Dodge County Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Dodge County Citizeni

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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ftft SEgE use im mb rn tore 'dlfi is 5 1l''ft'isl tnuvmsl $iWhT erssk) $iT Iftsjn Uie gQpJs this sea i Real EsiAiuSenatoEjftander has I TUB BEST CIIgyiNG appealed from by 8t: i appi zS ZT zJna Io tea iooQ scO 'f So O' aaooo liiir in HWW 4 vk 4 woao I '4 1 ft to ftft Jon of 'this A 3KWS1 7r I so or ad SOS htollraia 'i UtbUM atU number Bft i be loth to part with it ft delphIa(Pa OHICAGOf i ft: it i is MUJtya eiuK interest bli the ishery tention barber where this co tfiW in the iftftj arfdx I Hi! foi dii I I 4 trio ft ti noi jTllU 4ort3 Jiliift Wi ftrfi i il 5 Of be wbs several of my patfl nf I inmates ison uts igh on wit Wood eord lour ewt Hams BuekwWaM Dressed Ho? 2 501 00 20 00 10 a 15 tevefj tevi it BIX ith faojout elect cfcrh President of the meeting out of order by to A i'k yiattafobr 5K1 TKfJ A 1 UATf nS u've as to dom Chicago Tribu in the north AND BRIDEGROOM 'ting relation ft ft Slptions at CITIZEN OfBTOE rIRCHILD hWwaWe' S3: fendants'SerVfed appeal Which JL tiZt 7 4 1 i 'ioo0 4h 4641 vSi 'I Y4HtrWmf smard si i ALLPOLICIES'B" CRai4va Watches I t3 Sewing1 Haohfnea ii KJ rH UOJftx Jfc srft a nulch I or at reasonable prices lfy mAto flbaBlie aaizaijfx Err9tfe CHOICE oolOsg TEA 3 krJUNB OKADKTiBSVGWRSC'r ilrrsaoJ lAUO ft Patep tM OAMMBDi YUft 'THE DE3TITABLE AND GOLDEN SYBBMSli fL UKEA'yrVR iVh rVZ aidJIW onl'i st no andj Jfti A GhAnoeIor pleasureoskdUn 'aHufte freely Indulge in by both the' fair and un fairsex in this place nov that Rbri Jno wft IS1 put) a rid0aro4beior der of the day although the sleighing is as yet quiteordTnaryj the Hslrxicuaad AC's olomt Beuver ohr Hint ihwlo A StqfcRrbf I(ardvare4uTtLf Vicinitvvand to it at thfe 6 5 hnn HivJW mhoi'7 I Whh you 4 OLIX DAMNtLLT timatenrilgl iMa and tffy 0 JMgVTO TE Santa Claus Again in the ield! TT 1 tr i Kr rjilrbr srT owi Sirfnfctfe sMdife' Vanity Store a i inti vs4'd I l'VE 'All the most approved forms of Policies issued All holders receiving only oi their Stock yOil ft A Call and InvestiguCef eXc 11 STALKER Office 69 6t Street Deaver Dam Wfs sold his in Acke'r Jordan Mr his at usiness as tionflil Tin nlr "Bite Is canine dsbfc ok rJoAVVAlrign ci Profeiuor of Physiology Abd PAlbotogleal Grand Chatutestivai the aid of the needy widows and orphans pf deceased sol diers will ne given al Concert Hall vm I whfeatper uasnei S7 ttt'Aowiumaw Rye 41 Corn do In thee do dll i oiled o3Xt Blixsctt work on reefs and Engine HoUse 100 Hoyt man and team on etreete 500 etrelu D'WoeK work On streets 5 25 Hammer stationery 1 10 Krcuger LehrkinrtprutlMti'' eaat for Cre corner 5 00 Moore Martin goda for engine i 8 20 AMniefhfoVed IH )gmpo8rte4 totiir the vaeaticy fn thej Committee on Claims for occasioned by BARRETT CO Prejvtete Jlelglf JLatfucWi JAAefcAawjW Hare on banSVoo ern a4 5e i'MPit'i'a8TaS GEN EI AL ALTH RESTORER fejHJD afrltet irSt le ft 1 NJCW: BARBER SHOP TI a Barber and Hair AJ rea ng Betabflkhmenl in room In I and'e 1 'tnf' UUr Dic8 Shampooing ROOT SCIENTIIC SAE 1 1 arT ersAtiT Buratis a rtof st cj rfj 5 4 OfcaolStljoiaeldO ba ss'w? tA Jaekeofstiid if RQ3APALW' itAlumMrtr': ft Ereiwherefi MWL3asT piaeoyar! min oaiil'fiofiifcHcnoD hnjBiD fti A 'ft ormerly Warren where they be happy to ee those MW 1 We represent aafai ixm IlartfordfdjpderyYriters Phenix THome of New Haven Enterprise ha Connecticut! vja'MA Mutual Life Ins Co of NoHn7 AWAOkiAa a TClk3CT ftEDiXurfc hA'wley aAHft li JUV WA: 'cwv' i 1 AlLBookaId at Rftb aI IatWT Old Original BoolrStore of 15 fS TRASK VTWJ Sal2 "PjlBO rft A T4j50fe5C0 8 25 5 00 tlDrMyiv: Newman Schiettftiftxil? ln Min ute of ia atoetteg rwd amnpprovW' tl aJClie faltowing refend to thoCothmUtefe dScfainie llU ft i wlM stw rwialt Hohl goods for Engine rnouse and pants for si aQHIGAGO! ft firltet tike arm Orchard Carden and ireside No amily that twha kRo'i BWuldfliVwiriiS outfjf rer hose that subs wtthet iniwcctaeuts YcragttJi willk Miseer ft mi vv: tinr 4 bwi ei wa wwA 100ILI1O an Bootsand Slices ACr i I CU8T0MKKP 'V4 On motion ot Aid ishery the aooo unto rennrtei fn tE6 lab were laid oyer one month ft XaddJioi' 2 GBAPK VINESIREEtj uMeMW itsW Mifeaftfi AM Qde CONCORDCalid CMNTON ft 1 yeiA w(dH) r4g ayrftay yjaw: arikf if1Vcrib8 irkmediltelv Kpa'got the 'free? papersftfor bal an oe ot this year' and the whole of 1850 and ttoTfl biRB HcO Any one nqjifhing the Grape Vinos may receive in their place1 either of the following: i '4 xiMia A4M13 i i VA3 aifc pTAlf Witt aKA jrjOPjf fts? tok sJalimoittse isS 111300110 1O SCI 5 1 Jal CARPENTER 13 OdfG The regular meetings of this Lodge are held ever Monday eyeniuiljt ftTejxance Hadi' over Law renee new store on ront street jriTher Januai Magazine an excellent iiionthly is! received The table of cpntentsjs un wondfcy is so much excellent matter tcan bei furnished for Elliot Thornes Talbot Boston ft 1 ft cased lever watch for thirteen dollars' ft GodeyfteT for jill it rivals in line of fashion litAra a 7W aWf iaB A ee'velP figs'll 6i dtoftSV" HX ti 3IJIW84 4idf ejsei rf'f etf! Io svlwit 33 we4 1 i XS4S 5e4' f7 Hilts MS payerw RmseuI2oo for ser vices on Board of Equalization was ayes 11 uu suuuou ok am suerman 1 thi Committee acting as The motion was do inaaecinaxr os tne rre8tcumt wea a Ala Mayne and the ayes and noes colled The President was sustained by the following vote ayes 5 noes4 I Oxiunotioiof Ald Mayne tbe Couneil proceeded'toii ballot for Constable fog th 21 ward John jBewker 11 mfyorityiof tjie totes was declared elected Constable ot saidi ward Ob molwjaKAlfT aynh? CtmrcirgfTcecded to ballotTror Consfabl? fer'theT Mes 8enc er lii ag received majority at all thcvoteil Skst Wk i 9 I 'UivilA Wi1w" rfRSP 4' U7SU KtSMKna tJ Ui OTDtlVr UH O3 Si jaw erat ww Wrrf 4 iwells known establishmentWe aretrenared to'us'iinnlv lhe wants ofs this eenrj Goods intour line andwe respc'tfulljr sofilit? a oiltiniwi tfonage bur tT tf'm iT biOUftOMHU caw or III and dispositiombf the western patriot and of course his true senti Woagej after BXED EXTS yH ftnyilarctteution paid to JOBBING with the best of material and work 1 men Mtrt biMi AVE? TRO (J GHS and PLUMBING attended care '8 11 rsjt viQGIffiTIlVJSSBAZQRSydSIIE ARS and SCISSORS' of HlYeij best Ainericau anfXil'prigq njakea XABLE CUTLER Yt PLATED SPOONS forks Japanned Jv are Cbine find se us and if WftSo hbtfeiiit' you'with goods and! terrasit will not be because we not trvrsil bah EO El RI'DlLb' $300 a year or that dnd strength'actually lay in the length and abundance? of his hair a nbrathse'df Vegetable fynaany times the Strength of that dbtrghry ancient war rioj for therpisno limitvit jwill not reach if properly AC JI rioti nn'j tn ehoiiti Looy bm rjviui xj TvTfrnti 'ft jg hW Jqsilcp ioiyoyrgpjf and friends sbPuJd: aisedtw which will do you good when sickftA The 'White Pine Compcufid will you good in ail cases of Lung Throaf and Jidney ComplaintsIt is al irud article as alliwliojha'v'ehused nt Iwil testify tvu uzouuum ia MaynoMCiwa take hp and act ujokj the jgpwt aj thfl ComMUeCiiLlClSitaa by itema 0 I I SThe 'account Hie repo2 i adaption i A1d muy tiat all the account against the next meeting oft thg Council and tbkirthe Committee on Enne Hoijgo require to make a full report upon the costa said! SiToyee Thejmotion to adopt second item ajes ByAldhrjnaS4 toeiw I rtRraonvww i That theTeiirlf be ffiW hr au i thonsed to draw an order on the Treasurer of flfty fivoin laIor for servioes as assessor ofthe second ward 4 ve dollar of which being for at tending Board ot Assessors at Juneau Also an or der in tavor of Jacob Efflt forforty live or sei vices as assessor Also an order of twelve dol ini Equ8ll AldfaynejSWiov ed to takaiapi ttewfe was deolared lost by the Pesi dent I VW ridwa The President declared the call oqt of orderRfeSSr SaJ sulQ by ayes 0 noil ptawHl mbnU st I Tne 'OoftieiyMdtatttwaSt J5 the fol lowIngvote ayes noiisS $dw st I i items which wae earned ttty the TbltbMng vote 7npea 4 4) e'rlntfo fol to wing ayea8need3J Aid Hawley moved to strike out In the reset I'ttatoe PyJ'bErtrT insert therein $3 500 The motion to amend wy (oJTbjJf salqti WAfllimywob theeili Soods Projrisionsil A sams gToos xifisoo MlasfttlVareim BdT srff nnJL TvHM C10 A A1T' a jL p4Mcmi sttoiisooo UnmrnPioner 3g nelfu3 do BugtoeJIo aarajS Mary Wiuebrenncr taking care of Mr? GatesG10 CO Thos Hughes printing Lawrence Hutto ley js 4S WHO 3) Townsepd Jc jorie lumber for Engine ilcme 191 0T Josrpirreda work on Engine House 00 ftdo Ido do i 25 50 4 ftJ onei Umh to SUeeV Uew lWll A4t JonfiTnaione work on rtiaetf IQ 00 Turner Grigg? goods topopr S2 LI noftx Slsl ifilitaty I membersof tliis jsttoiflheG1 Ar that there is midstj make call' iipoiiftthj to aid those Avhose a natural protectors jtrlS osf the best enter 1 ance in dam many of our readers are aware tias jbeSpcabugbear ftlt'landVowMrsi along1 the df iiorfcoii Lake fori some yrsErtelfeebeie from time to time to abate wltfit' they termed thenuisance on account of Its 1 overflowing an 1 1 wnsemb' tof la whicIXftmighbd pldbfedJcIeji cultivation and'aj the ljWb ft sisted by the friends of soldiers genm fv 1Mrtbr3 Tilly Lj a5gemjexts niGi tjtultz? BtiCatlin' (MtUdpA Jd 'SmiRLt I0pWMytTTEpE Liff'AftCKETSL Hugh Ijewiflf 3fiss Wadsworth It 8 ElUXSSePahnie CaptJIammen 'Thompson I Pishery Mrs 'Bassett tr A Catlin Mrs E7 Bureh'aYd Nettie A i ard rvi I tTo Anniej Evans bsMftstok CQM JfIXTKEjjbN MUSICvu Lewis sruiv si iA iPJLawrenceJMt Committee 1b3QftCpEK'T 'MrEC Stevens Committee on Stand al irtorp Mrs APftSafnuels Oft 'Andrew WilfirifJlrs Oof McCby II Lsnder Mrs Co! Oat lin 9 Cspt Burchard MrsMaj Congdon ftwji Col A McCoy Mrs Capt HammarIngraham Gould Mrs Capt Burchard 8 Doolittle a Smith Ret 3 Lewis I4 Carpetiter I cwU' I 'ate4 A Lawrce ft ss mnrfsTBJrfca' Townsend w'fg Johnson1 W' A Catlin 1 Dr It Babco*ck Mbetrtrfg tforrltt MJ Geo Condon HC W'AVhinflld ft 'Chap a A Hldft Thoma HuMs JiTTribclCk1 uowdey 11 Stewart I Smith ft Sherman WiiHatns NU Tnuk MwB4 8 Rowell Lottie Stultz Shipman Lt Anna 'Iurwie4 TO I A I hj wwjeunla JlayacJr toKdriri 1 of Rev Polandjjenetrates every with healing on ftaC to co ml atbA hd tiOublec with coughs colds Sold by Moon Martin at perbottle 7 I AssocrAnoNTBorp ftSifiMSOlMa owners whileftthe tearing dowfl fti toiau the dant has been opposed because and an 4 hi rv'iri ft Hr Wri oft I ft I vAwvvwr ests i the place vftLasU Saturday I it must dis appear and the see daylight again John Ackerman somfl time sipcftoVtainedUftj udgmeutuponjtah arbifrators fijbrdaiiBfe foe overflowing his 'lands tfandtoxecu tfoti wKs iSsuedonitfiejudgmentXand! Jfor the non payment tf the damages and a deefdto that effect was imtered'and an executpnued eriffGermain to ofAyhich the eheriff went HdriCOn last Saturday with a posse ofniirfor th' Jpursedfexecuting the writ Ho we verr before work'com fl edMiV Geo IIrBearardne leniianis servea appeal xvhleh stops furtKertproc upreme Court passed tipopthe Wet Ana until then the dam restsisi oto btow Mito 74 avLv4 Pflivlnfein Trenton had oneof his feet tadly1 3rfftfedM jiiOftbwgof aorf skating maniare prevailing in that village $iot' rOpotfeiftvcfy malignant fc it also says Smith in Beaver Dam made a trun rofs 2 Pie? of Billiardqj Danf'oPafiydthJer burgh has anyexperts at the gaihepf Dom A agoHtiaL! ftsssn givet them 25nofntsnn4i wire if iHls MIgNymordlMnd instructive a i ft Mbnthly meeting Beaver Sunday vT111 im tne Church next afro six gramme mJesa on mudewuP corrttoct pin Milton 'ftft ft 1 card exercise byRevC a bwcaftiJw 3 fral totototoMkto Jrjends earoestly5ihVf yaaEr hilun ieor Milita Company called tJeBea vor Darn do hereby Saturday evening organiz atjou tofttt towvl bitotorihw A Smith Beaver DamjpegQth 1868 kA JSS TbCLtax roll is nowin the hands WmlttXsurl whof vail iiexMondayVcommehce ie 1 ceiving thWthfcesimifWteJf mibliix mills on the hundred By Alderman Mayne Is Resolved That an order tor $4 be drawn' on th Trsaotfree Inr IhvorfoS XM Brooks' £lie belnw hr ft to4 to vie a a mJ ft I 1 to tou wa WJMV to MIUHCl to A UI QkH 1JUO 1 (J JJ 3 him wecKes i Adopted By tbe( following vote ayes11 toaeaivii 1 1 Resolved That an order of four dollars and twenty five cents be drawn on tho Treasurer iu favor ol 1111 McKinstry tbo saute bein table ortoi'Sd bv (he aldermen of the third ward? ftp AdAted II ft Wcotumldon ClainsX kbsolVed That the City Clerk tie at lie is Iierebv authorized to draw orders ou the Ci ly Treasurer Jit fdvorf Catlin ZC Trask anfrCW4taswU fit dollars ieaah ilie sanre fcbifciftfor months services in their reapactivo ofliees ft i Adapted by tffeoftowlnj ayes li44 1 Wf! 1 1 Rssolvsd That the Clerx bo and he ia rtiercby! at thorized and directed to draw an order of four dollars on the Treasurer In favor of John Thomas for guard ing Lock up two nigbtstby ordefof City Marshal' also an order of four favor of Prelvogle for theieeL fftft' Wfto gAld ishery movel to postpone action on tli? reso lution until uext meeting qf th Council Lost'' AdtedIjy Ibe vtrLtoyes smtemAnV i Resolved bejind iio is hereby an? thoriZQdrnfH! directed to draw aii order oiithe Treas urer in favor of TJMcGtaslien for thirty dollars the same being for six months rent of CottnciBooms ft By Aid ft RKSOLvfDftThat n'is the 'opinion of this Council that the irga of the not ask th Council to expend from the Cit unds more than $1000 'be etir for thirdri or said Aid ishery moved to lay the resolution on the ta fcla oHonTolay onS ait Vote HO sit It! The Committee on Claims presented the following reporu rf Hr Wt' ft To theslbra Mayopj nds Common Your Cornmittee on G'Uiin? to which wilt referred the follow ingclaims would ofrer the following res olution That older? bedran An urer in favor of phe following named persons for the! severwtosagounts set opposite theirrespecUve names Hohl $703 Adam Caspar! Ain nnj AdttwrnMm Jias Hmry Toth 512251 Chas Huselfus fi Deming 'itonw 210 Confed Sableman itkOOftMary Huntley pftifiS JThos JJughes 'fts1550l Gustus Zinser fit ftG0? Towhsind JoneB T04C7i Joseph reda 8jftl350 Chas Schutty 2125 Tewasewd Jones 144fl John Malone 1000 Turner Origgi'lft 2082 ft IIanaahBlackmer2to00 Mrs Dlebei tototo 150 I) Blissett ftT0P43BR Hoyt 400 Leonn 11 The following aqcountaare hereby returned for the reason that they do wot state to whom goods werelur orfy whom? iietAwereirderJShft 3 Mt 5reuKV Lehrxnd 4 uivuic ou mariiu joq ftoJT Ven I Try iT' wMrft'Ed waris opposite the BaptistKuren is st ilU offering uhis new BBhrUpubiM lie claftffc fttrpVHSt fd1iinysother itft'l tbShW6fie 'labor Aof washing and one half in the wear of trial claims a trial vjyj'bppV7nceftAe most skeptical of true S' It i to 4 HOMErt Qgjrimittee consisting of A JSmitti Scoville Rev Johnson Condon ancT Mrs A articles fbruy Christmas present to the iian Home in MacL Upr HO iantVrdods irRpirigvaTid Mowing Machines Threshing MachlHefUlls'roadCt See'dgrs ators Horse Rakes eednCutters Cori'iLShellers! iShovelsjj Spadjs1 Tlds RakeS Strawy Spading ''Manure ih'd'BarJey orks 'JMorgapGrrain Cradles Scythes Snathsgrow Bars Picksf Mattocks I Sawswith rtiob 3LfOda' O3' rttftfU U1 ft" Utotof Tools to taws andVeQtKerjTboJs ueveryr one war ranted Uooks Jennings Ad' izesUShingling' flBroadLAxeSj S'Bench' Screws 6ut'of oiMerftdlsRussell felEinhnd good'niakeiii Nailt Glass1 Pat vy enaveMaoi uie jnQstexteiuiv'tessoitm GI iiraoilt 01 mo 'sz 'it (fit Ar a' tn 1' ti i iK 4j4w tt to'OKrimvvPA iiwr mie atIWgi I'tn'oKgvhichare jtlie Bothylflnyfe aterdieservoiiitandvwAriuingiclo ill i mi i 'i tJIARDt an vnriyallcdlavq usei ie1 OVERLAND YTONEy 1 perfect eod fnirnin ltovep(nwre iguarmTuieJ ifrom tins' Stove1 than anX'Other inadeu(7t MON ITORfl PARLOR BELL TWILIGHTIDjiBEttL' JW UGY' TO VHrSr 1 A In n0 inphAsn WV sxy AAowAiJr iu UIUM1IIIUI Xa I to 4 fd jf visb lefito isrfj 12J11UU 1 rn RS 9 4y 7 Si ftVc have the most desirable kinds of bape burning Coah great' economy of fddlftv ith large" powers TIIEMORNTNG GLORY' BRILLIANT and BASE BvNINGRADI ATOKiLpcWs Xi I mnwifwg if1 'STT! xx i ChJLnge nr A new jtinaq tablq wept leflecGNovnSOUi Wfrich'brings tMC tfftf to BegreDam ml I The Ci ty'Aarfety" Store will eoori storeWdx dccupiedyljy toto53 iw to 4 Ciarky of this place' ft has recently received a patent for Cook4lo ve? Slio claims ieatoar iuthHer Mr om tw iu iivaioj iu iHiu imu ut auduiwii lucid lad Gt ve it a trial but XU Moore Martin i to SHEKMANJ ranks mrtfer importance the meeting a 1st lor 0eomMB4taB0WI WBay wir fiT? a sw'tobte0? In kn fir DAjtw WaMmM W7 VAtOMpP WINATEAD 1 0 Sftl best newspaper ntradicted It is! in SdisAi he character! iat we hear the assertion tbirySBnsaV ft aml mor cugy rf 3jy The laitrest Richest Stock BittersresaCjt ter and LeaBotutitL Llfe jAew Eublaitd Trgedieaj lUu weDHuoe tofieorgo bmnsS3i4 6 JftefeMABn Dtbltos 1Se Ug I I vj tfrjoi Marb Eawnr tllouso of SevenGable and Cam left works Muy llalmxaTmuUu Historical Novels Lmpre6sJoJejfhitfos Berlin auU Suns Joieph the Second CourT Ac WilLift Collinb Moonsti nu oul lav 1v' rirYae fwm asAri TIIRI Att Jbi kltwTH Ilf nt to b' tlZi stofois ift11 hee idaggie GirlaQutnBook Nettie viMn ifllr A large atid'xich coUectJoW'Mif Toy id) jhkiLXIbn h'4jqVunileift naydingLargC Tb' cheapest InltLe world' A iihoica stool of C1ap and Tuek TUblen' the beet DioUoDaiieWpll Jiaee The' American 1'rast Publi StaiionaryaridJEnveloprs iiyTE SVAREAKl ATinge mwnmotb styles and Mnd direct from the manufac turers and to be sold at areally re Neat Bieh Handsome 'Diiriu Pars Books and Blank Books in great profusion and variety Prtmoniee Mdney Bags rocket Hooka Bill Booka InssndleM numbers and klndsft io ta w'tAft (f rs estli ts PRANG'S CELEBRATED AMERICAN HS CHROMOS? aveev California Stfnset Whittier's BeMfoot Boy? Late Autumn in the White Mountain's Views on the Hudson and la the White Btereortiphs and Views urfi a St li to: st en to Vtf feWfftr 7The Iff Tins Clear White Bristles with fiard Itubbtr Baeks Wak ranted to touch th SCALP KtEaY TIME and not be injured bywoaktng in Water WstnsfW ft 0 wsdk fttotop ifliS's other evening UksE razfrllXfty chairxjmdreo iftStuttJ'S4Cfgtarv Us jf jt jr StituttnffW Were read 1 mafrtowR'hd oadViotiJft T1W 'BiitanM wqtWeroiigt lorwara whe ta lUgeiLug 'uw myirary coniptrny lasrtrvcTitngtonarpea to the member of 68 were fopfdenjrolled 65 being the number required by Jaw XoiloAytX'tSmltind 8 AV i appointed 'aolffiittee to I evening anikn thamean timefurt her enliatments arqHiavitedYy: sjl? oi a at Chester on Thanksgiving dasUlftt Efonly one ttoSlwft3 eighty Steft tfih mMr uimos fuJsfctoaatton Gaols on amgtver pfgeopW? killed Some of the pigeon baggers 4WE ft tta A fcl' a ftft ft' ft'' ftft ft' ftjftft ft' 'ftftft "ft ft ft ft ft 'ft ftft ft ftftft ft: jftftft ft' ftftftft' ft 'ft ft ft ftft' ft ft: ''ft ftftft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft' ftl' ft ft ft ft ftft'ftft ftftMft ft ft ftftft' ftftft ft' ft ''ft 'ft ftft ft "ft ft ft ftft ''fc 'ft ftftft! ft ft ftftftft'ftft ft ft ft' fttoftftft ft ft ftft ft" ftft ft ftft ftft ft' "ft" ft ft ft 'K ft 'ft" 1 VTOto TT SI 1 "ft 1 ftft VConfieH mtlpnrn rant to! adjoumm Mayor Ro WelhwbWBn fflJWttrealled to order i i ftf ftft ft' ft' "ft ftftfti? ft ift ft ''ft ftftft ftft: ft ftft ftftft ftft ft ftft ft: ftftft ftftft ftft ft ftftftftftj" I ftiftft ftft'" ft ft 'ftft ft 'Un i 1 Wsissfeyj aat lifts mu WiiE Ailti JbK 001 Ol 02 LI 0 flJr wT ft Vni flfta' II NJ IuB I lltuJU AOIlliU 1 "T7 77 I eed tljy 2 nliNn Si I 'SwI'IIeII ftfthelb ItaBsfri 'tx 7j tilltBjafie eonlh to 1 loothsij mSncT nireniusKonte daysfilia thechbohCthl churchUahaLhel raill uiihiwhit iy wxe ftoKadaitional M4idid4naking LQBD Xamlnatii a lasvssMjle Stet' i ox wnicn weretbbo Miscell lOnxive mgggj' 'EsqtVEyJtyLL uld mAtrimnnlftl ft C4S UAif spr KWst 1 Birgh tstaien HMM i 1 iA Risy IyB ceil ad iourn 'falflYblerk afti atftfBratJ pmSlI andLo safearje imriwha fral svHwav'idBtwi 2Liw fcrskvft? I ft to Lftft nt rrftv i I.

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Dodge County Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 5825

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.