5 Point Likert Scale Analysis, Interpretation & Examples (2024)

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Have you ever found yourself interviewing a group of individuals? If you have, you will realize that it is one of the best tasks you can do, especially when coupled with 5-point Likert Scale Analysis and Interpretation.

Interviewing people is fantastic because you can interact and collect views from other people. You mainly do this to get their opinions about various subjects.

This interview process also deals with collecting data. The next step is to analyze it to gain insights from your correspondents.

Have you ever wondered how and why survey questions are important? Imagine what it would be like if organizations did not conduct such client interviews.

We believe such companies would not progress.

This blog is essential because we will learn more about the five Point Likert Scale Analysis. It might benefit you in your interviews and surveys.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is a 5-point Likert Scale?
  2. How to do a 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis?
  3. The Usefulness of 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis
  4. How to Create a 5-Point Likert Scale Chart?
  5. Video Tutorial: How to Create a 5-point Likert Scale Chart?
  6. 5 Point Likert Scale Analysis and Interpretation
  7. 5-point Rating Scale Use Cases and Examples
  8. Advantages of Using 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis
  9. Disadvantages of Using 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis
  10. Wrap Up

But first, let’s take a look at what a 5 point Likert scale is.

What is a 5-point Likert Scale?

Definition: In survey research, the 5-point Likert scale shines when measuring attitudes, opinions, or behaviors. Participants express their agreement/disagreement on a 5-point scale, often worded as “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” with a neutral center option.

This structured approach enables researchers to quantify subjective feedback, providing insights into the strength of sentiments.

Its straightforwardness and adaptability render it widely favored for assessing diverse perspectives, whether in evaluating customer satisfaction or understanding employee perceptions.

Let’s look at how you can conduct a 5-point Likert scale analysis.

How to do a 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis?

The 5-point Likert Scale analysis is straightforward. So don’t expect any challenging aspects. Below is an image of how a 5 Point Likert scale chart appears that is the best choice to analyze the data obtained using the 5 point Likert scale

As we have discussed earlier, the chart requires respondents to agree or disagree with a particular subject at various levels.

And so, we need to learn how to analyze a 5-point Likert scale.

That is why the chart features a five point rating scale from one point to another in straight bars. The chart also features a neutral section in the middle, which shows the neutrality of some of your respondents.

Take a look at this five point Likert scale data example below.

Strongly disagree1
Strongly Agree5

You can record the respondents’ answers in such levels from your interview questions. Using a spreadsheet tool to record such survey data is essential.

Are you following so far? Good.

Are you eager to know how to analyze a 5-point Likert scale?

You need to focus on how we can conduct a five point Likert scale analysis. Let’s get to it.

Analyzing data using a 5 point Likert scale requires that you Create a chart that visualizes the data obtained from the survey in the most meaningful way and that chart is a Likert Scale Chart. However, Likert Scale Charts are not available in Google Sheets. Do not worry there is a solution for it, which we are going to tell you in the coming section.

Let’s dive a bit deeper in the next section.

The Usefulness of 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis

A five point Likert scale analysis is useful in several ways for surveys and research:

  • Capture Nuance: With five points, they go beyond a simple yes/no and allow for a spectrum of agreement or disagreement. This provides richer data for researchers.
  • Neutral Option: The neutral midpoint helps avoid forcing participants to choose an extreme when they might have a more neutral view.
  • Efficient Data Collection: Likert scales are quick to answer, leading to higher survey completion rates and larger datasets.
  • Standardized Analysis: The uniform format allows for easy data analysis using statistical methods.
  • Comparison Across Studies: Since they’re so common, Likert scales enable researchers to compare findings from different studies that used the same scale.

How to Create a 5-Point Likert Scale Chart for Analysis and Interpreting Survey Data?

Google Sheets are spreadsheet applications you can use to store, organize, and analyze data.

However, they lack charts designed purposely to visualize survey questions, such as Likert Scale Chart.

We’re not advising you to do away with Google Sheets.

You can easily install an add-on in your Google Sheets applications to access survey visualizations, such as the Likert Scale Chart.

The add-on we’re talking about is called ChartExpo.

What is ChartExpo?

ChartExpo is an add-on you can easily install in your Google Sheets applications to access charts for displaying insights into product survey questions.

Let’s learn how to Install ChartExpo in Google Sheets.

  1. You can download ChartExpo directly from Google Sheets. To get the process underway, press the “Extensions” option in the upper toolbar.
  2. Once you click on the option, a menu will appear. Proceed to “Add-ons” and click the “Get add-ons” option.
  3. Use the search bar to locate ChartExpo. Click the “Charts, Graphs & Visualizations by ChartExpo” when it appears.
  4. Click the “Install” button. You will have to accept some permissions. It can also prompt you to verify your Google account.

ChartExpocharts are available in Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. Use the appropriate CTA to install the tool. Then, create insightful visualizations with a few clicks in the software of your preference.

Let us use a 5-point Likert scale data analysis example.


Let’s get down to business.

You are the owner of a skin care product business. You are interested to know how customers feel about your products and services.

To accomplish your objective, you have to conduct a survey using a 5-point Likert scale.

The first step is to draft the survey questions you will give to some of your customers. Here are some of the questions:

  • How realistic are the virtual models of customized products?
  • Identification of information about personalized components.
  • How good is the variety of customized products?
  • How effective is the image rotation of customers viewing the products at different angles?

Customers will answer these questions on five levels. After collecting their responses, you filled them in a spreadsheet table, as shown below.

The virtual models of customized products are realistic1256
The virtual models of customized products are realistic2247
The virtual models of customized products are realistic3472
The virtual models of customized products are realistic4971
The virtual models of customized products are realistic5664
The information about customized components is identified1108
The information about customized components is identified2208
The information about customized components is identified3414
The information about customized components is identified4666
The information about customized components is identified5643
The variety of customized products is satisfactory1284
The variety of customized products is satisfactory2185
The variety of customized products is satisfactory3426
The variety of customized products is satisfactory4795
The variety of customized products is satisfactory5649
Image rotation helps view products from different angles1124
Image rotation helps view products from different angles2294
Image rotation helps view products from different angles3465
Image rotation helps view products from different angles4607
Image rotation helps view products from different angles5829
  • Toget started with ChartExpo, install the ChartExpo add-in for Google Sheets fromthis link.
  • To start with ChartExpo, head to the Extensions button > Chart, Graphs & Visualizations by ChartExpo > Open.

  • Click the Add New Chart button to access your fully stocked library of charts.

  • “Likert Scale Chart” should pop up together with other charts, as shown.

  • Select the sheet holding your data and select the Metrics option. Fill in the numerical numbers (in this scenario, we’ll fill in Responses).
  • Select the Dimensions button and fill in the dimensional data (in our example, we’ll use Questions and Scale).
  • Finally, click the Create Chartbutton.

  • The final result appeared as shown below.


  • Overall view, 63% of respondents feel good about the product.
  • 62% indicated that they are satisfied with virtual models of customized products and the other 19% of customers indicated that they are dissatisfied with virtual models of customized products.
  • 65% of customers indicated that they were satisfied with the information about the product and 15% were very dissatisfied with product information.

In the next section, we will show you how to analyze Likert scale datausing a 5-point Likert Scale Chart.

Video Tutorial: How to Create a 5-point Likert Scale Chart?

In the following video, you will learn how to create a 5-point Likert Scale Chart to analyze the survey results obtained.

It’s as easy as that.

We can learn much from the Likert scale data analysis example above.

Let us now learn how to analyze and interpret results from a 5-point Likert scale.

5 Point Likert Scale Analysis and Interpretation: Demystifying Responses Data

The 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis method in the above example is easy to understand. Your respondents should actively participate in it.

The process does not stop there.

The logical step after that is to conduct a 5-point Likert scale interpretation. We will apply the “Mode” method to deepen our grasp of interpreting a 5-point Likert scale analysis.

Steps in 5-point Likert Scale Interpretation

Follow the instructions carefully to accomplish your 5-point Likert scale interpretation.

  • You must allocate numbers on your scale from 1 to 5. Depending on your ranking, you can set 1 as “very poor” and 5 as “excellent.”
  • Next, create a table with your findings. You can use headings on both axes to label your table.

Make sure your ratings are on the opposite side of the table from your survey questions’ axis. This will help your Likert scale scoring and interpretation to be more straightforward.

  • Next, indicate how many times each rating appears.
  • When you calculate the average rating, you can obtain the highest occurring number.

You can accomplish your 5-point Likert scale range interpretation with the logical steps.

We have thus far discussed point scales and the characteristics of the 5-point scale. We have also learned more about Likert scale scoring and interpretation.

What 5-point scale is appropriate for our survey and Likert data? In the blog’s next section, we shall decide which one of the 5-point Likert scale examples is best for our Likert survey.

5-point Rating Scale Examples and Use Cases

Various five point Likert rating examples exist, which include:

  • 5-point scales that measure the frequency.
  • 5-point scales that measure the satisfaction rate
  • 5-point scales that measure agreement.
  • 5-point scales that measure importance, likelihood, and quality.

A 5-point Likert scale scoring that measures satisfaction will appear:

Were you satisfied with the appetizer we served at the event?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

One of the 5-point rating scale examples that measures agreement will appear as shown.

Q: It was easy to locate the venue of the event.

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

We hope that you are still following so far.

Let us see one of the 5-point rating scale examples that measure quality, as shown below.

Q: How was the room service quality at the hotel?

  • Very poor
  • Poor
  • Average
  • Good
  • Excellent

All these examples comprise what is a 5-point rating scale. We are attempting to sample viewpoints from various people using the 5-point rating scale examples to gather helpful information.

You can learn more about your respondents’ thoughts by asking them to rate things on a 5-point scale. This will assist you in determining the best course of action for your company’s needs.

Understanding what your clients are thinking is crucial for business success. It will assist you to improve when providing your services.

It is essential to ask inquiries to understand what thoughts your customers have. You’ll get the answers you need from the clients.

After interpreting the data using a 5-point Likert scale, this will assist you in taking appropriate action.

The responses you gather from the respondents will provide the information you need for your 5-point Likert scale interpretation.

The following will summarize your example of using a Likert scale to analyze the survey data:

  • Based on your statistics, what were the respondents’ responses?
  • Try to identify the majority opinion.
  • Undertaking the necessary measures.

Always remember that conducting a 5 point Likert Scale analysis is similar to resolving a complex mathematical problem.

Try to visualize sampling the opinions of approximately 500 employees or 1000 consumers when you look at the example of the Likert scale data analysis we provided above.

Ensure accuracy in your five Point Likert Scale analysis. It can require a lot of effort and focus. As a businessperson, performing a Likert scale analysis attempts to save you time and energy.

You will have a ton of information on your desk once you have 1000 consumers to interview for responses.

Unfortunately, you can lose attention, and your data analysis will not have accomplished its goal.

In such a case, you will have to find a way to carry out the three 5-point Likert scale analysis steps quickly.

Let’s examine the pros and cons of a 5-point rating scale.

Advantages of Using 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis

The 5-point Likert scale isn’t just another survey tool. It offers a powerful set of benefits for researchers and survey designers. Here’s a closer look:

  • Nuanced Responses: Unlike yes/no choices, the 5-point scale lets people express their true feelings. They can say they strongly agree, slightly disagree or land anywhere in between, giving a richer understanding of their views.
  • Simplicity for Participants: Understanding the scale is a breeze, making it perfect for participants with no survey experience. This reduces confusion and leads to more reliable data.
  • Improved Response Rates: The ease of answering questions with a Likert scale can encourage people to complete the entire survey, boosting response rates.
  • Quantitative Analysis: Likert scale answers turn into numbers for easy analysis, helping researchers find patterns and average responses.
  • Comparison Across Studies: Since the Likert scale is a widely used tool, studies employing it can be easily compared, fostering a broader understanding of a topic.

Disadvantages of Using 5-Point Likert Scale Analysis

Despite its numerous advantages, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of the 5-point Likert scale. Here are some drawbacks to consider:

  • Limited Nuance: While offering more options than yes/no, a 5-point scale might not capture the full spectrum of opinions. People might feel their views fall between two points.
  • Social Desirability Bias: Individuals might select responses they deem socially acceptable, rather than conveying their authentic emotions.
  • Accuracy Alert: The secret to reliable data from your Likert scale lies in clear, unbiased wording for both questions and answer choices. Ambiguous phrasing leads to misunderstandings and skewed results.
  • Wording Issues: Crystal clear questions and answer choices are essential for accurate data in Likert scale surveys. Fuzzy wording can cause people to misinterpret the questions.


What is a 5-point Likert-type scale?

Answer: A 5-point Likert-type scale is a form of Likert scale in which respondents agree and disagree with questions on five levels. This scale has a neutral section in which respondents can indicate that they are neutral about a particular topic.

How do you interpret Likert scale results?

Answer: A Likert Scale comprises a series of statements. Your respondents will answer how much they agree or disagree with a statement.

The next step is to visualize the data and analyze it. Interpreting means you have to obtain insights from the analysis.

What is a good score on a 5-point scale?

Answer: 5 is assigned to Excellent or best choice. So the highest score on this Scale is 5. After this, the second good value is 4. 3 is set to neutral. 2 is bad, and 1 is very bad.

Wrap Up

Here is a quick recap of what we have covered.

Data analysis can be challenging, especially when working with extensive data.

We have talked about the Likert Scale definition

Our focus was on the 5 Point Likert Scale.

We have used an example to deepen our understanding,

We have learned how to interpret the scale.

We have examined the advantages and disadvantages of using a five point Likert scale. We have learned that the Likert Scale Chart is best suited for survey data analysis, and this chart is not available in Google Sheets by default.

Throughout our discussions, we have learned how to analyze the 5-point Likert scale.

If anyone were to ask you, what is a five point rating scale? You can comfortably answer them without referring to your notes.

We have learned that accessing a Likert Scale requires that you install ChartExpo in your spreadsheets.

ChartExpo has made it easy for us to perform a 5-point Likert scale range interpretation.

ChartExpo has also made it easy for you to do a Likert scale scoring and interpretation for your survey results.

Don’t be left out on this fantastic adventure with ChartExpo. Start a 7-day free trial today to use the best way to visualize your survey results.

5 Point Likert Scale Analysis, Interpretation & Examples (2024)


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