic practitioner • A Chinese medicine practitioner • A Reiki practitioner • A hypnotherapist • A PSYCH-K instructor • A naturopathic doctor • A nutrition specialist • And others, too I especially recommend getting a chiropractor on your team. Chiropractors are somewhat overlooked and often misunderstood. Many people think that chiropractors are people who align your back after you’ve had an injury, like a car accident. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Chiropractors work to align the spine, which has innumerable benefits—including boosting your immune system, and improving neural communication between your brain and the rest of your body. When I was a teenager, I walked my dog in the woods every day. Often, I’d run into an older gentleman who walked his dog at the

same time. We often chatted about nature, pets, life, and his health. This man had faced a significant health issue when he was a child. Even back then, I was fascinated by the human body and health in general, so I always wanted to hear his stories. He was from Denmark and told me his family always used a chiropractor as the first line of defense in case of illnesses and injuries. I asked him to explain more. Once, as a very young child, this man had a terrible bout of eczema. He was hospitalized and bandaged all over his entire body. His skin was cracked, bleeding, and full of pus because the infection was terrible. He was in and out of the hospital all the time. Finally, a chiropractor said to his parents, “Please come see me. I can help.” Seeing a chiropractor for a skin issue? Seems odd. But his father was desperate and willing to try anything, so he took his son to see the chiropractor, who did a few adjustments to create better communication through his spine to his brain and back again. This reactivated his immune system. Within a few days, his body started healing. The cracks started closing. He made a complete recovery. The chiropractor told his father, “When your son turns about twelve or thirteen and starts going through puberty, he’ll probably have a large growth spurt which may cause compression on his spine. It might trigger another eczema attack.” That’s exactly what happened. Fortunately, they noticed it right away and went to have another chiropractic adjustment, and that one little spot of eczema cleared up. He never suffered from it again. This story illustrates why it’s so crucial to build a Whole Health Team with several people involved. Ideally, I’d recommend having two chiropractors on your team, two naturopaths, two massage therapists, and so on. That way, if you need urgent care, you’ll have a better chance at booking an appointment quickly. It’s likely you’ll call one office and, oops, they’re fully booked up this week. That’s why having two or even three providers is helpful. Lastly, I encourage you to put together your Whole Health Team List. Start a Word document and put all your team members in one

place—their emails, phone numbers, websites, office addresses, everything you need. Keep this document on your computer, on your phone, and email it to your partner or spouse. Print it out twice, put it on the fridge for everybody to see, and store it in a binder, too. Make sure everybody in your family is aware of your Whole Health Team List so they know who to call in the event you need help for an acute or chronic condition. It will probably take you twenty to thirty minutes to pull this list together, and you’ll feel so organized and empowered once you do it. With this simple action, you’re signaling to yourself, “I take my health seriously.” …

Write Your Own Prescription In her book Mind Over Medicine, Dr. Lissa Rankin urges her readers to write their own prescription for optimal health. Everyone’s ideal prescription will be slightly different. What is yours? This is a powerful exercise to do. Get a pen and paper and ask yourself: What Do I Need In Order to Achieve Optimal Health? Write down everything that comes to mind. You might start with the obvious stuff, the basics. You need to eat real food. You need to get plenty of rest. You need to exercise and move your body in a way that feels energizing, not damaging. You need clean, pure, filtered water. You need a positive mindset. You need a Whole Health Team with several people working together to help you be well. You need to be a savvy, informed patient, not a passive bystander. OK, great. But what else? When Rankin does this exercise with her patients, they often come up with creative, interesting, and sometimes surprising and emotional answers. She’s had patients say: “I need to leave my marriage.” “I need to come out of the closet.” “I need to quit my job.” “I need to sell my house and spend some time traveling the world.” Deep down, in the clearest, brightest part of your heart, you know exactly what you need in order to thrive. You know what you need to do. Right here, write down your personal prescription for optimal health. Write down everything you need. Keep writing for as long as you need to. It’s OK if you write ten, twenty, fifty, even a hundred things. Keep going. Pour it all out.

I’m an optimist—but also a realist. If you just wrote down a hundred things that you need, maybe it’s not feasible to have all one hundred right this instant. But I’m confident that you can have at least three of them. And then three more. And then three more. Today, choose three items from your prescription—whichever three you can realistically bring into your life immediately. Do it. And next week, or next month, add a few more. Before long, everything you’ve written on your prescription pad will be…your new life. “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The secondbest time is now.” —Chinese Proverb I love this quote so much, and it applies to every aspect of our lives. The best time to take charge of your health was five, ten, twenty years ago, or more. But today is an excellent time, too. You know exactly what kind of “tree” you need to plant and nourish. I hope you’ll plant that first seed today. A few moments ago, you created your own personal prescription for optimal health. Re-write your prescription neatly, or type it and print it out. Sign it. Make it official. Then make it happen. Your body will be so grateful, and you’ll see innumerable benefits. Whatever you want—whether it’s a slimmer waistline, freedom from acne, tons of energy to write, run your business, and have fun adventures with loved ones, or a stronger chance of beating cancer so you can watch your grandkids make sand castles at the beach— whatever you want most, you have a great deal of power, and you can influence what happens next. Will you continue onward just as you have in the past, or will you make some changes? Will you give your body every possible advantage? Will you treat your body with the utmost care and respect? Will you be the leader of your life story, or a passive bystander? The choice is yours to make.


You Are Not Powerless I’m writing this book in 2017. It’s been a chaotic, deeply troubling year. North America is still reeling from the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas—an incident that claimed hundreds of lives. Our friends in Puerto Rico are living without power and shelter due to a massive hurricane. Here in Canada, we’re dealing with our own wave of tragedies, including the tragic opioid epidemic. Canadians are using —and abusing—prescription painkillers like never before, leading to overdoses and death. Our world is far from perfect. There are so many problems. Every single day, yet another crisis explodes onto the front page of the newspaper. Many days, I hold my daughters close and I wonder, “What kind of world are they growing into? What will the future hold?” It’s scary. And it’s easy to feel defeated and powerless. But the truth is, we are not powerless. I have a great deal of power. So do you. The power to change your eating habits. The power to change your daily routine. The power to decide what will be included in your life, and what’s not permitted anymore. The power to create a new, healthier future for yourself and your family. When It Comes to Your Health, You Are Not Powerless You are in charge. You are the boss. You determine what your meal will be, what you’ll prepare for dinner tomorrow, and what your children will have for breakfast next week. You determine whether you’ll follow the guidelines in this book, or not. You choose. Because you are the author of your story, not a passive bystander. No, you don’t have the power to change everything in the entire world, but you have the power to change certain things. Many things. Starting with the way you take care of your own body. I’ve stated this so many times in this book, but it bears repeating: You Hold So Much Power

Never forget this. Claim your power and channel this power into positive habits, nutritious meals, and a lifestyle that allows you to thrive. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients in a one-on-one capacity, and I’ve served thousands of customers over the years through my retreats, programs, and restaurants. They’ve done it. They’ve upgraded their lifestyles. So can you. There’s no doubt in my mind —you can do it, too. I am sending love and strength to you and wishing you the best of health.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “We, today, stand on the shoulders of our predecessors who have gone before us. We, as their successors, must catch the torch of freedom and liberty passed on to us by our ancestors. We cannot lose in this battle.” —Benjamin E. Mays It takes a village to create a book like this one. So many people have influenced my work over the years, and so many people have supported me with their time, energy, resources, and encouragement. I stand on the shoulders of the gentle and mighty giants before me. I thank with love and gratitude… William Nasby for introducing me to the Gerson Therapy. Dr. Max Gerson for his persistence in bringing the Gerson Therapy to light. Charlotte Gerson and her two children, Howard and Margaret Straus, for diligently keeping the Gerson Therapy in the light, and for encouraging me to shine my light brighter too. Alexandra Franzen for her creative writing genius and for connecting me to Brenda. Stephie Hennekam for her positive vibes, attention to detail and for keeping me and this book on track. Becky Delziel and Tracy Vaughan for bringing the original Eat Real to Heal online course live for the world to access, learn and heal. Jaden for being my medical muse. Hazelle and Sadie for your unconditional love. My darling husband, Pierre, for going with the flow and believing in all I do and desire. Kelly Hand for spiraling me towards unapologetic greatness. Paula Jeffers for being an angel and making miracles and dreams happen—the Richer Health Retreat Centre is because of you. Erica Nasby for all the years of sharing, learning, experimenting, and uncovering the path to optimal health, wisdom, and love. Melissa Darou, you are a writing and gardening partner in crime. Marie-Lynn Tremblay for taking the leap with us and for your joyous smile that shines bright each day in our garden and wellness centre. My

parents for saying yes to my vision for the Green Moustache and to all of our incredible Green Mo’ staff for keeping it real so our communities can heal. Your daily presence offered up the space for this book to come to fruition. My three brothers for challenging me intellectually, supporting me with your artistic talents, humor, and for your sheer collective strength. Hayley Ingman for standing strong, true, and brave each day and for choosing us. Rachel Carson for writing Silent Spring and for all it has brought me ever since. Brené Brown for her tiny words of wisdom—“books can be spoken.” Elizabeth Gilbert and Natalie Goldberg for Big Magic and Wild Mind. Extra love goes out to Brenda and the entire team at Mango Publishing—thank you for believing in this book, giving it a home, and ultimately for your patience as I learned to navigate this exciting world of writing and publishing. To all my clients, everywhere, who are taking their health into their own hands, returning to Food as Medicine, and working to make our planet a better place despite all the adversity you face each day. You know who you are. Bountiful Blessings.

RESOURCES Foods to Avoid, Foods to Eat, Foods to Moderate

Foods to Avoid • Alcohol • Avocados • Baking soda • Black tea and non-herbal teas • Bottled or canned • Cheese • Chocolate • Coconut • Coffee • Dairy • Dehydrated or frozen • GMOs • Meat • Mushrooms • Non-organic • Nuts and seeds • Oils and fats (flaxseed oil is ok) • Packaged • Processed • White processed flours • Raw kale and raw spinach • Salt and salt substitutes • Soy

Foods to Eat In Abundance Eat these foods morning, noon, and night. Always organic. All organic vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes not on the Foods To Avoid list • Raw fruits and veggies • Cooked fruits and veggies • Potatoes; all varieties • (All produce are allowed except mushrooms, avocados, the leaves of carrots and radishes, raw spinach, and mustard greens) Foods to Eat Occasionally I.e., once per week and only in addition to the list of foods to eat in abundance. • Brown rice • Quinoa • Potato flour • Barley • Lentils • Yams and sweet potatoes • Corn

Staple Pantry Items • Apple cider vinegar • Balsamic vinegar • Brown rice (if allowed) • Coffee (enemas only) • Distilled & filtered water • Flax oil (organic, not high-lignin) • Garlic • Ginger (minimal) • Honey • Maple syrup • Molasses (unsulfured) • Oatmeal • Onions • Potatoes • Rye bread (unsalted, non-fat, homemade) • Wine vinegar Immune-Boosting Spices Eat these in moderation, as some of the aromatic oils can slow down healing in certain people. • Allspice • Anise • Bay leaves • Chives • Cilantro • Coriander • Dill • Fennel • Mace • Marjoram • Parsley • Rosemary • Sage • Saffron • Scallions • Tarragon • Thyme • Sorrel • Summer savory

Example Daily Food Guide

Breakfast • Oatmeal and stewed fruit • Citrus Juice • Green Juice Snacks: raw and cooked Gerson-approved foods

Lunch • Abundant Salad with dressing • 1 Cup Hippocrates Soup • Baked dish (three or four veggies: i.e. beets, squash, carrots) • Long and Low-Cooked Dish (three or four veggies: i.e. onions, tomatoes, squash, green beans) • Small Baked Potato • Carrot/Apple Juice Snacks: raw and cooked Gerson-approved foods

Dinner • Abundant Salad with dressing • 1 Cup Hippocrates Soup • Baked dish (three or four veggies: i.e. beets, squash, carrots) • Long and Low Cooked Dish (three or four veggies: i.e. onions, tomatoes, squash, green beans) • Small Baked potato • Green Juice or Carrot/Apple Juice Dessert examples: • Banana ice cream (recipe in Gerson book) • Apple cinnamon oat bake Books to Read • Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless by Howard Straus10 • A Time to Heal by Beata Bishop • Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, MD • Death by Modern Medicine by Carolyn Dean, MD11 • Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Revised Edition by Joel Fuhrman • Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD • Gutbliss by Robynne Chutkan, MD • Healing the Gerson Way: Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases by Charlotte Gerson, Beata Bishop, Joanne Shwed, Dr. Abram Hoffer • How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman • How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD • I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong • In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan • Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv12 • Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment by Sandra Steingraber • Mind Over Medicine by Lisa Rankin, MD13 • Nutritional Healing, After the Work of Dr. Max Gerson: A Patient Management Handbook by Kathryn Alexander • Orthom*olecular Medicine for Everyone:Megavitamin

Therapeutics for Families and Physicians by Abraham Hoffer, MD, PhD, and Andrew Saul, MD, PhD • Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health & Happiness by Doug J. Lisle and Alan Goldhamer • Proteinaholic by Garth Davis, MD14 • Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss • The Alzheimer’s Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age by Dean Sherzai, MD, and Ayesha Sherzai, MD • The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science by Norman Doidge • The Gerson Therapy Cookbook • The Nature of Crops: How We Came to Eat the Plants We Do by J. Warren • The Other Side of Impossible by Susannah Meadows • The Pleasure Trap by Alan Goldhamer • The China Study by T. Colin Campbell • Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight by Chef AJ

Documentaries to Watch



Dying to have known

Eating Animals

Eating Our Way to Extinction Fed Up Food Inc.

Forks over Knives Heal yourself, Heal the world In Defense of Food

PlantPure Nation Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Speciesism

The Beautiful Truth The Burzynski Movie The C-Word

The Food Cure

The Game Changers

The Gerson Miracle

Vegucated What the Health

Movies to Watch


Erin Brockovich Love & Other Drugs

Miracles from Heaven

The Dallas Buyers Club Dr. Max Gerson: The Forbidden Cure (coming soon) People to Follow Alan Goldhamer, DC Caldwell Esselstyn, MD Dean Ornish, MD Garth Davis, MD Joel Fuhrman, MD Joel Kahn, MD Kim Williams, MD Michael Greger, MD Neal Barnard, MD T. Colin Campbell, PhD Valter Longo, PhD Zach Bush, MD Julianna Hever, MS, RD, CPT

Rich Roll Podcast

NICOLETTE RICHER Nicolette Richer is an Orthom*olecular Health Educator, Gerson Therapy Home Set-Up Trainer, and Psycho-Kinaesthetic Facilitator. Her education includes a MA in Environmental Education and Communication, a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies, and a certificate in Sustainable Community Development. She’s currently working on her Doctor of Social Sciences degree at Royal Roads University. She’s a former environmental and sustainability consultant who spent many years studying the connection between toxicity in the soil, air, and water and chronic diseases. Today, she runs several businesses—a collection of 100 percent organic cafes called the Green Moustache, with eight locations across Canada as of today. She’s been running Richer Health Consulting for over a decade, where she offers one-on-one consulting, workshops, speaking, online courses, and events. Recently, she launched the Richer Heath Retreat Center, a sanctuary in British Columbia offering transformational retreats for people battling cancer, diabetes, heart disease, fatigue, depression, and many other conditions. She’s also the founder of Sea to Sky Thrivers Society, an NGO that works with youth and indigenous communities to remember the art and science of traditional whole foods as medicine. Nicolette’s mission is to empower people to take their health into their own hands, to demonstrate how food can be used as healing medicine, and to show people that leading a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be boring—it can be colorful, inspiring, and fun. You can find Nicolette’s projects online at:

ABOUT THE GREEN MOUSTACHE Come eat with us! Visit the Green Moustache Organic Café and juice bar at one of our eight locations. We’d love to show you that eating real food can be incredibly satisfying and delicious. One meal, and you’ll be hooked. Green Moustache Organic Café Locations 1. Whistler Village, BC 2. Function Junction, Whistler, BC 3. Squamish, BC 4. Edgemont Village, West Vancouver, BC 5. Lower Lonsdale, North Vancouver, BC 6. Port Moody, BC 7. Revelstoke, BC 8. Edmonton, BC

Open Your Own Location Do you dream about running your own business? Want to work in a fun, colorful, crunchy, creamy, zingy environment surrounded by beautiful organic food and passionate people? Want to make a positive difference in your hometown by providing organic, plant-based meals that nutrify and detoxify people’s bodies? If you’d like information on how to open your own Green Mo’ franchise location, visit: On that page, we have a quick application that you can fill out, and then we’ll be in touch soon. Thank you!

1 Available for purchase on the Gerson Institute website: 2 3 4 5 6 [emailprotected] 7 8 9 section=death_by_modern_medicine&page=details 10 A must-buy! Currently, you can only buy it from here: or in one of our Green Moustache Cafes. 11 12 13 14

Eat Real to Heal Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More ( PDFDrive Flipbook PDF - PDF Free Download (2024)


How can I heal my body naturally with food? ›

10 of the Best Foods to Help You Heal
  1. Leafy green vegetables. ...
  2. Eggs. ...
  3. Salmon. ...
  4. Berries. ...
  5. Nuts and seeds. ...
  6. Poultry. ...
  7. Organ meats. ...
  8. Cruciferous vegetables.
Aug 12, 2020

Can diet reverse chronic diseases? ›

Switching to a plant-based diet can have more benefits than just weight loss. In fact, including more whole foods and greens in your diet can help reverse some chronic diseases and also play an important role in disease prevention.

Can you heal any health condition with the food you eat? ›

Healthy food is the medicine we give our bodies every day. It can't cure what ails you, but certain foods have the power to soothe symptoms and give your body a boost when you have specific illnesses or injuries.

Can eating healthy cure diseases? ›

While some dietary choices can either prevent or increase your disease risk, not all diseases can be prevented or treated through diet alone.

What are the 10 worst foods for inflammation? ›

Inflammatory Foods
  • Red meat, such as steak and hamburgers.
  • Processed meat, such as bologna, bacon, sausage and lunchmeat.
  • Commercial baked goods such as snack cakes, pies, cookies and brownies.
  • Bread and pasta made with white flour.
  • Deep fried items such as French fries, fried chicken and donuts.

What foods repair the body? ›

Incorporating cell-repairing and regenerative foods into your diet can have a profound impact on your overall health. Berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, citrus fruits, turmeric, and dark chocolate are all excellent choices to support your body's natural repair mechanisms.

How to reverse disease naturally? ›

The first step to getting rid of diseases naturally is to boost your immune system. You can do this by eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and getting plenty of rest. Additionally, you can take supplements that help to improve your immune system. Some great options include vitamin C, and garlic.

What is the only diet that can reverse heart disease? ›

Groundbreaking research shows that a plant-based diet doesn't just prevent heart disease but that it can manage and sometimes even reverse it.

How to reverse chronic conditions? ›

Many chronic diseases can be prevented and even reversed by making healthy changes to your diet, exercise routine, sleep habits, and stress levels. In this episode, Dr. Erika Blank, an MUSC Health physician, talks about how evidence-based, lifestyle medicine is changing the lives of MUSC Health patients.

What is the number one food that kills inflammation? ›

1. Avocados. Avocados are often sought after for their creamy texture and satiating taste. But they are also powerhouses when it comes to fighting inflammation.

What is the most healing food? ›

Top 10 Healing Foods
  1. Green Leafy Vegetables. Load up on kale, lettuce, swiss chard, spinach, arugula, dandelion leaf, watercress and microgreens. ...
  2. Berries and Cherries. ...
  3. Citrus Fruits. ...
  4. Tropical Fruits. ...
  5. Probiotic Yogurt. ...
  6. Local to You Raw Honey. ...
  7. Wild Caught Fatty Fish. ...
  8. Organic, Free Range Chicken.
Nov 2, 2023

What foods fight infection in the body? ›

Consuming foods high in vitamin C such as grapefruits, oranges, tangerines, sweet red pepper, broccoli, strawberries, kale, and kiwifruit are thought to increase white blood cell production, which is key to fighting infection.

What foods fight diseases? ›

You need a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, herbs, and spices in your diet to enable your body to stay as healthy as possible. Good choices of foods to boost the immune system include citrus fruits, spinach, almonds, papaya, and green tea.

What diseases can be reversed with diet? ›

Eating foods such as vegetables that have more nutrients and fewer calories may be the best way to help prevent and treat long-term health problems such as heart disease. According to a small study from 2014, a plant-based diet helped achieve coronary artery disease reversal among the majority of its participants.

What is food as medicine for chronic disease? ›

“Food is Medicine” (FIM) (or food as medicine) is a category of tailored food-based nutritional interventions specifically linked to the health care system that are intended to prevent, treat, or manage chronic diseases and often address food and nutrition insecurity.

What helps your body heal faster? ›

Fresh fruits and vegetables eaten daily will also supply your body with other nutrients essential to wound healing such as vitamin A, copper and zinc. It may help to supplement your diet with extra vitamin C. Keep your wound dressed. Wounds heal faster if they are kept warm.

What foods help heal your gut? ›

Gut Health Foods - 15 Foods For Good Gut Health
  • Yoghurt. Live yoghurt is an excellent source of so-called friendly bacteria, also known as probiotics. ...
  • Kefir. ...
  • Miso. ...
  • Sauerkraut. ...
  • Kimchi. ...
  • Sourdough. ...
  • Almonds. ...
  • Olive oil.

How do you reset your body with food? ›

The Body Reset Diet emphasizes nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, lean proteins, and low fat dairy. These foods make up a well-rounded diet because they provide an array of essential vitamins and minerals ( 9 ).


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.